Loyalty in Our Time

Book Description

While on a cruise, the subject of loyalty was raised at the dinner table. A retired school teacher lamented, "Loyalty! I sometimes wonder what that means in this day and age." This set in motion a lively discussion that drew attention to loyalty as a poignant social issue in our changing society. Loyalty in Our Time: Does Loyalty Matter Anymore? raises some disturbing issues.From the latter part of the 20th century, society has become transfixed and divided by the growing controversy surrounding loyalty, which continues to tug at the very fabric of our society. The controversy continues in all forms of the media and on the Internet. News items have highlighted the perceived breakdown in loyalty across the board, within organisations, institutions, associations, political parties, government, partnerships, sporting clubs and teams."Loyalty is dead!" has become a common mournful cry. The quest to gain some measure of validation for this fatalistic statement comes through a basic understanding of the concept of loyalty, as well as in real-life situations.Try raising this topic at your next dinner party or social gathering! About the Author: Clarrie Burke was born in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. At the onset of World War II, his family was evacuated to Brisbane, Australia. Following his schooling in Australia, he trained as a primary teacher, and for most of his career he worked in teacher education. Upon retirement, he was an executive member of Amnesty International (Queensland) and joint coordinator of the Queensland Schools Amnesty Network. He has written articles, and conducted workshops and projects on human rights, personal ethics, and social responsibility for youth.Publisher's website: http: //www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/LoyaltyInOurTime.html

Loyalty in Our Time

Book Description

In today's world, where fewer people seem to live anymore by a code of loyalty, has the "old-fashioned" concept outlived its purpose? This new Chinese book will have you debating the topic of Loyalty in Our Time: Does Loyalty Matter Anymore? While on a cruise, the subject of loyalty was raised by the author. A retired school teacher present lamented, "Loyalty! I sometimes wonder what that means in this day and age. The only thing you can count on these days is man's best friend!" That remark set in motion a lively discussion that drew attention to loyalty as a poignant social issue in our changing society. The growing controversy surrounding loyalty tugs at the very fabric of society, and resulted in this soul-searching book. Is loyalty dead, or has it just been diminished, reinterpreted or misplaced? Loyalty in Our Time: Does Loyalty Matter Anymore? raises some challenging and disturbing questions.

Defining the Church for Our Time

Book Description

The church is broken and we cannot fix it. Faith in God is disconnected from churches. Mainline churches are deeply divided, and their budgets and congregations have diminished, with no agreement for recovery. So what shall we do? It is time to stop talking about the problems and to consider a new vision of the church for our time. This book is a celebration of the church as the community of new life in Christ. It assumes Christ intended to create a community on earth embodying grace and holiness. It begins with a new and inclusive definition of the church as a community enduring in time. It affirms the great variety of churches, all as valid expressions of the new life, and explains how and why churches are formed in different ways. The goal is for churches to celebrate the saving power of Christ and to see the glory of God revealed in the world in our time.

The Philosophy of Loyalty

Book Description

In 1906 and 1907 I gave, as a part of my regular work at the Summer School of Harvard University, an “Introduction to Ethics, with Special. Reference to the Interests of Teachers” A few lectures, summing up the main principles that lay at the basis of this ethical course as it had been given in the summer of 1906, were delivered in January and February, 1907, before a general academic audience, during a brief visit of mine at the University of Illinois. In several other places, both in the West and in the East, I have also presented portions of my views upon ethics; and in the summer of 1907 four general lectures on the topic were repeated before the Summer School of Theology at Harvard. In November and December of 1907, the lectures that constitute the present book were delivered for the first time before the Lowell Institute in Boston. visiting lecturer, to give to undergraduate students at Yale University in weekly class meetings. The present book, although in this way related to present and past academic tasks, is, nevertheless, not a text-book, and does not mean to be elaborately technical philosophical research. It is simply an appeal to any reader who may be fond of ideals, and who may also be willing to review his own ideals in a somewhat new light and in a philosophical spirit. Loyalty is indeed an old word, and to my mind a precious one; and the general idea of loyalty is still far older than the word, and is immeasurably more precious. But this idea has nearly always been confused in men's minds by its chance social and traditional associations. Everybody has heard of loyalty; most prize it; but few perceive it to be what, in its inmost spirit, it really is, —the heart of all the virtues, the central duty amongst all duties. In order to be able to see that this is the true meaning of the idea of loyalty, one has to free this idea from its unessential if somewhat settled associations with this or that special social habit or circumstance. And in order to accomplish this latter end, one has indeed to give to the term a more exact meaning than popular usage defines. It is this freeing of the idea of loyalty from its chance and misleading associations; it is this vindication of the spirit of loyalty as the central spirit of the moral and reasonable life of man, —t is this that I believe to be somewhat new about my “Philosophy of Loyalty” The conception of “Loyalty to Loyalty”, as set forth in my third lecture, constitutes the most significant part of this ethical task. For the rest, if my philosophy is, as a theory, more or less new, I am still only trying to make articulate what I believe to be the true spirit and meaning of all the loyal, whoever they may be, and however they define their fidelity. The result of conceiving duty in terms of the conception of loyalty which is here expounded is, indeed, if I am right, somewhat deep-going and transforming, not only for ethics, but for most men's views of truth and reality, and of religion. My own general philosophical opinions have been set forth in various works some time since (most elaborately in the volumes entitled “The World and the Individual”). I have no change to report in my fundamental metaphysical theses. But I have not published any formulation of my ethical opinions since the brief review of ethical problems in the first part of my “Religious Aspect of Philosophy” (published in 1885). One learns a good deal about ethics as one matures. And I believe that this present statement of mine ought to help at least some readers to see that such philosophical idealism as I have long maintained is not a doctrine remote from life, but is in close touch with the most practical issues; and that religion, as well as daily life, has much to gain from the right union of ethics with a philosophical theory of the real world. At the moment there is much speech, in current philosophical literature, regarding the “nature of truth“ and regarding “pragmatism” An ethical treatise very naturally takes advantage of this situation to discuss the relation between the “practical” and —the Eternal. I have done so in my closing lectures. In order to do so, I have had to engage in a certain polemic regarding the problem of truth, —a polemic directed against certain opinions recently set forth by one of the “dearest of my friends, and by one of the most loyal of men; my teacher for a while in my youth; my honoured colleague for many years, —Professor William James. Such a polemic would be indeed much out of place in a book upon Loyalty, were it not that my friend and myself fully agree that, to both of us, truth indeed “is the greater friend” Had I not very early in my work as a student known Professor James, I doubt whether any poor book of mine would ever have been written, —least of all the present one. What I personally owe him, then, I most heartily and affectionately acknowledge. But if he and I do not see truth in the same light at present, we still do well, I think, as friends, each to speak his mind as we walk by the way, and then to wait until some other light shines for our eyes. I suppose that so to do is loyalty. Meanwhile, I am writing, in this book, not merely and not mainly for philosophers, but for all those who love, as I said, ideals, and also for those who love, as I may now add, their country, —a country so ripe at present for idealism, and so confused, nevertheless, by the vastness and the complication of its social and political problems. To simplify men's moral issues, to clear their vision for the sight of the eternal, to win hearts for loyalty, —this would be, in this land, a peculiarly precious mission, if indeed I could hope that this book could aid, however little, towards such an end. Amongst the numerous friends to whom (whether or no they agree with all my views) I am especially indebted for direct and indirect aid in preparing this book, and for criticisms and other suggestions, I must mention: first, my wife, who has constantly helped me with her counsel, and in the revision of my text; then, my sister, Miss Ruth Royce, of San José, California, with whom I discussed the plan of the work in the summer of 1907; then, Doctor and Mrs. R. C. Cabot of Boston; Doctor J. J. Putnam of Boston; and, finally, my honoured colleague, Professor George H. Palmer....FROM THE BOOKS.

Why Loyalty Matters

Book Description

For decades we've been told that we live in fast-paced, dog-eat-dog world, that loyalty gets you nowhere, and that we must look out for number one! We've been told that to succeed we have to constantly reinvent ourselves, let go of past relationships, and move on to greener pastures. And we've been told that all this is good. But it's not good. Why Loyalty Matters is grounded in the most comprehensive study of loyalty ever conducted, and what it reveals can change your life. The science is very clear – when it comes to business success, satisfaction in our relationships and even overall happiness, loyalty is essential. Renowned loyalty experts Timothy Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy combine their own groundbreaking research with the leading thinking in philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and management to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding what loyalty is, what it isn't and how to unlock its power in your personal and professional life.

Topics of Our Time

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"The Challenge of Our Time"

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And in Our Time

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This book brings together essays which, in diverse ways, not only revise exisitng views on thirties writing, but also provide ways of accounting for its critical neglect. The essays examine, f0orm a variety of theoretical and critical perspectives, a body of work that reflects the true diversity of the literary and cultural contexts of the thirties, and includes studies on the work of Louis MacNeice, Frank Sheed, Christopher Dawson, Alick West, Christopher Caudwell, Stevie Smith, Storm Jameson, Phyllis Bottome, Ivy Compton-Burnett, Graham Greene, Eric Ambler, George Orwell, Christina Stead, Randall Swingler, and Ralph Fox.

America in Our Time

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With a new afterword by the author