Lucifer Exposed

Book Description

In this revealing book Derek exposes Satan's greatest weapon in enslaving the average human into bondage. Are you - or someone you know - struggling with abuse, pornography, addiction, gluttony, or other issues? Use the mighty spiritual warfare weapons revealed in this compelling teaching, and victory can be yours! This book is 144 pages.

Lucifer Exposed

Book Description

Lucifer Exposed

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Lucifer Exposed

Book Description


Book Description

Lauren Stratford's story is one that everyone needs to read, though it deals with a subject most of us would rather not discuss, a subject that for many is too horrendous even to believe. Lauren Stratford lived a life of unending nightmares. As a small child she was offered sexually to strange men. Soon after, she was forced into a torturous routine of pornography, was controlled by mind- and body-altering drugs, and constantly received threats to her life. Though she sought help several times from adults she thought could be trusted with her secrets, no one was willing to risk becoming involved. After years of suffering what many would call the ultimate evil of sexual abuse, Lauren was held captive in the even more appalling world of Satanism and ritual abuse. Forced to participate in some of the most evil satanic rituals imaginable, Lauren was witness to shocking crimes against children and others, all performed in the name of Satan. Tormented sexually and mentally by the cult members, Lauren survived the torture because of her strong faith in God and her belief that He would deliver her from the evil of which she had become a part. It is an undisputed fact that this type of abuse occurs in the world today. Through this shocking story, anyone who is caught in the trap of sexual or ritual abuse can learn that there is a way out--that with the help of God and others, victims like Lauren can break free. Parents, counselors, law-enforcement personnel, and anyone who may know of or suspect a case of abuse will find in this book invaluable advice. Discover how the veil of such horrible abuse can be lifted for all who suffer.

Lucifer Exposed - Turkish

Book Description

Satan's Music Exposed

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Science and Christianity Reconciled and Satan Exposed

Book Description

What happened to the Neanderthals? Was Adam the first man? The search for the answers to these questions points to a larger question: Are science and Christianity on opposite sides of a gulf, or is there reason to believe there is a bridge between them? Science and Christianity Reconciled and Satan Exposed starts with prehistory and includes a description of dinosaurs with never-before-published pictures of various species in their most probable natural habitat in beautiful full color. This investigation into the origin of mankind is based on truth and fact, not theory. Dr. Wendell Hornback brings a perspective to this issue that gives just weight to both sides of this debate. Written after many years of research into the works of some of the most gifted minds on earth, Science and Christianity Reconciled and Satan Exposed gets its final answers on evolution, prehistory, and the early history of mankind straight from the best-selling and most-trusted book in the history of the world, the Bible.

The Great Last Days Deception

Book Description


Book Description

This is not a self-help book nor should it be. This book is designed through only biblical accounts to expose, the fallen angel, "Satan". Even though he seems a mystery to humanity, Ezekiel 28:13 demonstrates he was . "created blameless and served a great purpose but was banished from the Garden of God, Eden." Now, he exists with a different purpose from the "original design" which includes: tempting, manipulating, hurting, and destroying human life. Our very outcome of heaven and hell weigh in the balance and it is imperative to know the enemy of our lives. This book will explain and point out only biblical accounts of Satan's existence and purpose.