Lucifer's Sixth Book of Inventions and Ideas

Book Description

This is a book of free inventions. It is a highly visual book providing numerous ideas for as of yet unpatented inventions. It is a public domain book aimed at improving the world and providing anyone an opportunity to become rich from its use. This is the sixth and final book of its series.

Godism: A Religion for Scientists

Book Description

This book stems from the fact that human people are becoming very god like due to science and technology. It is a book that develops scientific minds. And it provides a good perspective on where we came from and where we are going. It suggests science is capable of anything and should be used to reduce or even eliminate human suffering. This book is how to be a god when the time comes that we can truly define ourselves as such. It provides good ideas for a scientist to use in creating new things. And this, the first in its series, leaves out the religious aspects of "Godism" which will instead be presented in later books. This first book isn't the religion of Godism but rather the knowledge of it.

Lucifer's Third Book of Inventions and Ideas

Book Description

This is a highly visual book loaded with numerous new ideas and inventions that any one may freely use. It may be used to create and patent what's inside if it haven't been previously. A public domain book.