Lucky Luke - Volume 52 - The Beautiful Province

Book Description

While taking part in a rodeo in Wisconsin, Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper meet Mario Bombardier, a Quebecois cowboy, and his mare the beautiful Province. It’s love at first sight for the two horses, and after the inevitable separation, Jolly Jumper can’t stop moping. Eventually Luke decides to head to Quebec in order to arrange a reunion – and discovers the merry atmosphere of the Nouvelle France: mounted police, bar fights, poutine, traditional French songs ... and an unscrupulous, wealthy banker...

Lucky Luke - Volume 50 - Seven stories

Book Description

We all know that Lucky Luke has a busy life. When it’s not Washington calling upon him for some national project, it’s the local penitentiary asking him to recapture the Daltons. But not every moment is spent in such grand adventures. Here is a collection of smaller stories depicting the everyday life of our cowboy, from taking a child to the dentist to helping passing settlers – and even attending a classical concert in Houston! What a full life he leads!

Lucky Luke - Volume 77 - A Cowboy in High Cotton

Book Description

Big surprise for the Lonesome Cowboy: a rich widow and admirer of his exploits has bequeathed him a 250 acre cotton plantation in Louisiana! Thrust into the role of a rich landowner, welcomed as one by his white neighbours, he will have to fight to gain the trust of his terrified black employees and split his heritage among them. A goal towards which he’ll receive help from the local Cajun community, and from ... the Daltons!

Lucky Luke (english version) - Volume 74 - The Klondike

Book Description

Gold has been found in the Klondike, a remote region in the Canadian far north! Jasper, the manservant of ‘Tenderfoot’ Waldo, went to try his luck ... and vanished. Worried about his man, Waldo calls upon his old friend Lucky Luke. The two men will have to make the dangerous trip to the Klondike, only to face all those who, in that desolate, inhospitable land, will stop at nothing in order to fleece their fellow man.

Lucky Luke - Volume 79 - Steaming Up the Mississippi

Book Description

Passing through New Orleans, Lucky Luke stumbles upon a heated argument between two steamboat captains. The argument soon turns into a wager: whichever boat reaches Minneapolis first after steaming up the Mississippi will win the exclusive rights to the route. Captain Barstow quickly invites Luke to travel on his Daisy Belle, fearing that his opponent will cheat. And while he’s not wrong, the biggest danger to both boats remains Old Man River himself ...

Lucky Luke (english version) - Volume 72 - Marcel Dalton

Book Description

Marcel Dalton is the Dalton Brothers’ Swiss uncle. He is not only honest, but a banker to boot. Having purchased a small bank in the US, he decides to hire his nephews to force them to make a honest living. Although he’s assisted by Lucky Luke, they have their work cut out for them. Especially since – as if the ingrained instincts of the four dumbest bandits in the West weren’t enough – there’s also the small matter of the competition: a very unscrupulous banker ...

Lucky Luke - Volume 54 - Rodeo

Book Description

Lucky Luke arrives at Navajo City just in time to sign up for the town’s big rodeo. But the prize money promised to the winner is attracting some unsavoury types, and among the participating cowboys is one Cactus Kid, an unrepentant bully and outlaw. The clash is inevitable, both in and outside the arena, and Luke will have to fight with his customary aplomb and humour – before riding off to new adventures.

Lucky Luke - Volume 78 - The Dalton Uncles

Book Description

Once again, Luke is called to the penitentiary, though for once the Daltons haven’t escaped. They have, however, just learned that their cousin Emmett, last survivor of the original Dalton gang, has a son – and that Averell was chosen as his godfather! Now Lucky Luke has to accompany the dumbest bandits in the West to the young boy’s house, as Averell has been temporarily entrusted with his education. A job that his brothers see as an excellent opportunity to get rich ...

Lucky Luke - Volume 1 - The Complete Collection

Book Description

At last Lucky Luke is getting a hardback collected edition, with the first adventures of the Lonesome Cowboy. After 70 years of life and almost 70 translated volumes, it was high time English-speaking readers were offered a hardback collected edition. This first volume contains the first seven adventures of Lucky Luke, previously published as volumes Arizona, Rodeo and Dick Digger’s Gold Mine, and offers an unrivalled insight into the evolution of the character in terms of design as well as personality. The extras available make up a whooping 48 pages of illustrations, photographs, biographies, essays and anecdotes on Morris and the origins of Luke. A must read for any true fan of this legend of the West!

Lucky Luke - Volume 76

Book Description

Kid Luck, still travelling with Old Timer, arrives in Mushroom City. After months in the wild, they’re both glad to find a place where they can have some fun! While the old gold miner has every intention to enjoy himself, though, he immediately sends Luke ... straight to school! A horrible sentence for the young cowboy-in-the-making, who is about to meet a quartet of already nasty little brats, and a pistolero with somewhat ... flexible morals!