Ma'asei Avos

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Ma'asei Avos

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The Kabbalah Reader

Book Description

This comprehensive and accessible entrée into the world of Kabbalah covers 1,600 years of Jewish mystical thought and features a variety of thinkers—from the renowned to the obscure—unavailable in any other volume. It’s a fresh take on an ancient tradition compiled by Edward Hoffman, a psychologist and respected scholar of Judaism, who reveals how this supposedly esoteric material is relevant to a host of contemporary concerns, such as ethics, emotional health, intuition and creativity, meditation, social relations and leadership, and higher states of consciousness. Contributors include: Moses Chaim Luzzatto, Moses Cordovero, Abraham Abulafia, Maimonides, Nachmanides, The Maharal, Nachman of Breslov, The Baal Shem Tov, The Gaon of Vilna, The Netziv, The Ben Ish Chai, Yehudah Ashlag, Kalonymus Shapira, Baba Sali, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, Adin Steinsaltz, Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi, Jonathan Sacks, and many others, along with excerpts from the Sefer Yetzirah, Sefer HaBahir, and Sefer HaZohar.

The Brisker Rav

Book Description

Relates the biography of Rabbi Soloveitchik of Brisk (then in Poland), including the suffering of his community, his family, and other Jews under the Nazis and under the Soviets, whose threat to the souls of Jews, as part of their general militant atheism, was considered more serious than the Nazi threat to Jewish bodies. Ch. 9 (p. 351-391), "Surviving World War II", includes descriptions of efforts to carry on with Jewish religious life under German occupation in 1939. Soloveitchik fled to Warsaw and then to Vilna, under Soviet control. Ch. 10 (p. 392-476), "In Vilna, the 'Jerusalem of Lithuania'", depicts Jewish suffering under the alternating German and Soviet occupations, including a pogrom by Lithuanians. While Soloveitchik succeeded in fleeing from Soviet rule to Eretz Israel, his wife and three of his children remained in Brisk. Ch. 13 (p. 535-576), "The Fate of the Jews of Brisk", recounts the liquidation of the ghetto there, where Soloveitchik's dear ones apparently perished.


Book Description

A classic, groundbreaking work on the Torah commentary of Ramban. This book explores the Ramban's commentary in great depth, with incisive clarity and deep explanation, providing a window into Ramban's approach. This book carefully examines both individual Torah verses and chapters, as well as overall themes and ideas, all in clear, eminently readable English. Does not include the Chumash text or the Ramban's words in Hebrew.

Vedibarta Bam

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Rabbi Avigdor Miller Speaks

Book Description

Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt l was one of the gedolim of our time. His writings and thousands of recorded lectures continue to have a deep and lasting impact on untold numbers of people worldwide. He was tireless - in his learning, his

On Changes in Jewish Liturgy

Book Description

This book demonstrates the complexity, fluidity and variety in Jewish liturgy, and discusses the possible parameters of change, be it in additions, deletions, alterations, and/or corrections, so as to reflect the contemporary situation and its sensitivities. It will stimulate thought and discussion and lead to a deeper appreciation of the nature of the liturgy, and an ability to find greater meaning in prayer.

6th International Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture

Book Description

On October 14-19, 1990, the 6th International Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture was held in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Sponsored by the GCI, the Museum of New Mexico State Monuments, ICCROM, CRATerre-EAG, and the National Park Service, under the aegis of US/ICOMOS, the event was organized to promote the exchange of ideas, techniques, and research findings on the conservation of earthen architecture. Presentations at the conference covered a diversity of subjects, including the historic traditions of earthen architecture, conservation and restoration, site preservation, studies in consolidation and seismic mitigation, and examinations of moisture problems, clay chemistry, and microstructures. In discussions that focused on the future, the application of modern technologies and materials to site conservation was urged, as was using scientific knowledge of existing structures in the creation of new, low-cost, earthen architecture housing.