Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan

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Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan

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Travel Narratives from the Age of Discovery

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This is a primary source collection of narratives about the travel and discovery in North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe in the 16th century.

Viet Nam

Book Description

For many Westerners, the name Vietnam evokes images of a bloody televised American war that generated a firestorm of protest and brought conflict into their living rooms. In his sweeping account, Ben Kiernan broadens this vision by narrating the rich history of the peoples who have inhabited the land now known as Viet Nam over the past three thousand years. Despite the tragedies of the American-Vietnamese conflict, Viet Nam has always been much more than a war. Its long history had been characterized by the frequent rise and fall of different political formations, from ancient chiefdoms to imperial provinces, from independent kingdoms to divided regions, civil wars, French colonies, and modern republics. In addition to dramatic political transformations, the region has been shaped by its environment, changing climate, and the critical importance of water, with rivers, deltas, and a long coastline facilitating agricultural patterns, trade, and communications. Kiernan weaves together the many narrative strands of Viet Nam's multi-ethnic populations, including the Chams, Khmers, and Vietnamese, and its multi-religious heritage, from local spirit cults to Buddhism, Confucianism, and Catholicism. He emphasizes the peoples' interactions over the millennia with foreigners, particularly their neighbors in China and Southeast Asia, in engagements ranging from military conflict to linguistic and cultural influences. He sets the tumultuous modern period--marked by French and Japanese occupation, anticolonial nationalism, the American-Vietnamese war, and communist victory--against the continuities evident in the deeper history of the people's relationships with the lands where they have lived. In contemporary times, he explores this one-party state's transformation into a global trading nation, the country's tense diplomatic relationship with China and developing partnership with the United States in maintaining Southeast Asia's regional security, and its uncertain prospects for democracy. Written by a leading scholar of Southeast Asia, Viet Nam presents an authoritative history of an ancient land.

The Blacks of Premodern China

Book Description

Premodern Chinese described a great variety of the peoples they encountered as "black." The earliest and most frequent of these encounters were with their Southeast Asian neighbors, specifically the Malayans. But by the midimperial times of the seventh through seventeenth centuries C.E., exposure to peoples from Africa, chiefly slaves arriving from the area of modern Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania, gradually displaced the original Asian "blacks" in Chinese consciousness. In The Blacks of Premodern China, Don J. Wyatt presents the previously unexamined story of the earliest Chinese encounters with this succession of peoples they have historically regarded as black. A series of maritime expeditions along the East African coastline during the early fifteenth century is by far the best known and most documented episode in the story of China's premodern interaction with African blacks. Just as their Western contemporaries had, the Chinese aboard the ships that made landfall in Africa encountered peoples whom they frequently classified as savages. Yet their perceptions of the blacks they met there differed markedly from those of earlier observers at home in that there was little choice but to regard the peoples encountered as free. The premodern saga of dealings between Chinese and blacks concludes with the arrival in China of Portuguese and Spanish traders and Italian clerics with their black slaves in tow. In Chinese writings of the time, the presence of the slaves of the Europeans becomes known only through sketchy mentions of black bondservants. Nevertheless, Wyatt argues that the story of these late premodern blacks, laboring anonymously in China under their European masters, is but a more familiar extension of the previously untold story of their ancestors who toiled in Chinese servitude perhaps in excess of a millennium earlier.

Zheng He’s Maritime Voyages (1405-1433) and China’s Relations with the Indian Ocean World

Book Description

Zheng He’s Maritime Voyages (1405-1433) and China’s Relations with the Indian Ocean World: A Multilingual Bibliography provides a multidisciplinary guide to publications on this great navigator’s activities and their impact on Chinese and world history. Admiral Zheng He commanded the fifteenth-century world’s largest fleet. In the course of seven voyages made between 1405 and 1433, his massive ships visited over thirty present-day countries in Asia and Africa. Those voyages reflected and reinforced the development of complex networks of trade, migration, cultural exchange, and political interactions between China and the Indian Ocean world. This bibliography lists sources in thirteen languages, including both scholarly studies and popular works like Gavin Menzies’s controversial bestsellers claiming the Chinese sailed around the world before Columbus. Relevant translations, transliterations and annotations are provided to aid the reader.

A Shared Legacy

Book Description

On the occasion of the 75th +1 anniversary of the publication of Prof. J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa’s seminal work Assaig d’història de les idees físiques i matemàtiques a la Catalunya medieval by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, the Commission on the History of Science and Technology in Islamic Societies (International Union on History and Philosophy of Science), the Grup Millàs Vallicrosa d’Història de la Ciència Àrab (Universitat de Barcelona) and the Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (Institut d’Estudis Catalans) organized a conference entitled “A Shared Legacy: Islamic Science East and West”. At this conference, the Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative, a new joint project for the study of manuscripts, was presented. .Although the papers published in this volume deal with a mixture of subjects and disciplines - astronomical instruments, planetary models, geometry, medicine, miqat, technology and cartography - they all have the transmission of knowledge between the two shores of the Mediterranean as a common underlying thread...Amb motiu del 75è + 1 aniversari de la publicació del llibre Assaig d’història de les idees físiques i matemàtiques a la Catalunya medieval (IEC), la Commission on the History of Science and Technology in Islamic Societies (CHSTIS/IUPHS), el Grup Millàs Vallicrosa d’Història de la Ciència Àrab de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) i la Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) -filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans- organitzaren el congrés A Shared Legacy. Islamic Science East and West (Un llegat compartit: ciència islàmica a orient i occident). .Am motiu d’aquesta trobada s’han recopilat els articles que conté aquest volum tracten de temes variats –instruments astronòmics, models planetaris, geometria, medicina, tecnologia, cartografia, etc.- que tenen com a nexe en comú la transmissió del coneixement entre les dues ribes de la Mediterrània.

India in the Indian Ocean World

Book Description

The book integrates the latest scholarly literature on the entire Indian Ocean region, from East Africa to China. Issues such as India's history, India’s changing status in the region, and India's cross-cultural networking over a long period are explored in this book. It is organized in specific themes in thirteen chapters. It incorporates a wealth of research on India’s strategic significance in the Indian Ocean arena throughout history. It enriches the reader's understanding of the emergence of the Indian Ocean basin as a global arena for cross-cultural networking and nation-building. It discusses issues of trade and commerce, the circulation of ideas, peoples and objects, and social and religious themes, focusing on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. The book provides a refreshingly different survey of India’s connected history in the Indian Ocean region starting from the archaeological record and ending with the coming of empire. The author’s unique experience, combined with an engaging writing style, makes the book highly readable. The book contributes to the field of global history and is of great interest to researchers, policymakers, teachers, and students across the fields of political, cultural, and economic history and strategic studies.