Origin of Inertia

Book Description

Mach's Principle

Book Description

This volume is a collection of scholarly articles on the Mach Principle, the impact that this theory has had since the end of the 19th century, and its role in helping Einstein formulate the doctrine of general relativity. 20th-century physics is concerned with the concepts of time, space, motion, inertia and gravity. The documentation on all of these makes this book a reference for those who are interested in the history of science and the theory of general relativity

Gravitation and Inertia

Book Description

Einstein's standard and battle-tested geometric theory of gravity--spacetime tells mass how to move and mass tells spacetime how to curve--is expounded in this book by Ignazio Ciufolini and John Wheeler. They give special attention to the theory's observational checks and to two of its consequences: the predicted existence of gravitomagnetism and the origin of inertia (local inertial frames) in Einstein's general relativity: inertia here arises from mass there. The authors explain the modern understanding of the link between gravitation and inertia in Einstein's theory, from the origin of inertia in some cosmological models of the universe, to the interpretation of the initial value formulation of Einstein's standard geometrodynamics; and from the devices and the methods used to determine the local inertial frames of reference, to the experiments used to detect and measure the "dragging of inertial frames of reference." In this book, Ciufolini and Wheeler emphasize present, past, and proposed tests of gravitational interaction, metric theories, and general relativity. They describe the numerous confirmations of the foundations of geometrodynamics and some proposed experiments, including space missions, to test some of its fundamental predictions--in particular gravitomagnetic field or "dragging of inertial frames" and gravitational waves.

In the Grip of the Distant Universe

Book Description

This is a book about the history of the science of inertia. Nobody denies the existence of the forces of inertia, but they are branded as OC fictitiousOCO because they do not fit smoothly into modern physics. Named by Kepler and given mathematical form by Newton, the force of inertia remains aloof because it has no obvious local cause. At the end of the 19th century, Ernst Mach bravely claimed that the inertia of an object was the result of its instantaneous interaction with all matter in the universe. Many other well-known physicists, including Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes and Einstein, are shown to have tackled this difficult subject. The book also concentrates on inertia research in the 20th century, taking place under the shadow of general relativity, which is seen as uncomfortable with Mach''s principle. A Newtonian paradigm, based on action-at-a-distance forces, is discussed throughout the book, allowing the revival of Mach''s principle as the only coherent explanation of the inertia forces which play such an important role in the laboratory and in the cosmos. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: All Matter Instantaneously Senses All Other Matter in the Universe (392 KB). Contents: All Matter Instantaneously Senses All Other Matter in the Universe; Johannes Kepler OCo The Astronomer Who Coined the Word Inertia; Free Fall OCo A Hardly Believable Story of Science; The Cartesian Interlude OCo A Novel Cosmology; Newton''s Force of Inertia OCo The Basis of Dynamics; A Century of Consolidation OCo The Early Practitioners of Newtonian Dynamics; Mach''s Magic Principle OCo The Unique Inertial System; Albert Einstein OCo Inertia Obscured by Gravitation; Inducing Inertia OCo An Electromagnetic Analogy; Retarded Action at a Distance OCo A Short Lived Misnomer; Clock Confusion in the 20th Century OCo The Connection Between Inertia and Timekeeping; Machian Inertia and the Isotropic Universe OCo A New Force Law. Readership: Students, academics, physicists, engineers and general readers interested in Newtonian mechanics."

Inertia and Gravitation

Book Description

This book focuses on the phenomena of inertia and gravitation, one objective being to shed some new light on the basic laws of gravitational interaction and the fundamental nature and structures of spacetime. Chapter 1 is devoted to an extensive, partly new analysis of the law of inertia. The underlying mathematical and geometrical structure of Newtonian spacetime is presented from a four-dimensional point of view, and some historical difficulties and controversies - in particular the concepts of free particles and straight lines - are critically analyzed, while connections to projective geometry are also explored. The relativistic extensions of the law of gravitation and its intriguing consequences are studied in Chapter 2. This is achieved, following the works of Weyl, Ehlers, Pirani and Schild, by adopting a point of view of the combined conformal and projective structure of spacetime. Specifically, Mach’s fundamental critique of Newton’s concepts of ‘absolute space’ and ‘absolute time’ was a decisive motivation for Einstein’s development of general relativity, and his equivalence principle provided a new perspective on inertia. In Chapter 3 the very special mathematical structure of Einstein’s field equations is analyzed, and some of their remarkable physical predictions are presented. By analyzing different types of dragging phenomena, Chapter 4 reviews to what extent the equivalence principle is realized in general relativity - a question intimately connected to the ‘new force’ of gravitomagnetism, which was theoretically predicted by Einstein and Thirring but which was only recently experimentally confirmed and is thus of current interest.

The Relativistic Deduction

Book Description

When the author of Identity and Reality accepted Langevin's suggestion that Meyerson "identify the thought processes" of Einstein's relativity theory, he turned from his assured perspective as historian of the sciences to the risky bias of contemporary philosophical critic. But Emile Meyerson, the epis temologist as historian, could not find a more rigorous test of his conclusions from historical learning than the interpretation of Einstein's work, unless perhaps he were to turn from the classical revolution of Einstein's relativity to the non-classical quantum theory. Meyerson captures our sympathy in all his writings: " . . . the role of the epistemologist is . . . in following the development of science" (250); the study of the evolution of reason leads us to see that "man does not experience himself reasoning . . . which is carried on unconsciously," and as the summation of his empirical studies of the works and practices of scientists, "reason . . . behaves in an altogether predict able way: . . . first by making the consequent equivalent to the antecedent, and then by actually denying all diversity in space" (202). If logic - and to Meyerson the epistemologist is logician - is to understand reason, then "logic proceeds a posteriori. " And so we are faced with an empirically based Par menides, and, as we shall see, with an ineliminable 'irrational' within science. Meyerson's story, written in 1924, is still exciting, 60 years later.


Book Description

Almost all animals move around frequently in space. Their aim is to walk and fly in search of food or to propagate their species. Thus, changing positions is important for creatures’ survival and maintaining the environment. As such, this book examines movement with a focus on force and propulsion. Chapters cover topics including rocket engines, electric propulsion, mechanisms of force, and more.

Inertia and Gravitation

Book Description

This book fills a gap in the literature. So far there has been no book which deals with inertia and gravitation by explicitly addressing open questions and issues which have been hampering the proper understanding of these phenomena. The book places a strong emphasis on the physical understanding of the main aspects and features of inertia and gravitation. It discusses questions such as: Are inertial forces fictitious or real? Does Minkowski's four-dimensional formulation of special relativity provide an insight into the origin of inertia? Does mass increase relativistically? Why is the inertial mass equivalent to the gravitational mass? Are gravitational phenomena caused by gravitational interaction according to general relativity? Is there gravitational energy? Do gravitational waves carry gravitational energy? Can gravity be quantized?

Fundamental Physics At The Vigier Centenary: "L'heretique De La Physique" Lives On

Book Description

There has not been a scientific revolution for about 100 years. One seems imminent, as QED has recently been violated at the Sigma-6 level. Kuhn, in 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions', used Wittgenstein's famous duck-rabbit optical illusion to demonstrate how bias in interpretation causes scientists to see the same information in radically different manners, which is likely to have delayed the pending paradigm shift. Jean-Pierre Vigier, continually labeled l'hérétique de la physique and l'eternel resistant in French media, remains a pillar of modern mathematical physics. 'Heretical' works of Vigier related to extended electromagnetic theory incorporating photon mass and a longitudinal B(3) EM field, gravity, quantum theory, large-scale additional dimensions, the Dirac polarized vacuum and many more related issues are deemed by his followers to be essential to the evolution of physics. The phrase 'Lives On' was chosen in the title of this volume to claim ignored portions of his work are relevant to implementing the Paradigm Shift to an Einsteinian Unified Field Theory. Specifically, chapters about the Dirac Hypertube, Tight-Bound States and Spacetime programming provide required insights into crossing the dimensional barrier and 'proving' parts of M-Theoretic dimensionality. As happens periodically in the history of science, we live in a climate where coloring outside-the-box can have severe myopic consequences such as difficulties in passing PhD exams, challenges in grant approval or problems in receiving tenure. Since there is no conflict with Gauge Theory, once realized, many chapters in this important volume will aid in facilitating progress in physics beyond the Standard Model.