Macroeconomic Variables and Security Prices in India during the Liberalized Period

Book Description

The liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy has made India more vulnerable to macro issues. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock prices in India. The research findings and policy implications discussed here may also be relevant for other emerging economies.

Macroeconomic Variables and Security Prices in India during the Liberalized Period

Book Description

The liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy has made India more vulnerable to macro issues. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock prices in India. The research findings and policy implications discussed here may also be relevant for other emerging economies.

Macro-Economic Variables and Stock Prices in India

Book Description

The government's conduct of macroeconomic policy plays a unique and pivotal role in managing economic stability at the national level.As macroeconomic policies that are properly crafted and implemented help overcome many constraints like information asymmetry and coordination failures amongst regulatory institutions and markets, besides; a stable macroeconomic environment enables financial intermediaries to employ savings in productive activities thereby offering handsome returns to investors. Owing to the growth and development of financial markets across emerging economies, particularly India with its domestic saving on the rise, the policy makers, financial markets professionals, research scholars and academia are faced with unprecedented challenges when it comes to understanding volatility in stock market returns, in this direction this book focuses on the influence of select macroeconomic variables on stock market returns in India and will be helpful for business and economics graduates in understanding interaction between various macroeconomic fundamentals and can also serve as first step for research scholars in the field of financial economics.

Indian Stock Returns and Macroeconomics

Book Description

Indian stock returns refer to the performance or profitability of the Indian stock market over a certain period. It is a measure of the gains or losses an investor realizes from investing in Indian stocks. Stock returns can be calculated by comparing the current price of a stock with its purchase price, including any dividends received during the holding period.Macroeconomics, on the other hand, is a branch of economics that deals with the overall performance and behavior of the economy as a whole. It focuses on studying aggregates such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), inflation, unemployment, interest rates, and other macroeconomic indicators to understand the functioning of the economy and make policy recommendations.The relationship between stock returns and macroeconomics is complex and intertwined. Macroeconomic factors play a significant role in influencing stock market performance. Here are some key macroeconomic variables that impact Indian stock returns: 1. GDP Growth: High GDP growth is generally associated with increased corporate profits and positive investor sentiment, leading to higher stock returns. Conversely, low or negative GDP growth can dampen investor confidence and result in lower stock returns.2. Inflation: Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time. Moderate inflation can be conducive to stock market performance as it indicates a growing economy. However, high inflation can erode purchasing power and negatively impact corporate profitability, leading to lower stock returns.3. Interest Rates: Changes in interest rates have a direct impact on the cost of borrowing and the attractiveness of different investment options. Lower interest rates generally favor stock market investments as they make equities more attractive relative to fixed-income securities. Conversely, higher interest rates may reduce stock market returns as investors shift towards safer fixed-income investments.4. Monetary Policy: The policies implemented by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), such as adjustments to the repo rate or cash reserve ratio, can influence liquidity and credit conditions in the economy. Accommodative monetary policy measures can stimulate economic growth and boost stock returns, while tight monetary policy can have the opposite effect.5. Fiscal Policy: Government spending, taxation, and fiscal deficit also impact the stock market. Expansionary fiscal policies, such as increased government spending, can stimulate economic activity and have a positive effect on stock returns. Conversely, contractionary fiscal policies may dampen investor sentiment and lead to lower stock returns.It's important to note that stock market returns are also influenced by company-specific factors, market sentiment, investor behavior, and other variables apart from macroeconomic factors. Therefore, analyzing Indian stock returns requires considering a wide range of factors, including both macroeconomic indicators and specific market dynamics.

Impact of Macro Economic Variables on the Stock Price Index

Book Description

This book examines the impact of Macro economic variable such as: Foreign Institutional Investment (FII), Economic Growth(Index of industrial production (IIP) as a proxy), Money supply (M3), Exchange Rate (E), Rate of Interest (RI) and Inflation on stock price index in India after the post liberalization period.The data sets have been considered from April,1993 to June,2012 on a monthly basis. All the required information for the study has been retrieved from the Hand book of Statistics on Indian Economy published by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), various issues of RBI and SEBI (Security and Exchange Board of India) bulletins. The Johansen's vector error correction model (VECM) has been employed to examine the objectives of the study. The study reveals that foreign institutional investment has positive impact on stock price index in India. The exchange rate and interest rate also influencing the fluctuation of the Stock Price but adversely

Interactions Between Macro Economic Variables and Stock Markets in India

Book Description

Understanding the association of stock market performance with the variables which state the position of the economy as a whole has gained significant magnitude, given the quantum of efforts made by policy formulators, regulatory authorities, intellectuals, researchers and investors in this area. Present study explores and critically analyses the wide-ranging theoretical framework built by contributions of academic fraternity which has highlighted this rapport in their respective studies. Review of literature being conducted in two parts, the one focussing on conclusions drawn on the basis of variables used and the other on basis of models deployed. Variables based classified theory, clearly established that (Gross Domestic Product) GDP, Reserves of foreign currency, crude oil rates and gold prices have significant influence on stock behaviour, whereas other variables like inflation, level of interest, Money Supply, (Foreign Institutional Investors) FII and (Foreign Direct Investment) FDI inflows under divergent studies, do not show uniform impacts as varying form significant to non-significant association. Also, the study has recognised the change in trend in usage of models to predict relationship from traditional statistical models to technologically superior and less complicated econometrics tools used with fulfilment of less of preconditions. Need for a comprehensive and complete list of macroeconomic variables has also been realised.

Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market in India

Book Description

Stock market returns depend on the changes in the stock market index. In India, S&P BSE Sensex is considered as the pulse of the stock market. S&P BSE Sensex is the sensitive index of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which is a value- weighted index, composed of 30 largest and most actively traded stocks. There have been limited studies on the linkage between the macro economy and stock prices in India. The purpose of this study is to investigate this linkage between macroeconomic variables and stock market returns with reference to S&P BSE Sensex as well as the linkage between macroeconomic variables and S&P BSE sectoral indices. The study also investigates the linkage between exchange rate and volatility of S&P BSE Sensex Returns.

Revisiting the Dynamic Relationship Between Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Stock Prices

Book Description

The relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic variables varies across countries, time periods, datasets used, and the frequency of data used. Thus, an in-depth study to reinvestigate the relationship between selected macroeconomic variables i.e. inflation rate, exchange rate, index of industrial production, gold price, money supply and yields on treasury bills, and Indian stock market for the period of April 2005 to March 2014 has been carried out. In this study Johansen's cointegration test, vector error correction model (VECM), impulse response functions (IRFs), and variance decomposition (VDCs) test have been applied. The results of Johansen cointegration test indicates a significant negative relationship between exchange rate, inflation rate, and index of industrial production with stock prices whereas there exists a significantly positive relationship of money supply and yield on treasury bills with stock prices. Vector error correction model helps to determine both short and long run causal relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock price. The results found short run causality runs from exchange rate to Nifty, Nifty to money supply, and inflation rate whereas long run causality found from Nifty to short term interest rate and money supply.

Impact of Macro Economic Variables of India and USA on Indian Stock Market

Book Description

The key objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of changes in selected macroeconomic variables on Indian stock market (Nifty 50 index). To estimate the relationship, multivariate regression model computed on standard ordinary linear square method have been used. The time period examined is 2001-2016 and all the tests are conducted based on monthly data. Based on estimated regression coefficients and t-statistics, it is found that nifty 50 index is significantly affected by US gross domestic product, S and P index, gold prices, Indian whole sale price index, its fiscal deficit, IPI and exchange rate.

Macroeconomic Variables and the Performance of the Indian Stock Market

Book Description

In this paper we analyze relationships among selected macroeconomic variables and the Indian stock market. By employing a vector error correction model, we find that three long-term equilibrium relationships exist among these variables. Our results suggest that domestic inflation is the most severe deterrent to Indian stock market performance, and domestic output growth is its predominant driving force. After accounting for macroeconomic factors, the Indian market still appears to be drawn downward by a residual negative trend. We attribute this to economic mismanagement, since the size of the downward pull mitigates after 1990, coinciding with the beginning of Indian economic reforms.