Magick and the Bible

Book Description

This is volume 1 of the Bible Magick series. In this book we will discuss magick and some of its uses in the bible. Often we are told that magick and the teachings of the bible don't mix. We are warned time and time again that if we use magick we are breaking Gods law. In this book I will show you clearly that magick has been used in the bible by Divine command. This book is not a book on how to perform bible magick, but rather that there is such a thing as bible magic and that's it's okay to use the bible for magical purposes. In future volumes I will go into bible magick practice itself. This book will serve as background that you will need before starting a biblical magic practice. Using the bible for magick, although fairly common, is quite controversial. As I stated above, there are clear passages in the bible that state magick of all kinds is forbidden. Yet, there are so many instances that God himself commands his followers to preform magickal acts. I am not talking about Miracles, but he is actually commanding them to preform magick that you would find amongst other magicians of the day. In this book we will examine a few of these occurrences. We will also discuss why the bible writers forbade magick as well. You won't want to miss that chapter. Let us begin.

Jesus Magick

Book Description

When one looks back in ancient history, there are a few great magicians that stand out. Magicians that shook the world so intensely that their influence continues to inform not only the occult, but history in general. We have Apollonius of Tyana, the great wizard and Neopythagorean philosopher, the famed Hermes Trismegistus who has influenced occultism far and wide. From the Old Testament we have the witch of Endor, Balaam and King Solomon to name a few. From the New Testament we have Simon Magus, Paul and so on and so forth. We can be here for days naming each and every magician and occultist who has influenced all of us, whether we know they have or not. One magician, however, stands out. To most he is not considered a magician at all but a prophet of God, the messiah himself...Jesus. No matter how one views Jesus, there is no doubt it that his "miracles" as people like to call them, were in fact, acts of magick. In this book we will be discussing Jesus magick and how we can tap into his power. Whether you believe Jesus truly existed as a flesh and blood human being or as simply an archetype representing an idea, there is no doubt that Jesus changed the world with his teachings or the teachings ascribed to him. In saying that, I would like to point out that this book will not argue for or against the historicity of Jesus; that is for you, the reader to decide. My goal here is to provide a way to use some of the symbology of Jesus to perform magick. It may not be the same exact magick he himself performed. As you may know from my other books, I like to give some background before I go into the rituals themselves. This book will follow the same pattern. In fact, this book will be quite heavy on history so if you want to skip right to the rituals you may if the history is not something that interests you. I for one think every occultist and magician should also be an historian. It helps put everything in context. History of humanity is in many ways the history of magick, it is very much worth learning. With that in mind, we will be discussing Jesus and his magick in context of the New Testament, with some smattering of extra canonical gospels thrown in for good measure. Before we do that, we will discuss the time in which Jesus existed and the general ideas of magick preceding and during Jesus time. Enjoy!

Magic In The Bible

Book Description

Inductive analysis of ancient biblical texts yields shocking conclusions in this controversial, in depth look at the magical practices of such well loved characters as Moses, Abraham, and even Jesus himself.

Forbidden Magic Spells from the Bible

Book Description

IT IS THE SECRET THAT CHURCH LEADERS HAVE SOUGHT TO SUPPRESS FOR CENTURIES! MAGIC, SPELLS, CHARMS AND ENCHANTMENTS ARE REAL AND CAN BE PERFORMED BY ANYONE! THE BIBLE AND OTHER BOOKS FROM THE HOLY LAND HAS BEEN USED AS A SOURCE OF MAGICAL SPELLS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO HUMANITY BY GOD HIMSELF! In this book you will learn how to use magical Bible verses to better your life, find love, be successful in every aspect of life and live free of fear of the unknown. Learn the secrets of Folk Magic and the healing powers of powerful words given to us by the Angels of the Lord. The Church has long sought to suppress the knowledge of powerful magic taken from the pages of the Holy Bible. Nevertheless, many people throughout the centuries have learned the secret of Bible Magic and have used these spells to enrich their lives, and the lives of others. Now, for the first time, this hidden knowledge is brought together in one book by noted Biblical scholar Jessica C. Springfield. Springfield has spent years gathering this ancient, esoteric knowledge and presents it in a way easily understood in the modern era. Most church leaders have convinced their parishioners that magic spells are the work of Satan and inherently evil. However, this is a centuries-long suppression of the fact that all churches practice magic rituals everyday as part of their services. The truth is that church leaders have kept these "Forbidden Bible Spells" from the general population to enrich and empower themselves with the magical forces intended for all of mankind. Don't take this book lightly as the spells and incantations taken from the Bible are powerful and contain the very forces of Creation itself!

Hoodoo Bible Magic

Book Description

"Practical, honest, and straightforward, this book teaches the history and unlocks the mystery of Christian Conjuration with the Holy Scriptures. Learn ancient traditional spells of Psalmic Magic from forgotten books of Jewish wisdom preserved by African American elders, open the Bible's treasure-house of Secret Charms and Sacred Amulets, and prepare yourself for revelations and wonders. The Bible is a magic book! THIS book tells you just how to use it"--Excerpt from

Spells, Sorcerers and Spirits

Book Description

Cultures, for as long as we have had history, have had some sense of magic. This book contends that some of it, at least, is real; it describes what that is, and why the Bible is so negative about it. However, to say 'magic is real' in our contemporary culture could be very misleading. In fact, wrong. For what our culture thinks of as 'magic' - as vague and diffuse as that is - is likely to be very different from what was practised in the Ancient Near East (the things that modern English translations of the Old Testament call, for instance, sorcery or witchcraft) or in the Greco-Roman world (what the New Testament calls magic). It also may be very different from what is called 'magic' or 'witchcraft' in animistic or ancestor-worshipping cultures today. This book unpacks the background and explores the implications of the biblical teaching about the supernatural. There is a supernatural world, and it contains more than just God in Trinity; but Christians should not be afraid of it. Kirsty Birkett is Latimer Research Fellow at Oak Hill College, where she is responsible for Learning Architecture and Educational Development, and teaches Ethics, Philosophy and Church History. Her many publications cover the whole area of relationships between science and religion. She has also written on psychology, feminism and the family for both a popular and academic audience.

Magic & the Bible

Book Description

Our culture today is saturated with magic, witchcraft, witches, celebrations of the dead, casting spells, and much more. Our kids are trapped in a world of movies, books, video games, cartoons, and more. They are at the mercy of this encroaching paganism and few in church leadership ever take the time to explain what it is all about. It is all anti-God and anti-Bible! Even most Christian parents see to be speechless in trying to explain why these things are wrong, and why we don't celebrate Halloween, etc. Well, this book aims to solve all of that. the time has come to spell it out clearly in black and white. No more pussy-footing around! In Magic and the Bible, we tell it like it is. There are 51 full color pages, and each page covers one topic. We discuss things like: Angels * Demons * Satan * The Invisible World * Witches * Zombies * Vampires * Magic * Ghosts * Casting Spells * Witchcraft * Talking to the Dead* Seances* Psychics* Fortune Telling* Ouija Boards* Halloween* Watching movies about Witchcraft * Bible Stories about Magic and Witches What are Christians supposed to do about these things? Great for family discussions or lessons for Sunday School or children's church! It's time to let our kids know the truth and prepare them to confront the culture in which they live with confidence. A beautiful way to let them discover how relevant the Bible is to everyday situations. Dozens of scripture references!

The Key of Solomon the King

Book Description

How to make a magic carpet, become invisible, and find love are among the procedures detailed in this famous book of prayers and instructions on trafficking with the spirit world.

Magic in the New Testament

Book Description

Early Christians were accused of practising magic by Jews, Pagans, and other Christians. Magic in the New Testament examines magical praxis common to the New Testament, the magical papyri, the Sepher Ha-Razim, the Book of Enoch, the apocryphal Acts and the pre-Nicene church fathers and surveys the professional literature on early Christian magic from 1927 to 2009. Additional topics include: Magic, family and sexuality; The Old Testament background of early Christian magic; The relationship between magic and apocalypticism; Veneration of relics and necromantic sorcery; Resurrection, ghost stories and polymorphism; Magic and mystery cult in early Christianity; The Question of Sources/The Holy Family/The Looming Apocalypse/The Final Confrontation/Resurrection or Ghost Story?/Magical Palestine/Jesus the Magician/A Darker Sorcery/Christian Necromancy/Cults of Possession/Spirit Versus Spirit/The Christian Mysteries/The Son of Horus/ Last Rites.

Bible Spells: Obtaining Your Every Desire by Activating the Secret Meaning of Hundreds of Biblical Verses

Book Description

MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE BIBLE CODE Here are ancient magick techniques using secret power verses taken from the Holy Scriptures to gain enlightenment, health, gopod fortune and all around prosperity. These easy to perform spiritual spells will have a deep impact on YOUR life and those of your loved ones. Beginning in his childhood William Oribello experienced contacts with Divine Forces in the forms of Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters. These spiritual contacts taught him the secrets of the CREATIVE FORCE and how we all can utilize special POWER VERSES from the Holy Bible, along with ordinary candles, incense, crystals and gemstones for Luck, Love, and Well Being. In this book you will find BIBLE VERSE SPELLS for: Love and Romance. Money and Business Success. Achieving Good Luck and Removing Bad Luck and curses. Protection of your home and loved one.s Health, healing and happiness. To receive divine grace and mercy, AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE! This is rare occult book for "true believers" who previously might have felt squimish about consorting with occult references. Rev. Oribello's spells are of the Lord and are worded so as NOT to attract any negativity, but to attract all that is positive in the universe. These spells are guaranteed to assist you in all that you do.