Magnetic Oscillations in Metals

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List of symbols and abbreaviations.

Magnetic Oscillations in Metals

Book Description

It is just over 80 years ago that a striking oscillatory field dependence was discovered in the magnetic behaviour of bismuth at low temperatures. This book was first published in 1984 and gives a systematic account of the nature of the oscillations, of the experimental techniques for their study and of their connection with the electronic structure of the metal concerned. Although the main emphasis is on the oscillations themselves and their many peculiarities, rather than on the theory of the electronic structure they reveal, sufficient examples are given in detail to illustrate the kind of information that has been obtained and how this information agrees with theoretical prediction.

Magnetic Oscillations in Metals Condon Domains

Book Description

In this thesis, diamagnetic domains called “Condon domains” are investigated. The origin of these domains is the Landau quantization of the electron energy states in a magnetic field leading to the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) effect. Here, for the first time, the Condon domain structure is detected at the surface of a silver sample with a local magnetic field probe. Magnetic field changes of the order of 1e-4 are resolved with an array of micro Hall probes on length scales of some ten micrometers. The domain period and the domain wall thickness are estimated. Furthermore, hysteresis is observed in the dHvA effect in the Condon domain state. The hysteresis loop is identified using DC Hall probes and a standard AC modulation field technique. The detection of the hysteresis with the AC technique offered a highly sensitive method by which experimental phase diagrams of the Condon domain state are determined for silver and beryllium samples.

Magnetoacoustic Oscillations in Metals

Book Description

Oscillations of the ultrasonic attenuation that are periodic in the reciprocal of an applied magnetic field have been observed in copper, magnesium and zinc. In copper, oscillations well known as "geometric oscillations" have been observed at magnetic fields less than five kilogauss. Observations of the geometric oscillations agree in all respects with theory of the effect discussed in the literature. In magnesium and zinc, at magnetic fields between five and twenty kilogauss, quantum oscillations have been observed. The observed amplitude, periodicity, line-shape and temperature dependence of the amplitude of quantum oscillations depend strongly on the relaxation time and mean-free-path of conduction electrons. The theory of these oscillations is reviewed. For quantum oscillations two cases exist: (1) When the relaxation time of the electrons is comparable to or greater than the period of the ultrasonic vibrations, and the mean-free-path of the electrons is several hundred times greater than the ultrasonic wavelength, and (2) When the relaxation time of the electrons is much less than the period of the ultrasonic vibrations and the mean- free-path of the electrons is comparable to or somewhat greater than the wavelength of the ultrasound. In addition intermediate regimes occur. Theory of the first case has been developed to a considerable extent in the literature,, however no extensive treatments of the second case have been made. Quantum oscillations observed in magnesium and zinc correspond to the second case. Discrepancies and agreement between experimental observations and the limited amount of theory which exists are discussed. In addition shortcomings and flaws of the existing theory are noted.

Magnetization Oscillations and Waves

Book Description

Written by two well-known researchers in the field, this useful reference takes an applied approach to high frequency processes including oscillations and waves in ferromagnets, antiferromagnets, and ferrimagnets. Problems evaluated include ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonances, spin waves, nonlinear processes, and high frequency manifestations of interactions between the magnetic system and other systems of magnetically ordered substances as elastic waves and charge carriers. Unlike previous monographs on this subject, which are highly theoretical and written for very advanced readers, this book requires only an average college background in mathematics and experimental physics. It will be a valuable addition to the library of engineers and scientists in research and development for communications applications, and scientists interested in nonlinear magnetic phenomena. It also serves as an excellent introduction to the topic for newcomers in the field. Magnetization Oscillations and Waves not only presents results but also shows readers how to obtain them; most formulas are derived with so many details that readers can reproduce them. The book includes many summaries and tables and detailed references to significant work in the area by European researchers.