Maguk World - Wonderland Fairy Carousel of Poems

Book Description

About the Book: The book contains a selection of 30 amazing poems about fairy folks. It guarantees to fill your moments with magic and quench your thirst for quirky and enjoyable stanzas of poetry! Poems like the Mermaid with the Golden Hair, her magic happy sunshine beads, King Ombrolliet and Juliet the Sunshine Queen, Time Machine Capsule, Haunted house, Geisha girl and the Cherry Tree King, Ocean of Teal and Tears and One Drop of Love, Twelve Human Aliens- a short funny description of stars. The Iron Lady with Balloons at Bandstand, Fisher Mongers of Chimbai, Begums and the Sultan, The King, Beggar Maiden and Campanula Flower, Match Box Houses, Ghost Ship 'Destiny' and many more to mystify and amaze you! Enjoy! About the Author: The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants and mermaids. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting.The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mother-in-law's choir for many shows performed on stage. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Commerce. An ardent fan of funny Mister Harindranath Chattopadhyay, as well renowned poets like Oscar Wilde, Mary Howitt, Christina Rosetti poems, that inspired her throughout childhood schooling. One of her books was recently published “A Fairy's Quill” by Leoni Robens. “Live Life to its fullest Blossom and Bloom Forever” is her motto! She lives in Mumbai with her husband, son, mother and her pet moustache Parakeet, Charlie Brown.


Book Description

About the author The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants, mermaids and all sorts of fairy folks. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting. The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mother-in-law, Heather’s choir for many shows performed on stage. Her favourite authors are George Mac Donald, William Shakespeare, Lewis Caroll, Enid Blyton, Frances Hodgson Burnett and Hans Christian Anderson and her favourite book is Alice in Wonderland. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. At present she is a housewife, but still continues writing these enjoyable poems, to entertain adults as well as young minds with some fun and magic. She believes that the “PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD” and hopes that one day her pen will bring out the best in song, dance and dramatics to be performed on stage by budding enthusiastic young actors, which would add another feather to her cape. She lives in Mumbai with her husband, son, mother and adorable pet African grey Romeo as well charming moustache Parakeets Charlie Brown and Alice Liddle. Her published books- “A Fairy’s Quill: Poetry Book for Children”, “Maguk World- Wonderland Fairy Carousel of Poems”, “The Maguk Well” & “MAGIC COMPOSITIONS! Stories reflecting sea creatures and sprites of the earth!” are quite popular among young readers. This one “THE WHISPERING WILLOWS” based on the Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame surely will not disappoint her readers. Happy Reading into the marvellous land of Mr Toady and his friends unforgettable adventures of the Wild Wood Yonder! TEARS LIKE SUMMERS TEMPEST! Tales like stories of the Wind in the Willows have secrets of trees like Willows of mystical symbolism. Different types of trees have their own meaning, depending where they grow and tales have been woven around them over the years. The wild wood creatures Mr Toad along with his friends Mr Water Ratty, Mr Moley, Mr Otter and Mr Badger show us, how true friendship is unshakable and its foundation so deep like its sustaining roots-powerful, nourishing and so strong that binds us with consolation of facing the most difficult and most terrifying challenges, also sharing moments of sweetness and tranquility. Overcoming all our temptations, vices and using our talents and usefulness to help our family and also to bring out our fruits of labour into sprawling branches of ambition, for others to share, enjoy and spread the meaning of Whispering Willows “May you cry tears so big, joyous and unpredictable like Tears of a Summers Tempest!”


Book Description

ABOUT THE BOOK It is only when we overcome our disabilities that wreck our minds sanity Feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred and win them over with laurels of love and hope, our daily accomplishments over disappointments will we be able to encounter God in our daily steps as we walk towards that holy land to become his many pilgrims of peace, love, harmony and joyfulness. Turning INTO the ‘LIGHT OF THE WORLD!’ Another interesting derivative of ‘OR’ is the Hebrew root ‘ro-eh’, made with the letters ‘Reysh’ ‘Alef’ ‘Hey’. It includes the same letters as in ‘OR’ like an ORACLE of truth and upholding secrets of a secret garden nonetheless EDEN or PARADISE! The biblical prophet, the seer, is called in Hebrew ‘ro-eh’, which also comes from ‘OR’, ‘LIGHT’ and like the wind soughing through the trees in a mystical secret place where wilderness thrives and yet is a secret to all mankind. In the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, there appears for the first time a reference about the ‘Garden of Eden’ “And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of LIFE was in the midst of the garden, like the Dwarf apple tree in the middle of my book secret garden and all its beautiful characters, Mary, Dickon, Colin, the gardener Ben Weatherstaff and the magical creatures, many more poems and role roles to play their parts within my story book, with the magical robin bird beholding the secret key. The Tree was the knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers! (GENESIS 2:8-11) The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold! This is why it is no surprise to discover the Hebrew term for ‘Heaven’ or ‘Paradise’ is in fact ‘Gan Eden’ {גן עדן} – meaning the Garden of Eden…The Secret Garden! By Frances Hodgson Burnett penned by Leoni Robens in her own imaginative, soul nourishing, masterful and creative style!

Around Strange Fairy Lane Limericks 4 U Wonderful Poetries To Treasure

Book Description

Poetry at its best! ---- An End to all Rat Races! And a new bold step into fun, leisure, and recreation, containing fifty poetry compositions for all funny competitions and magical races, no bar ages or sages because it is in a strange pixie language of modern and classic revelation into the beauty and depth of the working of fairies and their point of views. Fair and Square (Hebrew: יצאת צדיק - "yazata tzadik") Rich lines of eloquence par excellence that soothes, embalms, and nourishes the soul and deeply touches the cockles of your hearts! “That cannot be seen but felt-----That cannot be felt but seen”---In my illustrations and fantasy dreams! Poems like Ole Fisherman Yakkasakki of Yukkamakki and his Coral Queen Corraline, the beautiful valley along The rich Fairy Path of puppets played by God and his Puppet masters, The Silver Nut Meg Tree right amid an aromatic boundary of Spice land, Coffee Drinkers, The Ningyo, Golden Temple, about stars and their star signs shown by merfolk in seas ---The Mermaids’ wishing Bassinet Days and the Mermaids’ Babies Months, Mermaid Sea Ears, Chamelia, And Harvey’s Silver Dragon Hornet Motorbike out of an India scope Love story, Paloma’s magic brush, The Banjaran and his cow Gauri, the Living Christmas Tree, the Story of the Christmas Flower, the One Legged Fairy Woman, Frankenstein and the Bat Vampire Werewolf of Moonlight, Robot Knight Sparx and the Human Fly! Many more to amaze and mystify my little bunnies racing behind in a fair and square race betwixt nature and all its faery residents! Thank you and join along adventuring with the ladybug writer and her coat of many colors!

Magic Compositions

Book Description

The book contains a selection of 40 amazing poems about fairy folks. It guarantees to fill your moments with promise and quench your thirst for quirky and enjoyable stanzas of poetry! Poems like Creepy Addam’s Family come from Eden’s ancestors The Mermaid’s Red Umbrella, The Conch Sea Shell Wife, The Doll House in the Attic, The Walrus and the Carpenter, Cowboy Django, The Hoarders, The Spider and the Fly weaving his many webs of enticing romance, The Monkey and the Groundnut, Snye the Ghost Potter, his divine wraith spectre pots and the headless Pumpkin King of Halloween, Twenty Five High Rise Storey The Baobab Tree and its ghastly residents Short poetries like The Halloween Moon, Sanyasi Pigeon and Brahmi the Star, Princess Gravity and Prince Light, The Dragon and the Gingerbread Man, Voodoo Doll, The Little Mermaid Cries, ‘The Bandra Fair’ and many more to mystify and amaze you! Enjoy!


Book Description

About the author The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants, mermaids and all sorts of fairy folks. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting. The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mother-in-law, Heather’s choir for many shows performed on stage. Her favourite authors are George Mac Donald, William Shakespeare, Lewis Caroll, Enid Blyton, Frances Hodgson Burnett and Hans Christian Anderson and her favourite book is Alice in Wonderland. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. At present she is a housewife, but still continues writing these enjoyable poems, to entertain adults as well as young minds with some fun and magic. Hopes one day, brings out the best in song, dance and dramatics to be performed on stage by budding enthusiastic young actors, which would add a feather to her cape. As she believes that the “PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD” She lives in Mumbai with her husband, son, mother and her pet moustache parakeets Alice Liddle and Charlie Brown. One of her fantasy Children’s books “A Fairy’s Quill” has recently been published and another upcoming book “MAGUK WORLD! Wonderland Fairy Carousel of Poems!” by Leoni Robens. INTRODUCTION Babble is to speak rapidly and randomly as did the people at the tower of Babel when they lost their ability to speak to one another. Here in my babbling book of poetry I unite together foreign languages of different worlds scattered far and wide To well describe and depict another realm far better than best-“Good, Gooder and Goodest….” A ‘Maguk Kingdom’ of babbling towers, brooks, spires and domes, one of my marvellous stories ‘Maguk World of Princess Cardinal Fairy Alice with her Lil’ cat Papillon pet Fairy Dinah’, falling through an endless Maguk Well, who travel in an ethereal adventure to the bottomless pits of the world in an unparalleled universe beyond countless Giga bytes and Decimbleters (my own made up words of poetic art) including so many funny poems inside short poetry story. One will thoroughly enjoy reading with great gusto and cherishing Alice through another spiritual perspective. Therefore concluding one last example the Hebrew word ‘ayin’ which is not only the name of a Hebrew letter but also the Hebrew term for eye. My audience be like the “Hebrew Eye”- “Eyes that are windows to the soul. Looking at these poetically charged organs one may proceed to read into ‘Magic world!’- ‘THE MAGUK WELL’

The Whispering Willows

Book Description

The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants, mermaids and all sorts of fairy folks. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting. The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mother-in-law, Heather's choir for many shows performed on stage. Her favourite authors are George MacDonald, William Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll, Enid Blyton, Frances Hodgson Burnett and Hans Christian Andersen and her favourite book is Alice in Wonderland. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Commerce. At present she is a housewife, but still continues writing these enjoyable poems, to entertain adults as well as young minds with some fun and magic. She believes that the "PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD" and hopes that one day her pen will bring out the best in song, dance and dramatics to be performed on stage by budding enthusiastic young actors, which would add another feather to her cape. She lives in Mumbai with her husband, son, mother and adorable pet African Grey Parrot Romeo, as well as charming Moustached Parakeets, Charlie Brown and Alice Liddle. Her published books- "A Fairy's Quill: Poetry Book for Children", "Maguk World- Wonderland Fairy Carousel of Poems", "The Maguk Well" & "MAGIC COMPOSITIONS! Stories reflecting sea creatures and sprites of the earth!" are quite popular among young readers. This one "THE WHISPERING WILLOWS" based on the Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame surely will not disappoint her readers. Happy Reading into the marvellous land of Mr Toady and his friends unforgettable adventures of the Wild Wood Yonder!