Maharshis of Ancient India

Book Description

The lives of great sages such as the Saptharishis have always been a beacon light, a guiding force for many. This set of books gives us a glimpse into the life of ten of those great souls, that is, the Maharshis of ancient India. One can explore the intrigue that surrounds their lives - the challenges they faced, the incredible solutions they came up with, the conflicts they got into, the uncanny resolution of the same, their arduous journey in the course of finding out the Ultimate Truth, and so on. Our other books here can be searched using #BharathaSamskruthiPrakashana


Book Description

Agasthya was one of the greatest Maharshis and was born with Mahavishnu’s blessings. He was a great devotee of Lord Sankara and Lord Shanmukha. He installed a number of Shivalingas and was the first sage to visit the southern part of India. Lord Brahma asked Vasishta to return to the world to resume the good work. Thus, two Maharshis were born through Mithra and Varuna, Agasthya being the first and Vasishta following him. Agasthya knew the secrets of the Vedas at birth and was an expert in the use of weapons. Two demons, Ilvala and Vatapi, were the scourge of several Brahmins. Agasthya saw through Ilvala’s devilish plans and simply put an end to Vatapi by digesting him! Seeing his pithrus hanging head downwards from a big tree because he was not still a gruhastha, he agreed to get married so that they could reach heaven. Agasthya was able to swallow the water of an entire sea so that Kaleyas, the demons who hid at the bottom of the sea, could be got rid of. He could convince the Vindhyas to stop growing, something which no one could even believe, let alone achieve. It is because of Agasthya that Nahusha turned into a huge python, thus saving Sachi Devi from marrying him even while her husband was alive. Agasthya was so powerful that he alone was able to stop the tilt of the Himalayan Mountain Range. All the guests had assembled at the southern part of the range making it heavy on one side – this was when they came to witness Lord Siva’s marriage to Parvathi. Lord Siva himself asked Agasthya to go to the south and stop the tilt. In fact, as the sage was disappointed, the Lord bestowed on him the divine power to witness the celestial marriage from his position in the south. On the advice of Agasthya, Lord Rama chanted the hymn,’Adithya Hridaya’ in order to kill Ravana and then performed Aswamedha yaga for the welfare of the world. Agasthya’s curse was so powerful that he did not spare Kubera, the Lord of Wealth. Kubera had ignored when his friend, Mahiman, had spat on the sage’s head from the sky. Again, king Indradyumna was able to reach the lotus feet of Lord Narayana because of the sage’s curse. The sage was known to assume Devendra’s role for the sake of protecting people on earth. Agasthya’s contribution to Tamil is invaluable. He is worshipped in many temples in Tamil Nadu. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is a gift to us from the sage in addition to a number of scholars whom the sage gave to the world. Our other books here can be searched using #BharathaSamskruthiPrakashana


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Durvasa was actually Lord Sankara who was born as the third son to sage Atri and his wife Anasuya. He was known to grant boons and heap curses. When Rama was in conversation with Kalapurusha and had asked Lakshmana not to allow anyone in, Durvasa forced himself inside threatening to curse that Ayodhya and the entire clan would perish. Upon Bhagawan Rudra’s intervention, Durvasa agreed to be a ritwik at the yaga of emperor Swethaki. Princess Pritha( Kunti) served the sage with such great devotion and patience that he blessed her with a manthra.When she chanted the manthra with a particular God in mind, the God would grant her desire to her. Durvasa was held in high esteem by the devas and was an invitee at Lord Brahma’s court. Sage Mudgala was a precious gem who was put to a rigorous test by the sage so that his good qualities came out shining. Duryodhana got an opportunity to serve the sage , which he did excellently. He then sent him to the Pandavas hoping to put them in trouble. But, Lord Krishna came to the Pandavas’ rescue. Durvasa brought out the utter devotion of Ambareesha towards Lord Vishnu only after putting him through a very difficult test. Even Devendra was not spared from his anger. In fact, he lost all his wealth as a result of the sage’s curse. He had to pray hard to Goddess Lakshmi who restored to him all that he had lost. Sri Krishna had great respect for Durvasa. The Yamuna river made way for the Gopikas to cross so that they could have the sage’s darshan and an opportunity to serve him. As they had carried a lot of sweets and other food for Durvasa,the sage who lived on the juice of the ‘durve’ asked them to put only a little of whatever food they had brought to offer him.But, they were stunned to see that their vessels had become empty! Once, when Durvasa did tapas in Kashi, the Gods were not pleased and hence did not appear before him. He got so angry that the fire of his anger reached the sky forcing all the Gods to come down in huge numbers. Finally, it was Lord Sankara who convinced the sage not to curse the holy place (Kashi) as many people found their salvation there. Durvasa dealt with people rather harshly. Ironically, however, it was through his curses that people’s virtues came to the fore. So, directly or indirectly, he was responsible for unearthing many a great personality and presenting them to the world. Our other books here can be searched using #BharathaSamskruthiPrakashana

Ancient Sages

Book Description

India traces its roots to sages, rishis, and seers of truth. It is proud to trace its ancestry to the half-clad sages who had nothing in this world and yet ruled the hearts of millions, sages to whom the even mighty emperors bowed down and sought counsel from. It is pride in our glorious past and ancestors that inspire us to strive to create a better country for the future generations. This book published by Advaita Ashrama, a publication house of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math presents short lives of thirty-four of our ancient sages and seers. A detailed Glossary and Genealogy enhance the value of the book.

Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis

Book Description

Did the ancients have the technology of flight? In this incredible volume on ancient India, authentic Indian texts such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, are used to prove that ancient aircraft were in use more than four thousand years ago. Included in this book is the entire Fourth Century BC manuscript Vimaanika Shastra by the ancient author Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated into English by the Mysore Sanskrit professor G.R. Josyer. Also included are chapters on Atlantean technology, the incredible Rama Empire of India and the devastating wars that destroyed it. Also an entire chapter on mercury vortex propulsion and mercury gyros, the power source described in the ancient Indian texts. Not to be missed by those interested in ancient civilizations or the UFO enigma. Tons of illustrations!

Vimanas and the wars of the gods

Book Description

An astonishing book that will lead to rewrite the history of mankind. An unexplored world, a journey beyond the boundaries of human history. From over five thousand years India and Pakistan seem to guard jealously a forgotten past, a secret locked inside of the oldest traditions that human history knows. The journey starts from an highly evolved civilization but fall into oblivion, a culture that left to posterity a huge amount of texts transmitted orally and later merged into Hinduism. Traditions that speak of lost civilizations, wars fought between men and gods with highly advanced technologies and machines capable of flying in the air and in space called Vimana. Following the tracks and studies conducted in the ’70s by David William Davenport, has set new light on the events that led to the destruction of the city of Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan) and the disappearance of the Harappan civilization tying their story to submerged ruins discovered in the Indian Ocean and dated back to 10,000 years ago.

Amazing Contributions of Ancient Indian sages to ‘STEAM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths)

Book Description

The entire ancient Indian scriptures contain abundant knowledge and wisdom. Significant scientific discoveries and observations of ancient Indian sages have laid foundation for modern science. Ancient Indian civilization has made significant contributions to various fields of Science and Arts This book - * Is a captivating guide to scientific discoveries of ancient India * Motivates the students to learn more about an era * Is a great resource for kids and parents * Helps us learn about the architectural marvel of ancient India which are still in mesmerizing condition * Has a few activities after the last chapter for kids This book gives readers of all ages an amazing experience of the glory of ancient Indian wisdom. It is an essential handbook for every student.

The MahaBharata

Book Description

Ancient India, like ancient Greece boasts of two great Epics. One of them, the Maha-bharata, relates to a great war in which all the warlike races of Northern India took a share, and may therefore be compared to the Iliad. The great war which is the subject of this Epic is believed to have been fought in the thirteenth or fourteenth century before Christ. The war thus became the centre of a cycle of legends, songs, and poems in ancient India, the vast mass of legends and poetry, accumulated during centuries, was cast in a narrative form and formed the Epic of the Great Bharata nation, and therefore called the Maha-bharata. The real facts of the war had been obliterated by age, legendary heroes had become the principal actors, and, as is invariably the case in India, the thread of a high moral purpose, of the triumph of virtue and the subjugation of vice, was woven into the fabric of the great Epic.

Feeding the Dead

Book Description

The author calls attention to the importance of the Vedic domestic ritual codes in the creation of what has come to be known as "classical Hinduism."

A Search in Secret India

Book Description

A Search in Secret India is the story of Paul Brunton's journey around India, living among yogis, mystics and gurus, some of whom he found convincing, others not. He finally finds the peace and tranquility which come with self-knowledge when he meets and studies with the great sage Sri Ramana Maharishi. Paul Brunton was a British philosopher, mystic, traveler, and guru. He left a journalistic career to live among yogis, mystics, and holy men, and studied Eastern and Western esoteric teachings. Dedicating his life to an inward and spiritual quest, Brunton felt charged to communicate his experiences about what he learned in the East to others. His works had a major influence on the spread of Eastern mysticism to the West. Taking pains to express his thoughts in layperson's terms, Brunton was able to present what he learned from the Orient and from ancient tradition as a living wisdom. His writings express his view that meditation and the inward quest are not exclusively for monks and hermits, but will also support those living normal, active lives in the Western world.