Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism

Book Description

A collection of lectures on the features of the movement of mysticism that began in antiquity and continues in Hasidism today.

Modern Trends in Jewish Education

Book Description

The author presents an exposition and critical evaluation of important schools of thought in Mid-Twentieth-Century Jewish education. the chapters focus on the educational influence of leaders such as Samson Raphael Hirsch, Janusz Korczak, Martin Buber, and Sarah Schenirer. the author intentionally chooses thinkers in two categories - "traditionalists and rebels"--Both groups having contributed to the preservation of the jewish people. in the final chapter, "how jewish are israeli general schools?", he discusses how the various educational outlooks are reflected in contemporary israeli schools. this discussion is particularly interesting 32 years later, when the same questions are being addressed.

Jewish Education Worldwide

Book Description

A comprehensive study of Jewish education in North America, Latin America, Western Europe, South Africa and Australia, as well as Muslim countries (Iran and Morocco), Eastern Europe and Israel. included are chapters on international Jewish education, with reports on activities with multi-country access and a view of jewish education from a global and cross-cultural perspective. in providing views of the situation in individual countries, the various authors look at the structure of the jewish educational system, including its history, trends, communal responsibility and staff development.