Making Love Great Again!

Book Description

We are currently knee-deep in a Romance Apocalypse. There are more single adults than ever before, yet people are not connecting and forming real relationships. The US birth rate is at the lowest point in history, traditional values are under attack, and any sense of courtship behaviors and chivalry has all but died at this point. In Making Love Great Again, DeAnna explains who killed romance, and why many men are boycotting marriages with women and no longer interested in committing beyond a fling. She boldly explains the forces that have created a generation of adult men hooked on video games & pornography, and single women who unknowingly repel great men away, yet are lonely, over-worked, and much less happy than women of 50 years ago. She paints a frightening future of what's in-store for us in the next five years if no changes are made - including relationships with robots, a completely gender-neutral society, and the elimination of intimacy and marriage. She then lays out her Making Love Great Again plan to this ship around, revive romance, and start WINNING again in your relationships. You'll find out what your opposite sex really wants & needs right now and what s been missing in order to better understand them, connect with them, and attract them. This book is a wakeup call to every man and woman, but also a practical action plan for making love great again for yourself - and the world - that will leave you winning in dating and love!

Making Love Great Again

Book Description

Make Russia Great Again

Book Description

Herb Nutterman, a long-time Trump Organization employee, unexpectedly becomes President Trump's White House chief of staff and finds himself entangled in Russian intrigue and leading the president's reelection campaign.

More Like Us

Book Description

More Like Us is a celebration of American openness to immigration and aspiration and a skeptic's tour of the rigidity of Asian societies. Fallows is the author of the highly acclaimed National Defense.

The Deplorables' Guide to Making America Great Again

Book Description

"President Obama called us bitter. Hillary Clinton called us irredeemable. The mainstream media called us backwater bigots. We were mocked by Hollywood and dismissed by academics. We were marginalized by the media--bullied and belittled by sex and gender revolutionaries. But all the changed on Election Day, and now it's time for all of us Deplorables to get to work. Our long national nightmare may be over, but that doesn't mean we can take a vacation to Dollywood just yet. We've got some work to do, folks. After President Reagan brought morning to America, conservatives took a nap. We grew complacent. And faster than you could say 'Read my lips,' the nation elected a community organizer overlord. So how can we prevent that from happening again? In The Deplorable's Guide to Making America Great Again Todd Starnes offers practical advice on fighting and winning the war on traditional American values. Armed with the Bible in one hand and his signature wit in the other, Starnes shows you how to be a happy warrior"--Back cover.

Make Christianity Great Again

Book Description

If you're a Christian, this book will change your life. It addresses a problem that has always troubled you. If Christianity is true, why do so many people disbelieve it, why is it losing its hold over the world, and why is it possible to imagine a world of the future with no Christians at all? Christianity is being attacked on all fronts, and seems close to total defeat. The future does not look Christian. It looks the opposite. How can that be if Christianity is the truth of reality? You, as a faithful Christian, are enraged by the way the world has turned against Christianity, and you know the world is lost if it does not turn back to the Truth, revealed in Jesus Christ. The most important idea in Christianity is the Second Coming. Christ is coming back. That's when all the unbelievers will be made to eat their words and beg for forgiveness. The question is this – why hasn't Jesus already returned? What is he waiting for? The answer ought to be obvious. We aren't waiting for him. He is waiting for us. Jesus isn't the hold-up. We are. The First Coming was when Jesus appeared on earth to show us what to do. The Second Coming happens when we have actually done it! But we haven't done it – nowhere near – and that's the whole problem. Christianity reeks of failure. After two thousand years of Christianity, why isn't the world saved? What has gone wrong? The answer is obvious. Christianity has been sabotaged. Its enemies have warped and distorted it. Satan is the Father of Lies. His greatest lie was sewn into Christianity to corrupt Christ's message. That corruption must be undone, so that people see true Christianity, the Christianity of its First Age, when Christianity, as a pure movement of the ordinary people, the oppressed people, the godly people, swept the world, even reaching the doors of the imperial palace of Rome. But that's when everything went wrong. When those doors opened, it was Satan who stood there. It was Satan who welcomed in Christianity and turned it into a message of earthly power, not of love and truth. You all know this. You all want to know what to do about it. How can the Devil be purged from Christianity?

Can Donald Trump Make America Great Again?

Book Description

Will Donald J. Trump be America’s next president? For some, his brash, politically incorrect campaign is the panacea for the Washington and Wall Street elites that have saddled the country with endless wars, an anemic economy, and growing racial division. Trump’s boosters believe he will usher in a Reagan-like era of domestic prosperity at home, and free America from a destructive global web of counterproductive trade agreements and military entanglements abroad. Trump’s critics are having none of this. They see not a president in waiting, but a dangerously unstable and inexperienced demagogue — one who threatens U.S. democracy and global peace and security. Rather than being a harbinger of the country’s renewal, Trump’s candidacy is supposedly destroying the social fabric of America by demonizing minorities, denigrating women, and exacerbating racial differences. To engage with the controversy of the moment, the Fall 2016 Munk Debate will move the motion: Be it resolved, Donald Trump can make America great again . . .

Bake America Great Again

Book Description

"A collection of favorite recipes with patriotic themes, such as "We the people cookies" or Patriotic pretzels, that inspires us to consider what truly makes America great."--Publisher's description.

How Trump is Making Black America Great Again

Book Description

The election of President Donald Trump has been portrayed in the mainstream media as a doomsday event—especially for America’s racial minorities. And yet, reality has proven quite the contrary. Not only are African Americans employed at a greater rate than any other time since the late 1950s, black business formation is at an all-time high. In this groundbreaking book, longtime academic and political commentator Horace Cooper explains how Trump’s economic policies—including lowering taxes, eliminating stifling regulation, and renegotiating trade agreements—are producing an unforeseen boon to Black America. This book provides a philosophical framework through which Trump’s presidency can be viewed as a benefit to Black America, rather than a stumbling block.

Making America Great Again... Is Not What You Think

Book Description

Making America Great Again... Is Not What You Think, Is a journey to the opening of the rabbit hole. This book explains the systematic division of Americans and how that division is accomplished. A must read for anyone who's ever asked why, when, or how.