
Book Description

This is a new release of the original 1932 edition.


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Book Description

Man, according to Manly P. Hall, is at the center of the Mystery School tradition. We are the living reflection of the Creator, and all traditions in Western Esotericism are based upon it. “Our purpose has been to bring together not all but only a small part of what may be termed the lore of the human body. For the most part, the origins of the various doctrines are set forth in the text. Some have come from Eastern scriptures, some from the Hermetic fragments. We have called upon a wide diversity of old authorities and, strangely enough, there is an evident consistency among them conspicuously lacking with the moderns. The sages, furthermore, approached their task with veneration; an underlying realization of the dignity of life adds charm to every conclusion. They viewed the human body not as the man but as the house of the man. Antiquity was convinced of immortality and among the wise the science of the soul occupied first place. Much work remains to be done in the field of occult anatomy. There are many old writings yet to be consulted, libraries unavailable to the public to be explored, manuscripts to be deciphered. The Codices of Central America must be made to give up their secrets. The temples libraries of Asia are filled with priceless documents, for in India are preserved records invaluable to science. Our effort, then, is primarily to stimulate interest and to focus the attention of the learned upon this engrossing theme. We are subject to errors which time alone can correct, but the principle of the correspondence existing between man and the world is established upon incontestable grounds.”—Manly P. Hall

The Occult Anatomy of Man

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Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire

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Originally published in 1926, this short book focused on the symbolism surrounding the ancient patriarch Melchizedek serves as a concise introduction to important imperceptible truths. “The elaborate rituals of the ancient Mysteries and the simpler ceremonials of modern religious institutions had a common purpose. Both were designed to preserve, by means of symbolic dramas and processionals, certain secret and holy processes, by the understanding of which man may more intelligently work out his salvation. The pages which follow will be devoted to an interpretation of some of these allegories according to the doctrine of the ancient seers and sages.”

Man: The Grand Symbol of the Mysteries: Essays in Occult Anatomy

Book Description

2009 reprint of 1932 First edition. Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for his work The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, published in 1928 when he was 27 years old. In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in Los Angeles, California, dedicating it to an idealistic approach to the solution of human problems. The PRS claims to be non-sectarian and entirely free from educational, political, or ecclesiastical control, and the Society's programs stress the need for the integration of philosophy, religion, and science into one system of instruction. The PRS Library, a public facility devoted to source materials in obscure fields, has many rare and scarce items now impossible to obtain elsewhere. In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles.

Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types

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Does your sign mean you're unselfish, aggressive, eccentric or "hopelessly confused?" Famous author and champion of astrology Manly Palmer Hall explores the psychological foundations of the zodiac. First published in 1937.


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The Asian, Greek and Native American systems of thought on reincarnation are discussed; the theory as interpreted by early Christians; the rebirth of plants and animals; the idea of soul-mates; the memory of past lives; and the fate of the suicide.

Words to the Wise

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