Book Description

The Multiple Facets of Innovation Project Management

Book Description

For firms and other organizations, innovation has become a means of anticipating and managing major changes in their external context and overcoming societal challenges such as sustainable development. As a result, they must innovate repeatedly and continuously. This book explores the multiple facets of innovation project management, defined as the set of activities implemented to bring into being and successfully complete one or several innovation projects. It combines research experience, in cooperation with practitioners, and a theoretical, transversal and global overview inspired from different research streams. The author develops methodologies and frameworks that might be put into practice, provides a case study of research conducted with an air systems manufacturing firm, and outlines avenues for further reflection on innovation project management practice improvement.

Agile Innovation

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Innovation Engines

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In an uncertain economy where business risk is significant, the company tends to rely more on its environment than to invest, for example, in all steps of technological creation; This can be explained by the fact that investments in the acquisition (ownership) of production resources are less expensive than those implied in the formation of these resources; which also explains the attractiveness (in an open economy) of regions with abundant scientific and technical resources. To understand and analyze the innovation process in order to better design and launch new goods, services and technologies, one has to consider the creative dimension of the individual, the business and the organization in general. In new approaches to innovation, the entrepreneur and the company are analyzed through their skills, and their function of resource generation; Innovation thus becomes endogenous, gradual or radical, integrated in a complex process with many feedbacks and interactions. The innovative organization (small or large) is presented in this book as a dynamic system composed of specific and diverse skills (including those of the contractor, engineers or managers). By acquiring, combining and mobilizing these skills, the innovative agent (entrepreneur or company) can create technological resources and develop relations with its environment. Hence the importance of management in design, implementation, protection of intellectual property as well as of the development of new goods, services and technology, commercial and organizational models.

Working on Innovation

Book Description

Since the mid-1980s, the development of competitive strategies based on intensive innovation has deeply transformed the design of new products and services. Much has been written about new methods and organizations that are likely to develop economically competitive and creative capacities in companies. But much less has been written about transformation of work and identity of professionals involved in these transitions : engineers, industrial designers, researchers, professionals in marketing strategy and especially project managers. The work of “innovation professionals” is truly difficult to observe because of its very nature (intangible work done over a long period of time), its inaccessibility, and its status. The purpose of this book is to put forward a number of keys for understanding the ongoing dynamics for working professionals in the field of innovation. Examining reorganizations in both large-scale firms and start-ups, the authors explore diverse sectors such as hi-tech, consumer goods and equipment, chemistry, aeronautics as well as upstream companies working for subsidiaries and traditional small-scale production such. The result is to show a world of networks where a large-scale firm undertakes research in partnership with a start-up, develops its products with independent designers and involves upstream suppliers in its developments. Also analyzed are the industrial strategies, the organizational conditions of product conception, and the dynamics of the professional identities of the actors who are at the core of these transformations. This impressive and unique volume will be of interest to all those interested in innovation studies, new technology policy and management as well as engineers and designers themselves.

Agile Project Management

Book Description

The development of the Agile Movement, whatever the area of application or discipline, comes from the famous “faster, cheaper, better" maxim. As such, the agile manufacturing paradigm rests on four principles: response to change and uncertainty, supplying highly customized products, synthesis of diverse technologies, and intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise integration. For the reader interested in agile project management applications, response to changes, and transformations and its impact on managing projects, this book is a must-read. Various insights are covered, including: how to master complexity and changes in projects, economy, and society; how interaction between the project management team and project owners can influence risk management; how to move beyond the traditional mechanistic project management approach; how to include agile principles into an improved Logical Framework Analysis structure; what the impact is of agile principles on project management organizations what kind of innovative project management practice supports agile principles; and much more.

Innovation, Research and Development Management

Book Description

In today’s business environment, as organizations constantly seek to growth and develop through the optimization of their innovative and creative potential, understanding the critical issues and management practices in R & D is essential. This book provides a critical revaluation of the state of the art issues and concepts in R&D management. The views expressed are those of leading French researchers and professionals in this field, fed by empirical studies in national and international firms.

Socio-Economic Approach to Management Treatise

Book Description

The result of half a century of research and experimentation in economics and management, this Treatise is intended for management practitioners. Socio-economic management (SEAM) makes the demands of humanism in professional life and sustainable economic prosperity compatible. It is illustrated with numerous cases from 2,150 companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors and presents observed and measured results. Most of these chapters are written jointly by managers or executives of companies and organizations, and scholars or consultants involved in the pilot actions. This book is the work of 193 authors, from 16 countries and 4 continents, practitioners or academics in management sciences and management. This reflects the diversity of national and sectoral contexts of SEAM applications. Some chapters situate this concept in relation to the major currents of current thought. Each chapter is preceded by abstracts in French, English and Spanish. The prefaces, signed by Herman Aguinis and Rene Ricol, show the scope of socio-economic theory and management beyond the borders of the company. The book illustrates the international influence (48 countries) of the innovative and robust methods created and developed by the ISEOR team. Socio-economic theory constitutes a "breakthrough innovation", both in terms of its conceptual contribution and the practical methods and tools of its applications. This holistic approach touches on the different functions of the company and its multiple problems. It provides a structured change management method, focused on stimulating Human Potential and on self-financing the development of the company or organization, through the periodic recycling of hidden costs.

Ecosystèmes d’affaires et PME

Book Description

Les écosystèmes d'affaires représentent des enjeux à la fois économiques et territoriaux. Plusieurs dimensions les caractérisent : une grande hétérogénéité des acteurs, un destin commun, un standard ou un savoir-faire utilisé par plusieurs entreprises, un ou plusieurs leaders dont le rôle est crucial pour l'écosystème, une vision partagée par les autres membres de l'écosystème d'affaires et des processus de coopétition. À partir d'études de cas, mais aussi de points de vue théoriques structurants, cet ouvrage propose un état des lieux des connaissances actuelles des écosystèmes d'affaires. Il examine plus particulièrement le rôle des PME dans ces coalitions. Comment les différencier des autres formes de réseaux ? Quel cadrage théorique utiliser pour bien appréhender les écosystèmes ? Quelles stratégies mettre en oeuvre ? Comment coordonner l'écosystème ?