Managing Canada Geese in Urban Environments

Book Description

If you're a parks manager, waterfront property owner or golf-course superintendent, you may be dealing with one of the drawbacks of the Canada goose success story - resident, nonmigratory geese. As Canada goose numbers have soared in recent years, so have complaints about urban goose problems - primarily goose droppings, overgrazing and trampling of vegetation, and aggressive behavior toward humans. Managing Canada Geese in Urban Environments is a 42-page guide to legal, effective ways of persuading problem geese to go elsewhere. The guide includes an overview of goose biology and behavior, but most of the text is devoted to management and control techniques, arranged by their physical impact on the geese. The techniques range from basic (quit feeding the birds) to extensive - habitat modification, hazing and scaring techniques, chemical repellents, control of reproduction, and removal. For example, the habitat section reviews fences and overhead wires and grids, plant and rock barriers, and modification of vegetation, shorelines, islands and ponds. The hazing discussion covers noisemakers such as fireworks and propane cannons, goose scarecrows and other visual scare techniques, and dogs trained to patrol for geese. Tables provide a quick summary of timing, cost, necessary permits, strengths and weaknesses of each technique. The guide also discusses the human and political dimensions of urban goose management, and how to develop an integrated management strategy. It lists on-line information sources, as well as contact information for equipment suppliers and wildlife control agencies. "Urban Canada goose populations have increased dramatically in both numbers and distribution over the past 10 to 15 years. Almost any body of water, especially in southeast Wisconsin, can expect geese, if they aren't there already, " says co-author Scott Craven, extension wildlife ecologist at UW-Madison's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. "Small numbers of geese are attractive and highly desirable, but it's very easy to quickly experience too much of a good thing. Information on living with geese has not been readily available, and some 'solutions' may have little chance of actual success. The guide provides would-be goose managers with the information they need to address a very complex urban wildlife problem." (

Recent Approaches to Canada Goose Management

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During the past 15 years considerable attention has been focused on research and management problems associated with the Mississippi Valley population of Canada Geese. The general breeding, migration, and wintering ranges are well defined. Because this flock is closely associated with national wildlife refuges and State management areas in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and the majority of this population winters in southern Illinois and vicinity, it has been possible to determine quite accurately annual total population trends, annual harvest rates, and the breeding potential of the population sent back to the breeding grounds each spring. Based on knowledge accumulated for this population, steps are being taken to compile similar information for other major continental Canada goose populations.


Book Description

Urban Wildlife Management

Book Description

Winner of the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the authored book category Urban development is one of the leading worldwide threats to conserving biodiversity. In the near future, wildlife management in urban landscapes will be a prominent issue for wildlife professionals. This new edition of Urban Wildlife Management continues the work of its predecessors by providing a comprehensive examination of the issues that increase the need for urban wildlife management, exploring the changing dynamics of the field while giving historical perspectives and looking at current trends and future directions. The book examines a range of topics on human interactions with wildlife in urbanized environments. It focuses not only on ecological matters but also on political, economic, and societal issues that must be addressed for successful management planning. This edition features an entirely new section on urban wildlife species, including chapters on urban communities, herpetofauna, birds, ungulates, mammals, carnivores, and feral and introduced species. The third edition features Five new chapters 12 updated chapters Four new case studies Seven new appendices and species profiles 90 new figures A comprehensive analysis of terrestrial vertebrate locations by state and urban observations Each chapter opens with a set of key concepts which are then examined in the following discussions. Suggested learning experiences to enhance knowledge conclude each chapter. The species profiles cover not only data about the animal concerned but also detail significant current management issues related to the species. An updated and expanded teaching tool, Urban Wildlife Management, Third Edition identifies the challenges and opportunities facing wildlife in urban communities as well as factors that promote or threaten their presence. It gives both students and professionals a solid grounding in the required fundamental ecological principles for understanding the effects of human-made environments on wildlife.

Canada Goose (branta Canadensis) Survival and Harvest Rates in Developed and Rural Landscapes of Central Indiana & Urban Canada Goose Management Research

Book Description

This research project has presented research and a proposed methodology aimed at studying the survival and harvest rates of Canada goose (Branta canadensis) populations. Additionally, this study proposes methods for comparing these rates between urban and rural populations of Canada geese. This is accomplished by pooling data from both populations relating to banding and direct recovery rates whereby annual survival estimates can be made via the program MARK available in the RMark package with a joint live-dead recovery model. Models were then designed to incorporate predetermined covariates and then fitted to assess for differences in survival between urban and rurally banded individuals. Model estimated rates for annual survival and direct recovery were then used to calculate annual harvest rates for the populations. Models are then able to be evaluated by performing a likelihood ratio test, to determine if two models differ based on the impact of time-varying covariates upon the overall variance within the models. These simulations will then be repeated 1,000 times for each model comparison. Comparisons of rural and urban goose survival and harvest rates may allow for a more informed management approach for the species, especially in urban environments where hunting is often not a feasible management option.

Analysis of Strategies & Tactics

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This study is a proposed management plan for Canada geese (Branta canadensis) and associated human/goose conflicts in the urban and near urban areas of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The proposed plan identifies and analyzes strategies and tactics for managing Canada geese at an acceptable level within human health and safety, biological, economic, and social tolerances. The strategies and tactics proposed in the management plan are based on a literature inquiry, SWOT analysis, and field observations in the Capital Region of Manitoba. The literature review explores Canada geese in North America, Canada geese in the Greater Winnipeg Area, and resident/urban goose management at the Flyway and local level. A SWOT analysis of the strategies and tactics proposed in the management plan identifies the strengths and weaknesses both internal and externally of each treatment. Field observations provide the framework for identifying the relevancy of proposed actions to the attributes of the Winnipeg human/goose conflict.

Urban Wildlife Management, Second Edition

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When the first edition of Urban Wildlife Management was published two years ago, it provided conservationists, ecologists, and wildlife professionals with a welcome shift in the way that interactions between humans and wildlife were viewed and managed. Instead of focusing on ways to evict or eradicate wildlife encroached on by urban development, this unique work took a holistic, ecosystems approach. Gathering information from more than five hundred academic sources and the popular media, this book educated us on the complete nature of the problem. See what's new in the Second Edition: New information garnered from secondary data sets Added contributions from an extended list of leading wildlife specialists Original research conducted by the authors and their students New chapters on urban soils, urban waters, and zoonotic diseases More perspective essays and case studies Single species profiles in each chapter that focus on management issues Numerous tables examining trends by species and by region Through discussions of past and present approaches in the United States, the book explores the changing landscape of wildlife management and future approaches. Urban habitats and hazards are defined in terms of green and gray spaces. Sociopolitical issues are discussed in terms of wildlife management, stakeholder responsibilities, and legal considerations. And wildlife are viewed as adaptive inhabitants of an evolving ecosystem rather than as interlopers in a humans only world. The author maintains a blog exploring wildlife in our own backyard.

Nesting and Brood-rearing Ecology of Resident Canada Geese in New Jersey

Book Description

The Atlantic Flyway Resident Population (AFRP) of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) in New Jersey has grown so considerably during the last thirty years that it is now considered a nuisance in urban areas (United States Fish and Wildlife Service 2003). New Jersey is also the most densely human populated state in the nation, with intensive urbanization of agricultural and natural lands. Development of corporate parks and urban areas with manicured lawns and artificial ponds offer ideal nesting habitat for AFRP geese, with limited pressure from hunting or natural predators. As a result, spatial heterogeneity in reproduction and survival must be taken into account in managing the population. My objectives for this study were to 1) identify the spatial scale/s at which land use features influence nest site selection and nest success, 2) estimate nesting parameters across three decades and identify variables that influence productivity, and 3) estimate pre-fledged gosling survival from hatch until summer molt banding efforts, in order to assist in developing a spatially-explicit population model for AFRP geese in New Jersey. I conducted a two-year (2009-2010) nesting ecology study of AFRP Canada geese, and compared it to data collected in New Jersey from 1985-1989 and 1995-1997. Nest searches were conducted on 250 1-km2 plots throughout the state, and 309 nests were monitored through hatch to determine the fate. I ran a spatial correlation analysis of land use composition to nest success during 2009-2010 to identify spatial scales at which geese respond to their environment for nest site selection and nest success. All significant spatial scales were at or below 2250m for the five classified land use types. Geese responded to human dominated land uses at a smaller scale than land uses with low human density. Mean clutch size at hatch in 2009-2010 was 4.66 eggs (SE ± 0.12 eggs) and 4.76 eggs (SE ± 0.16 eggs), respectively. Mean hatchability in 2009-2010 was 0.86 (SE ± 0.02) and 0.81 (SE ± 0.02), respectively. I estimated nest success at 0.44 (SE ± 0.05) in 2009 and 0.41 (SE ± 0.05) in 2010. Variables important to nest success from 1985-1989 were the age of the nest, year, extreme high temperature, nest density, rural residential land use at the landscape scale, commercial at the site level, and daily precipitation. Variables important to nest success for 1995-1997 were the age of the nest, date of nest initiation, year, physiographic stratum, extreme high temperature, rural residential land use at the landscape level, and agricultural land use at the site level. Variables important to nest success for 2009-2010 were the age of the nest and date of nest initiation. Nest success decreased during the duration of the study, likely due to an increase in reproductive control efforts. Additionally, I conducted a two-year (2009-2010) gosling survival study from hatch until annual banding efforts in late-June at 12 known nesting and brood rearing sites. To estimate gosling survival, I used 1) mark-recapture of web tagged goslings to estimate partial brood loss, 2) radio-collared breeding adults to estimate total brood loss, and 3) observations of broods associated with marked adults and color-marked broods to quantify mortality during the first two weeks after hatch. The proportion of breeding adults that experienced total brood loss was 0.316. The remaining proportion of breeding adults was subject to partial brood loss (0.684), which was estimated at 0.465 (SE ± 0.026) for 56 days. The overall survival estimate for 56 days after hatch was 0.318 (SE ± 0.018). Select environmental and density-dependent variables were used to build candidate models to identify sources of variation in partial brood loss. The number of broods at the site was negatively related to brood survival. The percent agriculture within 215 m was positively related to brood survival. Managers are encouraged to consider scale-dependent relationships in identifying habitat-wildlife relationships, and if population control of AFRP Canada geese is of primary interest, then focus on habitat management at the local scale will most likely have the largest influence. Developing productivity trends should assist in understanding the dynamics of recruitment as a function of population size, spatial distribution, and human influence. I recommend that managers consider land use and human development as important features in identifying the driving forces of productivity in AFRP Canada geese.