Managing Conflicts in a Globalizing ASEAN

Book Description

This book investigates the patterns of conflict management in contemporary Southeast Asia. The region has long been characterized by the twin process of state-formation and nation-building, which has been responsible for most of the region’s intrastate and interstate conflicts. While this process is still ongoing, regional conflicts and their management are increasingly affected by globalisation, which not only serves as a new source of, or exacerbating factor to, conflict, but also makes new instruments available for conflict management. Employing the concepts of incompatibility management and mediation regime, the book analyses the management of seven conflicts in the region: the Rohingya crisis and the Kachin conflict in Myanmar, the Khmer Krom conflict in Vietnam, the West Papua conflict in Indonesia, the political conflict in Thailand, the Mekong River conflicts involving five Southeast Asian countries and China and the transboundary haze problem emanating from Indonesia. The efforts to manage each of them are imagined as constituting a mediation regime, and its effectiveness is assessed in terms of good governance. Among the findings of the book is that the measures of manoeuvring around incompatibilities are employed predominantly in managing regional conflicts. In intrastate conflicts, which mostly involve ethnic minorities, the authorities first aim to eliminate, or impose its own position on, ethnic parties. When this strategy proves unsuccessful, they have no choice but manoeuvre around incompatibilities, which may eventually open up a space for mutual learning. In interstate conflicts, the manoeuvring around strategy works in a more straightforward manner, contributing to regional stability. However, the stability is achieved at the cost of local communities and the natural environment, which absorb the incompatibilities in conflict.

Contemporary Conflicts in Southeast Asia

Book Description

This book looks at major contemporary conflicts —intra and interstate— in Southeast Asia from a conflict management perspective. Starting with the view that the conventional ASEAN conflict-management methods have ceased to be effective, it looks for new conflict-management patterns and trends by investigating seven contemporary cases of conflict in the region. Focusing on the incompatibilities involved in each case and examining how they have been managed—whether by integration, co-existence, elimination or maneuvering around the conflict—the book sheds new light on the significance of managing conflict in achieving and maintaining the stability of the Southeast Asian region. It makes a significant theoretical contribution to the field of peace and conflict studies by proposing the concept of “mediation regime” as the key to understanding current conflict management within ASEAN.

Conflict Management and Dispute Settlement in East Asia

Book Description

Through a multi-disciplinary approach, this volume studies the management and settlement of conflict and disputes in East Asia. Conflict and disputes exist everywhere in human society. The management and settlement of them has become an imperative. This volume is a significant contribution to a broader understanding of the complexities involved in managing and settling disputes and conflicts at regional, inter-state and intra-state levels in the East Asian region. Drawing on expertise in Peace and Conflict, International Relations, and International Law the volume presents to the reader a general picture of how conflict can be managed at the international and regional levels through various mechanisms, in particular, through prominent regional organizations such as ASEAN. It then moves on to case studies at the regional level including inter-state and intra-state conflicts and disputes. The last part of the volume highlights how states resolve their maritime disputes. This has drawn much attention from the international community due to various factors such as the increasing demand for natural resources from the oceans. These disputes disrupt the smooth development of international relations as well as trigger tensions and confrontation between states.

Conflict Management in the Asia Pacific

Book Description

conflict management in the Asia Pacific Assumptions and Approaches in Diverse Cultures Research-based and action-oriented, this book aims to give both a conceptual understanding of conflict management and practical guidelines to managing conflict in the Asia Pacific. It describes the various assumptions, expectations and values of Asia Pacific workers and how they deal with their conflicts. The book's central theme is on doing business internationally and managing conflict with different peoples and countries in the region. It describes how each country handles conflict in the workplace and how other countries can work with them effectively and constructively at various levels of management. The authors define the attitudes, assumptions and self-perceptions which shape a country's approach to conflict. These self-perceptions can have a major impact on conflict management especially when dealing with people from other countries. The contributors of all chapters draw upon a wide range of disciplines to document the conflict beliefs of people in their country. In addition to cross-cultural and other behavioral studies, they use literature and history to identify how people in their country think about themselves and their neighbors. They also refer to case studies where expectations get in the way, how expectations help conflict management, and how people overcome interfering expectations to forge successful business alliances.

International Conflict in the Asia-Pacific

Book Description

This book analyses four major long-standing and intractable conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region (the Korean Peninsula; the Taiwan Strait; the South China Sea (Spratly Islands); and India-Pakistan), and aims to identify the mechanisms used to manage these conflicts. International Conflict in the Asia-Pacific brings together in one volume four major international conflicts that have shaped the region, and studies how they evolved and how best to manage them. The book seeks to find a pattern common to the four conflicts and their management as well as taking note of variations among them, hereby aiming to establish what might be called the 'Asia-Pacific way of managing intractable conflicts'. This book will of much interest to students of international conflict management, Asian politics, security studies and IR in general. Jacob Bercovitch is Professor of International Relations in the Political Science Department at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Widely regarded as one of the most influential scholars in the field of international conflict resolution, he is author of more than 15 books and numerous articles. Mikio Oishi is a Visiting Fellow with the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS), University of Otago and a Research Fellow with Political Science Programme of University of Canterbury.

Regional Cooperation and Conflict Management

Book Description

Regional cooperation is increasingly important as a means to create peaceful relations and improve economic development. The problem today is not to initiate cooperation but rather how to handle disputes and maintain good relations. This is done through conflict management mechanisms (CMMs) in most regional cooperation structures. However, the interaction between such structures and regional conflict management mechanisms is not sufficiently examined and, as a result, no coherent theoretical model that could explain this interaction has been constructed. This has meant that in many cases the interaction is incorrectly assumed, with negative social and economic outcomes.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a Process of Conflict Management

Book Description

This study reviews the period between 1960 and 1994 to see the trends and evolution of the ASEAN conflict management process and its implications on the security of the ASEAN region. Conflict management here is used as a neutral umbrella covering all the conflict management strategies from conflict prevention to conflict ending. Particular attention, however, has been given to the prevention strategy which includes conflict avoidance, conflict containment, and both the socialization and institutionalization of conflict management ideas and principles. The application of these strategies on conflicts within the region are reviewed by breaking the conflicts down into two types, inter-state and intra-state. Three major arguments are stressed throughout this study. One is that despite the strategic importance of the major powers on the security of the ASEAN region, the ASEAN conflict management process has been an integral part of the overall event that has influenced the stability and security within the region. Two, that conflict management within ASEAN has been done both directly and indirectly, but mostly indirectly through the decision-making process of "musyawarah" or consensus. Conflict management was carried out mainly "through" ASEAN rather than "by" ASEAN. Third, that the "Formative stage" between 1967 and 1976 has been the most important period for the ASEAN conflict management process. This was the time when the principles and ideals conducive to the management of conflicts in the region was socialized into the relationships and eventually institutionalized.