Manifesting the Primal Imagination

Book Description

Manifesting the Primal Imagination explores a little known, but important, aspect of Black American Christianity—the primal spirituality of the Black Pentecostal and spiritual church. Set against the backdrop of a Christianity believed by many to be synonymous with White Western culture, Manifesting the Primal Imagination demonstrates how this image of Christianity came to be, and how it is false, through a historical and scriptural examination of Christianity itself. At a time in which the nature of Christian faith is hotly contested, with many rejecting Christianity on the basis of its historical association with White supremacist claims, Settles advocates for a rereading of the history of Black American faith in a way that recognizes the importance of the primal imagination to Christianity itself.

A Theology of Land

Book Description

On the face of things, the spirituality of Australia's Aboriginals is hard to reconcile with a spirituality of Christian theology, with its human centrism apt to a Son of God in Man, made flesh in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless this author, Christopher Sexton, a Sydney based lawyer, drew on his deep Catholic theological beliefs and intense dialogue with Aboriginal elders, to find a surprisingly common ground, and in abundance. The creation stories of each lay emphasis on humanity's stewardship for the search and its mystical riches. Here is a book by a Christian lawyer who consulted widely and deeply with our First People's. He found more in common between our distinct spiritualities than might be expected. Proving, once again, that listening deeply to each other will often yield common ground.

The Iconic Imagination

Book Description

Is it merely an accident of English etymology that 'imagination' is cognate with 'image'? Despite the iconoclasm shared to a greater or lesser extent by all Abrahamic faiths, theism tends to assert a link between beauty, goodness and truth, all of which are viewed as Divine attributes. Douglas Hedley argues that religious ideas can be presented in a sensory form, especially in aesthetic works. Drawing explicitly on a Platonic metaphysics of the image as a bearer of transcendence, The Iconic Imagination shows the singular capacity and power of images to represent the transcendent in the traditions of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. In opposition to cold abstraction and narrow asceticism, Hedley shows that the image furnishes a vision of the eternal through the visible and temporal.

The Naked Communist:Cold War Modernism and the Politics of Popular Culture

Book Description

The Naked Communist argues that the political ideologies of modernity were fundamentally determined by four basic figures: the world, the enemy, the secret, and the catastrophe. While the "world" names the totality that functioned as the ultimate horizon of modern political imagination, the three other figures define the necessary limits of this totality by reflecting on the limits of representation. The book highlights the enduring presence of these figures in the modern imagination through detailed analysis of a concrete historical example: American anti-Communist politics of the 1950s. Its primary objective is to describe the internal mechanisms of what we could call an anti-Communist "aesthetic ideology." The book thus traces the way anti-Communist popular culture emerged in the discourse of Cold War liberalism as a political symptom of modernism. Based on a discursive analysis of American anti-Communist politics, the book presents parallel readings of modernism and popular fiction from the 1950s (nuclear holocaust novels, spy novels, and popular political novels) in order to show that, despite the radical separation of the two cultural fields, they both participated in a common ideological program.

The Creative Imagination

Book Description

By engaging with the notions of indeterminacy and embodiment within the writings of Immanuel Kant, Johann Fichte and Cornelius Castoriadis, this book addresses and brings to the fore the significance of the creative imagination as an ontological source of human creation. Principally inspired by Castoriadis’ revolutionary elucidation of the imagination and the imaginary, this book actively contributes to this neglected line of enquiry by exposing deep lines of continuity and rupture both within and between the writings of Kant, Fichte, and Castoriadis. Beginning with Kant’s hesitation in describing the productive imagination as a creative and embodied power of the soul, this book traces these lines of continuity and rupture through Fichte’s innovative depiction of the creative imagination as an ontological power of creation and through Castoriadis’ radical extension of this idea into the social-historical realm. Given the notions of indeterminacy and embodiment actively inform these lines of continuity and of rupture, this book contributes to the landscape of thinking by proposing the creative imagination must be envisaged an embodied power of the human soul.

Four (and a Half) Dialogues on Homosexuality and the Bible

Book Description

Four (and a half) Dialogues on Homosexuality and the Bible explores four different interpretive approaches to biblical texts regarding homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Differences of interpretation are discussed openly, honestly, and charitably. The dialogues' four characters maintain friendship with each other despite their disagreements, and so the book serves as a model of how difficult, potentially divisive conversations on a controversial topic might be conducted. Three of the four perspectives presented for examination are well represented in the existing literature; the fourth is not as familiar and is offered and developed as a proposal for bridging the divide that persists among theologically conservative Christians who honor the authority of Scripture over their thinking and their living. Ongoing conflict over this issue is destructive of the unity toward which the Bible summons all believers to strive, and so the book includes also a call to create space for one another--both individually and institutionally--for differences in theological conclusions and in community practices. Each of the dialogues begins with one of the characters telling their personal story regarding their sexuality, continues with that character's case for their view, and concludes with a series of suggested discussion questions.

Philosophy's Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking

Book Description

Philosophy's Moods is a collection of original essays interrogating the inseparable bond between mood and philosophical thinking. What is the relationship between mood and thinking in philosophy? In what sense are we always already philosophizing from within a mood? What kinds of mood are central for shaping the space of philosophy? What is the philosophical imprint of Aristotle’s wonder, Kant’s melancholy, Kierkegaard’s anxiety or Nietzsche's shamelessness? Philosophy's Moods invites its readers to explore the above questions through diverse methodological perspectives. The collection includes twenty-one contributions by internationally renowned scholars as well as younger and emerging voices. In pondering the place of the subjective and personal roots that thinking is typically called to overcome, the book challenges and articulates an alternative to a predominant tendency in philosophy to view the theoretical content and the affective side of thought as opposed to one another.

Herald of the Star

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African Christianity

Book Description

These detailed analyses of the state of the churches in each country suggest more general patterns operating widely across sub-Saharan Africa.