Manpower for a 600-ship Navy

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Manning the 600-Ship Navy

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This study summarizes a series of projects designed to improve the Navy's ability to set manpower requirements and to develop cost effective compensation policies to fill these requirements. The analyses included several efforts to improve the methodology used to define manpower requirements. A computer model was designed to help in the analysis of the impact of changes in the size of the fleet on requirements at the individual billet level. Development of methodologies to assess the potential for civilian substitution and to define test score and educational requirements for accessions was also completed. The impact of personal characteristics and Navy training on the performance of enlisted personnel was the subject of two separate research efforts. Finally, the effects of compensation policy on high-quality personnel and of sea pay on hard-to-fill sea intensive billets were the subjects of two studies of retention behavior. Keywords: 600-ship Navy, Billets, Compensation, Enlisted personnel, Manning, Mathematical analysis, Mental ability, Methodology, Naval personnel, Navy, Ratings, Recruiting, Recruits, Retention, Sea pay, Training.

Manning the 600-ship Navy

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This paper describes economic analyses conducted by CNA to evaluate policy options for meeting the Navy's growing manpower needs. The work was done in support of the Navy's Planning, Programming, and Budgeting process. Keywords: ACOL (Annualized Cost of Leaving) Model, AVF (All Volunteer Force), Compensation, Costs, CPAM (Chief of Naval Operations Program Analysis) Memorandum, DEP (Delayed Entry Program), Economic analysis, Enlisted personnel, LOS (Length-of-Service), Manpower, Mathematical models, MPT (manpower, personnel and training), Naval training, POM (Program Objectives Manual), Recruiting, Reenlistment, Salaries, SRB (Selective Reenlistment Bonus), Tables (data), 600-ship Navy.

The 600-ship Navy and the Maritime Strategy

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Manpower and Personnel Needs for a Transformed Naval Force

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The Department of Defense (DOD) is committed to transforming the nation's armed forces to meet the military challenges of the future. One approach to achieving this transformation is by leveraging advances in science and technology. New technologies and innovations are integral to today's military actions, and associated changes have rippled through all aspects of operations, highlighting the need for changes in policies related to military personnel. At the request of the Force Chief of Naval Operations, the NRC reviewed the military manpower and personnel policies and studies currently underway in the DOD and developed an implementation strategy for the Department of the Navy's future military manpower and personnel needs. This book presents an introduction to current personnel policies of and concerns facing the Naval forces; an assessment of demographic, technological, and other forces affecting future personnel needs and availability; a summary and assessment of previous studies; an examination of the role of research tools in implementing personnel policy change; and an analysis of obstacles to and strategies for transforming the Naval forces.

Manpower Availability Projections for Selected Constrained Ratings--FY81-87

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Personnel in their second enlistment, who comprise the bulk of the Navy's experienced personnel pool, are in seriously short supply for many ratings. As a result, many Navy systems are being manned and maintained by personnel with skills and experience below that necessary for optimum performance. This report identifies selected Navy enlisted ratings having a 20 percent or greater shortfall for any year (1981-1987). Manpower availability data were developed using manpower requirements forecasting and availability projections developed and maintained by the Chief of Naval Operations. The data base used is predicted on the growth to a 600-ship Navy by FY 1989. (Author).

Trends and Issues in U.S. Navy Manpower

Book Description

Three major events in the past two decades have shaped the course of U.S. Navy manpower: the conflict in Vietnam, the transition from military conscription to the All-Volunteer Force, and the rebuilding of the Navy into a modern 600-ship force. This book traces the trends and issues in Navy manpower during the tours of the six chiefs of naval operations who guided the uniformed Navy over this historic period. The analyses of these trends and issues by the Center for Naval Analyses are described, from which lessons are drawn that apply when searching for solutions to future manpower problems. Ways to identify and define manpower problems in the future are also presented. A glossary of terms that have special meaning in both naval and broader manpower circles is provided. Manpower is a term with many meanings. It is associated with such things as labor-force measurement, matching the supply of people with the jobs available, government training programs, civilian staffing requirements, military manning requirements, personnel management, statistics, labor economics, organizational behavior, and manpower planning. In the broadest sense, the term manpower encompasses the requirements for human resources, the supply of human resources, and ways to reconcile requirements and supply to achieve organizational goals. It subsumes the personnel and training functions necessary to manage human resources.