TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) Book + Online

Book Description

Teacher candidates seeking certification to become bilingual teachers in Texas public schools must take the TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) test. This REA test guide provides extensive coverage of the exam’s four competencies. In addition to a thorough review, the book features a diagnostic test and full-length practice test that deal with every type of question, subject area, and skill tested on the exam. Both tests are also available online for timed testing conditions, automatic scoring, and instant feedback on every question to help teacher candidates zero in on the topics that give them trouble now, so they can succeed on test day -- Provided by the publisher.

The Associated Press Stylebook 2013

Book Description

A fully revised and updated edition of the bible of the newspaper industry

The Writer's Reference Guide to Spanish

Book Description

Writers and editors of Spanish have long needed an authoritative guide to written language usage, similar to The MLA Style Manual and The Chicago Manual of Style. And here it is! This reference guide provides comprehensive information on how the Spanish language is copyedited for publication. The book covers these major areas: Language basics: capitalization, word division, spelling, and punctuation. Language conventions: abbreviations, professional and personal titles, names of organizations, and nationalities. Bibliographic format, particularly how Spanish differs from English. Spanish language forms of classical authors' names. Literary and grammatical terminology. Linguistic terminology. Biblical names and allusions. A dictionary of grammatical doubts, including usage, grammatical constructions of particular words and phrases, verbal irregularities, and gender variations.

Guide to the Perfect Latin American Idiot

Book Description

Three Latin American writers quote, dissect and review this character in a cultural critique that combines analysis with humor and a relentless self-criticism.

Manual for Drafting ILO Instruments

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Manual of Standardization in the Romance Languages

Book Description

Language standardization is an ongoing process based on the notions of linguistic correctness and models. This manual contains thirty-six chapters that deal with the theories of linguistic norms and give a comprehensive up-to-date description and analysis of the standardization processes in the Romance languages. The first section presents the essential approaches to the concept of linguistic norm ranging from antiquity to the present, and includes individual chapters on the notion of linguistic norms and correctness in classical grammar and rhetoric, in the Prague School, in the linguistic theory of Eugenio Coseriu, in sociolinguistics as well as in pragmatics, cognitive and discourse linguistics. The second section focuses on the application of these notions with respect to the Romance languages. It examines in detail the normative grammar and the normative dictionary as the reference tools for language codification and modernization of those languages that have a long and well-established written tradition, i.e. Romanian, Italian, French, Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese. Furthermore, the volume offers a discussion of the key issues regarding the standardization of the ‘minor’ Romance languages as well as Creoles.

La enseñanza de la traducción

Book Description

In Traductología and the one of the most outstanding names in the study of and doctor, Stolen shelter theory the translation Didactics of the translation, initiated this collection that consolidated definitively with the edition of this third volume dedicated to the present questions of Didactics.

Manual de redacción y estilo

Book Description

La capacidad imaginativa es innata, pero la técnica para redactar puede adquirirse. Con este trabajo se pretende advertir de los errores morfosintácticos y de las desviaciones léxicas y estilísticas más frecuentes en el español actual a los posibles lectores, alumnos de los últimos años de bachillerato, de la universidad, profesionales y personas preocupadas por la lengua, a la vez que facilitarles los mecanismos necesarios para su corrección. Para ello se recogen los vicios lingüísticos más usuales, se explica el porqué de su incorrección y se formula su buen uso. En vez de partir de planteamientos teóricos previos, se ha preferido hacerlo del empleo que los hablantes del español hacen de su idioma, por lo que se ha recurrido a un conjunto muy amplio de textos escritos (literarios, periodísticos, jurídicos, administrativos, científicos, etc.), al lenguaje oral utilizado en los medios de comunicación audiovisuales y a ejemplos extraídos de la conversación cotidiana. La catalogación de los errores se completa con algunas pautas técnicas para la redacción y normas para la presentación de textos, centrados, especialmente por el tipo de público al que va dirigido el libro, en la elaboración de los trabajos a los que se tiene que enfrentar el alumno en su vida académica. Al final de este manual, dado su carácter didáctico, se incluyen una serie de ejercicios sobre las diversas materias tratadas. De esta manera, el lector podrá comprobar si ha asimilado correctamente los aspectos teóricos expuestos a lo largo de los distintos capítulos del libro.

Manual de redacción

Book Description

Escribir con claridad, corrección y sencillez es una habilidad alcanzable. Requiere conocimientos de gramática y ortografía, actualizados con las nuevas normas sobre el uso el castellano. Pero la verdadera destreza se alcanza mediante la lectura y el empeño por transmitir todo lo que se desea, tal como se desea. El lector encontrará en este Manual de redacción un instrumento indispensable para recorrer ese itinerario con éxito. Manual de redacción (3.a edición revisada)

Remote Viewing

Book Description

It possible to see across space and time Even those who accept that humans can reach beyond the conventional five senses typically think of psychics as special or gifted with unusual abilities. But David Morehouse teaches other wise all human beings, including you, have the innate capacity for Remote Viewing. David Morehouse was trained by the U.S. government in Remote Viewing an exact scientific protocol for tapping the human power to gather information across space and time. In this comprehensive manual, he has taken his military training as an operational Remote Viewer and turned it into a step-by-step training system one that teaches any serious reader how to unlock their natural abilities and become more than the physical world allows. You have the ability to do this, Morehouse says. Something extraordinary is absolutely possible in your life. Remote Viewing is more than simply a method for gathering information. It is a transformational tool instilling within you the absolute and irrefutable evidence that you are more than human that you are extraordinarily human. As you gain experience and confidence as a Viewer, you will tap into the collective unconscious that connects you to everything and everyone in the universe. Through David More house's training, you will learn to touch the infinite source of life and knowledge that spiritual masters throughout human history have sought.