Minister Training Manual

Book Description

Minister Training Manual By: Bishop Gillis and Gwendolyn Thomas Minister Training Manual is about the fivefold ministry. It is about understanding the operation of each ministry gift and how to operate in your calling. It is also designed to help you to be effective in your calling and a training manual.

Christian Minister's Manual

Book Description

This manual was created for Christian pastors and laity. The purpose of the authors is singular: publish a manual that can be used by African-American preachers and church leaders of every background and every educational level. The manual is the only one of its kind. It provides a list of more than 50 entities and organizations that can be called upon to help pastors and lay leaders carry out effective ministry. An extensive list of helpful books is also included. Users will find the manual easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to implement. It will enable ministers and lay leaders to save time on research, organize their presentations, and provide internal and external ministry. The book also contains important advice on how to handle internal church crises and external emergencies, press and media inquiries, and compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules, and regulations. Information on how to develop and utilize standard protocols for Church operations is also included. The manual covers many of the major ceremonies, rituals, and practices of the 21st-century Christian Church. It addresses traditional and non-traditional issues faced by the modern Church, including, but not limited to, church administration, the work of twenty-first-century deacons and trustees, bi-vocational pastoring, rape trauma, suicide, substance abuse disorders, the prison-industrial complex, and so much more. In addition to providing guidance on many non-traditional issues, the manual includes step-by-step instructions for baptisms, weddings, funerals, infant dedications, and ordinations. It also includes much-needed information regarding the training of associate ministers and other church leaders. This is a desk reference. However, wherever they are, pastors and lay leaders can download the manual to their tablets, for ease of use. The manual can be used by lay leaders in every department of the Church and can be used by a variety of denominations. Further, it meets the holistic needs of the modern pastor who is faced with a myriad of tasks, parishioners needs, and societal concerns. Readers who purchase the hard-copy of the book can download several, extremely helpful, full-sized forms that are only in the tablet/e-book version. Go to http: // to download the forms.

Ministers-Workers Training Manual

Book Description

The ministers and church-workers should be trained well so that they can perform well, and do God's Assignments for them faithfully and satisfactorily. Many are in the ministry today without adequate training, and they have either messed things up or performed, by far, below God's Expectation from them. A minister is not supposed to be a novice, and he is to hold the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. The Word says, “If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the Words of Faith and of the Good Doctrine which you have carefully followed” (1 Tim. 4:6).