Marine H SBS: The Burma Offensive

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1943, Burma. Fresh from his exploits with the unit in the Mediterranean, Sergeant 'Tiger' Tiller and his SBS comrades are now deployed in Burma, striking at the Japanese supply lines, including deep inside Burmese territory. Tiller must use the SBS's most potent new weapon – the Midget Submarine – to strike at the heart of the Japanese campaign.

Marine H SBS

Book Description

Fresh from the 1943 Aegean Campaign, explosives expert Sergeant Colin 'Tiger' Tiller of the Royal Marines, is selected to undergo covert training in a one-man midget submarine fitted with a newly modified, specialist weapon. Posted to the Far East he enrolls in the Special Boat Section, where he set about ruthlessly destroying Japanese supply ships among the crocodile-infested mangrove swamps along the Arakan coast, raiding enemy-held islands, and employing his deadly skills on Burma's Irrawaddy River. There he receives special orders to use the midget submarine in his most dangerous raid yet... Marine H SBS: The Burma Offensive - based on real operations mounted during World War II- recounts the death-defying exploits of a group of highly trained individuals pitted against the armed might of the Japanese Empire. This is classic military fiction at its best.

Marine D SBS: Windswept

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1984, Greece. From their secret military base on a Greek island, the SBS must use all their skills to evade the might of the Soviet navy in a secret mission – a mission that could start a bloody and devastating war in the Middle East if things don't go to plan...

Marine B SBS

Book Description

In 1943 Sergeant 'Tiger' Tiller was already a seasoned veteran and a surviving member of the 'Cockleshell Heroes'. However, his war was far from over as he joined the newly formed detachment of the Special Boat Section led by Captain Magnus Larseen in the islands of the Aegean. There they would conduct a perilous, piratical war, using guns, knives and their bare hands to battle the might of the German Wehrmacht. Slipping from island to island they would call upon all their resourcefulness, courage and daring to defeat the enemy. This is classic military fiction at its best.

Marine J SBS: The East African Mission

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1975, Uganda. With brutal dictator Idi Amin in power, SBS operatives must undertake a secret mission in tandem with MI6 to prevent Amin's invasion of Tanzania succeeding. Can the SBS and the Intelligence services work successfully to prevent Amin's violent plans?

Marine A SBS: Terrorism on the North Sea

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1982, North Sea. IRA operatives plan to sabotage the North Sea oilfield – and the Prime Minister is in danger. The SBS must risk life and limb against the terrorists and the might of the open waves, or the political impact could be devastating – and the security of the UK could be destroyed forever...

Marine E SBS: The Hong Kong Gambit

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1990s Hong Kong. With Britain about to cede control of Hong Kong to the Chinese, SBS operative Des Cooper is in town, taking part in anti-smuggling operations with the locals. But when rumours of a far-fetched plot to steal nuclear warheads prove true, Cooper and his SBS team must do their utmost to prevent all-out catastrophe.

Marine G SBS

Book Description

South China Sea, 1995. Pirates rule the waves and ships are disappearing in deadly ocean blackspots. To combat these cut-throats, a SBS team is sent to Singapore to play a game of high-stakes hide-and-seek across the tropical seas, picking up a trail which leads them north towards Hong Kong. Meanwhile, as the Communist Chinese takeover looms for the British colony, Inspector Rosalie Kai is investigating a barbaric cross-border trade in unwanted female babies. Soon both she and the SBS team find themselves in the underworld jungle up against a criminal organization that stretches from one end of the South China Sea to the other, fighting rogue elements of the Indonesian Army, corrupt policemen, and the foot soldiers of the fearsome Triads. This is classic military fiction at its best.

Marine F SBS: Royal Target

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1995, Spain. The Princess of Wales is enjoying a holiday in Catalonia when she becomes the target of an international terrorist's vengeance. With the Princess kidnapped, can the SBS rescue her in time – or will their tried and tested methods fail against the wily and battle-hardened terrorist leader?

Marine K SBS: Gold Rush

Book Description

For over eighty years the SBS have sailed into the face of danger. Responsible for quick strikes, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism, they are the world's foremost marine special forces unit. The SBS risk their lives at sea and on land, undertaking the most dangerous missions. 1981, the Arctic Ocean. Plans are underway to locate the wreck of HMS Edinburgh and the four tons of gold bullion it was carrying when it sank during World War II, The wreck has lain half a mile beneath the waves for forty years. But Mike Stewart's dangerous recovery mission also has political implications in the era of the Cold War...