Marius the Epicurean

Book Description

Marius the Epicurean (The Complete Two-Volume Edition)

Book Description

This novel is a practical guide through different philosophical teachings. A reader learns them by life examples of Marius's fictional personality, whose life sets him in other circumstances to test his changing beliefs. The story is based in Rome, where Greek philosophy and early Christianity live beside. A typical citizen could be closely familiar with Plato, Socrates, Epicurus, or Aristippus. A series of life events, the loss of a mother, studying at boarding school, disease, visiting Rome, and life at the court of Marcus Aurelius, the first acquaintance with Christianity, allows Marius to try out different philosophical teachings prove their flaws and merits. First, Marius is fascinated by epicureanism but thinks it lacks depth. Then, he is fascinated by stoicism but later sees it as too cruel. Finally, Marius comes to learn the doctrines of Christianity, which give him spiritual peace. This story could happen in Rome and is very interesting. It shows how different philosophical teachings can shape ordinary people's real-life routines and behavior now and then.

Marius the Epicurean

Book Description

Marius the Epicurean (Vol. 1&2)

Book Description

This novel is a practical guide through different philosophical teachings. A reader learns them by life examples of Marius's fictional personality, whose life sets him in other circumstances to test his changing beliefs. The story is based in Rome, where Greek philosophy and early Christianity live beside. A typical citizen could be closely familiar with Plato, Socrates, Epicurus, or Aristippus. A series of life events, the loss of a mother, studying at boarding school, disease, visiting Rome, and life at the court of Marcus Aurelius, the first acquaintance with Christianity, allows Marius to try out different philosophical teachings prove their flaws and merits. First, Marius is fascinated by epicureanism but thinks it lacks depth. Then, he is fascinated by stoicism but later sees it as too cruel. Finally, Marius comes to learn the doctrines of Christianity, which give him spiritual peace. This story could happen in Rome and is very interesting. It shows how different philosophical teachings can shape ordinary people's real-life routines and behavior now and then.

Marius the Epicurean Volume 1

Book Description

Marius the Epicurean

Book Description

Marius The Epicurean His Sensations And Ideas Vol-1

Book Description

Among the works produced by Walter Pater, a critic, and essayist from Victorian England, is the novel "Marius the Epicurean, Vol. 1: His Sensations and Ideas." Throughout its pages, readers get taken on a journey through the life of Marius, a man of noble birth who lived during the time of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. With a spotlight on Marius's emotional and cognitive processes, the novel dissects his pursuit of purpose and fulfillment through the various experiences and intellectual explorations he undergoes. The aestheticism of Pater's writing style, replete with its emphasis on sensuous detail and the art of language itself, is unmistakable throughout the book. Moreover, the narrative incorporates notions of philosophy, specifically Stoicism, in the way it navigates Marius's struggle to balance his yearning for pleasure with his quest for a profound purpose. Exploring the themes of aesthetics and spirituality, 'Marius the Epicurean, Vol. 1: His Sensations and Ideas' is a novel that is both thought-provoking and complex in nature.

Marius the Epicurean

Book Description

An elaborately written philosophical novel of ancient Rome which incorporates a retelling of Apuleius' story of Cupid and Psyche. It was as a critic and a humanist that Walter Pater (1839-1894), professor at Oxford, led the revival of interest in Renaissance art and humanism, becoming a powerful influence on his own and succeeding generations, claiming disciples as diverse as Virginia Woolf and Ezra Pound. This philosophic novel is generally considered his masterpiece. It is the story of a young man's spiritual and aesthetic awakening in ancient Rome. Marius, a grave and thoughtful man, reacts to the diverse philosophical forces of his times by journeying from Stoicism to Cyrenaicism to Epicureanism, and finally to Christianity. The Golden Book of Lucius Apuleius, the stoicism of Marcus Aurelius, the tranquil beauties of the old Roman religion, and the lurid horrors of the Christian persecution are interestingly and imaginatively depicted.A style of perfectly finished beauty, full of an exquisite restraint, and, after all, only the fitting and adequate expression of the exactest thinking. --AthenaeumAny one who cares to think on counsels of perfection for man's life will find profound and original thought about the ideal elements still at hand in modern days for use, and many wise reflections, sown among these pages. It is a rare work and not carelessly to be read. Some exquisiteness of taste, some delight in scholarship, some knowledge of what is best worth knowing in the historic expressions of man's aspiration, and, above all, that 'inward tacitness of mind' the reader must bring to its perusal. --NationThe polish of the style, the depth and refinement of the thought, thepicturesque descriptions, and the lofty sentiment of the book as a whole, together with the beautiful gravity and impressiveness that mark it generally, make it a work far out of the ordinary current of fiction. --Boston Saturday Evening Gazette

Marius The EpicureanHis Sensations And Ideas Vol. -2

Book Description

Walter Pater's book Marius the Epicurean is split into two parts. After the success of the first book, the second one is called Marius The Epicurean Vol 2 'His Sensations and Ideas.' The book goes on with the story of Marius, a young Roman prince who is looking for a way to live that will make him happy. In this volume, Marius goes to Athens to study philosophy with Marcus Aurelius, who is a Stoic scholar. Marius's time in Athens gives him a chance to think about duty, ethics, and the nature of the soul. He looks at how art and life are connected and how beauty and pleasure can help us understand the world better. The book is also known for how it looks at the conflict between Christianity and paganism. Marius struggles to find a balance between his Christian faith and his desire to live a fun life.

Marius the Epicurean Volume Ii EasyRead

Book Description

In the exquisite prose style that was profound and perceptive, Pater has united philosophy, truth and moral values. He draws the portrait of a young man whose quest for truth takes him from Stoicism to Cyrenaicism to Epicurianism and finally to Christianity. The book imparts the idea that ethical traditions of religion are important as they are the only civilizing influences on society.