Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide, The - Volume 2: Product, Advertising, Packaging, Biometrics, Price And Promotion

Book Description

As the use of analytics becomes increasingly important in today's business landscape, The Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide (MAPG) provides a thorough understanding of marketing management concepts and their practical applications, making it a valuable resource for professionals and students alike.The four-volume compendium of MAPG provides an in-depth look at marketing management concepts and their practical applications, equipping readers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively inform daily marketing decisions and strategy development and implementation. It seamlessly blends the art and science of marketing, reflecting the discipline's evolution in the era of data analytics. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the field, the MAPG is an essential guide for mastering the use of analytics in modern marketing practices.Volume II, Parts III to V, is dedicated to Product, Advertising, Packaging, Biometrics, Price and Promotion. Part III focuses on the product development process, covering the analytic methods and procedures used to screen ideas, concepts, and products during development, launch, and post-launch.Part IV delves into advertising, packaging, and biometrics. The fundamentals, concepts, and core themes of advertising are covered in a chapter that explains how advertising works and what makes it effective and impactful. The chapter on Advertising Analytics focuses on audience engagement, both behavioural and attitudinal, and the analytic techniques and research processes used to test and track advertising.The chapter on packaging is devoted to the analytics and research techniques employed throughout the stages of packaging development and the chapter on biometrics covers biometric techniques and the relevant technologies, devices, metrics, and applications of these techniques that are useful to practitioners.Finally, Part V deals with price and promotion, covering a variety of pricing research methods and techniques for promotions evaluation. This will help the reader to gain an understanding of the importance and application of pricing and promotions in marketing strategy.

Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide, The - Volume 1: Brand And Consumer

Book Description

As the use of analytics becomes increasingly important in today's business landscape, The Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide (MAPG) provides a thorough understanding of marketing management concepts and their practical applications, making it a valuable resource for professionals and students alike.The four-volume compendium of MAPG provides an in-depth look at marketing management concepts and their practical applications, equipping readers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively inform daily marketing decisions and strategy development and implementation. It seamlessly blends the art and science of marketing, reflecting the discipline's evolution in the era of data analytics. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the field, the MAPG is an essential guide for mastering the use of analytics in modern marketing practices.Volume I is focused on Brand and Consumer. Part I of this volume is dedicated to understanding the concepts and methods of brand sensing and brand equity. It delves into the analytic techniques used to track and profile brand image, and explains the key components of brand equity, how to measure it, and what factors drive it. It provides readers with a comprehensive framework for measuring and understanding brand equity and the tools to pursue its growth.Part II of this volume focuses on understanding consumers through qualitative and quantitative research methods, segmentation, customer satisfaction, customer value management, consumer panels, consumer analytics and big data. The volume covers the analytic tools used to extract insights from consumer transactions, which are becoming increasingly important in today's data-driven world. It also covers the use of consumer analytics and big data specifically within consumer markets.

Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide, The - Volume 3: Digital Marketing

Book Description

As the use of analytics becomes increasingly important in today's business landscape, The Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide (MAPG) provides a thorough understanding of marketing management concepts and their practical applications, making it a valuable resource for professionals and students alike.The four-volume compendium of MAPG provides an in-depth look at marketing management concepts and their practical applications, equipping readers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively inform daily marketing decisions and strategy development and implementation. It seamlessly blends the art and science of marketing, reflecting the discipline's evolution in the era of data analytics. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the field, the MAPG is an essential guide for mastering the use of analytics in modern marketing practices.Volume III is entirely dedicated to digital marketing. The first chapter, New Media, covers the impact of new media on the social, political and marketing landscape. It outlines the new rules and perspectives, leaving readers with a clear understanding of how they must adapt to succeed in the digital age.The Digital Marketing chapter covers a wide range of topics related to digital tools, techniques, processes, as well as the opportunities and challenges of digital marketing. A set of chapters on social media highlight best practices to adopt on each of the networks β€” Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) covers on-page and off-page optimization to increase inbound traffic and channel it through the digital marketing funnel. Web Analytics covers the processes that constitute a web analytics system and deals with the use of web analytics platforms such as Google Analytics to assess the effectiveness of digital marketing in attracting and converting prospects.Search Advertising covers advertising on search engines to draw prospects and lead them through the digital marketing funnel. It covers topics such as the Google auction, keyword strategies, and practices to improve the effectiveness of search advertising.The final chapter, Digital Execution, serves as a comprehensive guide to developing and executing digital marketing plans.

Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide, The - Volume 4: Retail And Statistics

Book Description

As the use of analytics becomes increasingly important in today's business landscape, The Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide (MAPG) provides a thorough understanding of marketing management concepts and their practical applications, making it a valuable resource for professionals and students alike.The four-volume compendium of MAPG provides an in-depth look at marketing management concepts and their practical applications, equipping readers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively inform daily marketing decisions and strategy development and implementation. It seamlessly blends the art and science of marketing, reflecting the discipline's evolution in the era of data analytics. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the field, the MAPG is an essential guide for mastering the use of analytics in modern marketing practices.Volume IV is divided into two parts β€” Retail and Statistics for Marketing Analytics. Retail delves into the various aspects of retail tracking, sales and distribution, retail analytics, and category management.The chapter on retail tracking covers in detail the processes that make up a retail measurement service, including the metrics supported by the service, the key benefits of the service, and how the data is interpreted.The sales and distribution chapter covers five key managerial objectives β€” building distribution, targeting the right channels and chains, optimizing assortment, securing retailer support, and managing stocks in trade.The retail analytics chapter covers a range of diagnostic analytic tools used to extract insights from disaggregate outlet-level data.Category management offers a framework for retailers to manage their business and for suppliers to understand the dynamics of trade marketing.Statistics for Marketing Analytics covers basic statistics, sampling, and marketing mix modelling. It aims to equip readers with the statistical knowledge and tools necessary to analyse and interpret marketing data. The chapters in this part provide a comprehensive understanding of statistical methods and their applications in marketing analytics, including sampling techniques, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.

Product, Advertising, Biometrics, Price and Promotion

Book Description

"As the use of analytics becomes increasingly important in today's business landscape, The Marketing Analytics Practitioner's Guide (MAPG) provides a thorough understanding of marketing management concepts and their practical applications, making it a valuable resource for professionals and students alike. The four-volume compendium of MAPG provides an in-depth look at marketing management concepts and their practical applications, equipping readers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively inform daily marketing decisions and strategy development and implementation. It seamlessly blends the art and science of marketing, reflecting the discipline's evolution in the era of data analytics. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the field, the MAPG is an essential guide for mastering the use of analytics in modern marketing practices. Volume II, Parts III to V, is dedicated to Product, Advertising, Packaging, Biometrics, Price, and Promotion. Part III focuses on the product development process, covering the analytic methods and procedures used to screen ideas, concepts, and products during development, launch, and post-launch. Part IV delves into advertising, packaging, and biometrics. The fundamentals, concepts, and core themes of advertising are covered in a chapter that explains how advertising works and what makes it effective and impactful. The chapter on Advertising Analytics focuses on audience engagement, both behavioural and attitudinal, and the analytic techniques and research processes used to test and track advertising. The chapter on packaging is devoted to the analytics and research techniques employed throughout the stages of packaging development and the chapter on biometrics covers biometric techniques and the relevant technologies, devices, metrics, and applications of these techniques that are useful to practitioners. Finally, Part V deals with price and promotion, covering a variety of pricing research methods and techniques for promotions evaluation. This will help the reader to gain an understanding of the importance and application of pricing and promotions in marketing strategy"--

Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide To Marketing Analytics And Research Methods

Book Description

The digital age has transformed the very nature of marketing. Armed with smartphones, tablets, PCs and smart TVs, consumers are increasingly hanging out on the internet. Cyberspace has changed the way they communicate, and the way they shop and buy. This fluid, de-centralized and multidirectional medium is changing the way brands engage with consumers.At the same time, technology and innovation, coupled with the explosion of business data, has fundamentally altered the manner we collect, process, analyse and disseminate market intelligence. The increased volume, variety and velocity of information enables marketers to respond with much greater speed, to changes in the marketplace. Market intelligence is timelier, less expensive, and more accurate and actionable.Anchored in this age of transformations, Marketing Analytics is a practitioner's guide to marketing management in the 21st century. The text devotes considerable attention to the way market analytic techniques and market research processes are being refined and re-engineered. Written by a marketing veteran, it is intended to guide marketers as they craft market strategies, and execute their day to day tasks.

Digital and Social Media Marketing

Book Description

This book examines issues and implications of digital and social media marketing for emerging markets. These markets necessitate substantial adaptations of developed theories and approaches employed in the Western world. The book investigates problems specific to emerging markets, while identifying new theoretical constructs and practical applications of digital marketing. It addresses topics such as electronic word of mouth (eWOM), demographic differences in digital marketing, mobile marketing, search engine advertising, among others. A radical increase in both temporal and geographical reach is empowering consumers to exert influence on brands, products, and services. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and digital media are having a significant impact on the way people communicate and fulfil their socio-economic, emotional and material needs. These technologies are also being harnessed by businesses for various purposes including distribution and selling of goods, retailing of consumer services, customer relationship management, and influencing consumer behaviour by employing digital marketing practices. This book considers this, as it examines the practice and research related to digital and social media marketing.

Popular Science

Book Description

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

Business and Consumer Analytics: New Ideas

Book Description

This two-volume handbook presents a collection of novel methodologies with applications and illustrative examples in the areas of data-driven computational social sciences. Throughout this handbook, the focus is kept specifically on business and consumer-oriented applications with interesting sections ranging from clustering and network analysis, meta-analytics, memetic algorithms, machine learning, recommender systems methodologies, parallel pattern mining and data mining to specific applications in market segmentation, travel, fashion or entertainment analytics. A must-read for anyone in data-analytics, marketing, behavior modelling and computational social science, interested in the latest applications of new computer science methodologies. The chapters are contributed by leading experts in the associated fields.The chapters cover technical aspects at different levels, some of which are introductory and could be used for teaching. Some chapters aim at building a common understanding of the methodologies and recent application areas including the introduction of new theoretical results in the complexity of core problems. Business and marketing professionals may use the book to familiarize themselves with some important foundations of data science. The work is a good starting point to establish an open dialogue of communication between professionals and researchers from different fields. Together, the two volumes present a number of different new directions in Business and Customer Analytics with an emphasis in personalization of services, the development of new mathematical models and new algorithms, heuristics and metaheuristics applied to the challenging problems in the field. Sections of the book have introductory material to more specific and advanced themes in some of the chapters, allowing the volumes to be used as an advanced textbook. Clustering, Proximity Graphs, Pattern Mining, Frequent Itemset Mining, Feature Engineering, Network and Community Detection, Network-based Recommending Systems and Visualization, are some of the topics in the first volume. Techniques on Memetic Algorithms and their applications to Business Analytics and Data Science are surveyed in the second volume; applications in Team Orienteering, Competitive Facility-location, and Visualization of Products and Consumers are also discussed. The second volume also includes an introduction to Meta-Analytics, and to the application areas of Fashion and Travel Analytics. Overall, the two-volume set helps to describe some fundamentals, acts as a bridge between different disciplines, and presents important results in a rapidly moving field combining powerful optimization techniques allied to new mathematical models critical for personalization of services. Academics and professionals working in the area of business anyalytics, data science, operations research and marketing will find this handbook valuable as a reference. Students studying these fields will find this handbook useful and helpful as a secondary textbook.

Popular Mechanics

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Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.