Publicidad contagiosa

Book Description

El marketing viral se inoculó en el panorama profesional publicitario como una vacuna eficazy económica contra la supuesta inmunidad de las audiencias a los mensajes comerciales. Conseguir que fueran los consumidores quienes transmitieran los anuncios espontáneamente entre sus redes sociales se consideró la panacea en un mercado comunicativo sobresaturado. Sin embargo, la publicidad boca a oreja, basada en recomendaciones, ya conseguía el mismo objetivo desde tiempos ancestrales. Fueron las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) las que posibilitaron el salto exponencial hacia la publicidad viral y, en consecuencia, un cambio de magnitudes sin precedentes: los contenidos comerciales pasaban a ser compartibles a escala planetaria, a la velocidad de un clic.Este libro se centra en detectar las claves creativas comunes que detonaron el contagio de 651 vídeos publicitarios entre los usuarios de las redes sociales digitales.A partir de un constructo analítico formado por drivers creativos, cepas virales y la variable ambigüedad, se propone la fórmula V = cc (d+c) + a, como base inspiradora para crear publicidad altamente contagiosa.


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Written for courses in Principles of Marketing at four-year and two-year colleges, this shorter overview aims to help students master the basic principles and practices of modern marketing in an enjoyable and practical way. Its coverage balances upon three essential pillars - (1) theory and concepts; (2) practices and applications; and (3) pedagogy - cultivating an efficient, effective teaching and learning environment. This sixth edition provides revised content throughout, and reflects the major trends and forces that are impacting marketing in this new, connected millennium. It includes new thinking and expanded coverage on a wide variety of topics, for example: relationship marketing; connecting technologies; the company value chain; value-delivery networks; and global marketing.

Publicidad 360º

Book Description

Esta publicación es fruto de la reflexión de, fundamentalmente, docentes del ámbito de la comunicación y de la publicidad basada en la necesidad de aunar fuerzas para ofrecer una obra de conjunto que intenta ver la publicidad como un hecho global y no solo aislado de la comunicación comercial. La presente obra profundiza en el valor de la publicidad y su importancia contemporánea, desde una perspectiva holística y con el objetivo de querer ser una publicación didáctica y de reflexión.

Marketing cinematográfico

Book Description

Detrás del estreno de una película, existe una cuidada estrategia en la que se llevan a cabo distintas acciones con un objetivo común: conseguir un buen debut en cines y, por extensión, un recorrido comercial óptimo en el resto de las ventanas de explotación. Este libro aborda la promoción de una película de manera global. El lector descubrirá, de la mano de sus autores, las principales herramientas y estrategias que la empresa audiovisual tiene a su disposición durante toda la cadena de generación de valor de un título: desde la idea creativa hasta el día de su proyección en salas. Por un lado se exponen los procesos, estrategias, materiales y medios que forman parte de una campaña de marketing cinematográfico para explicar, posicionar y promocionar un título entre los espectadores potenciales. En segundo lugar se abordan las técnicas que proporciona la investigación de mercado para definir productos más afines, dimensionar la película y conocer mejor el público objetivo (target) al que nos dirigimos. Por último se explican las posibilidades de promoción que ofrecen las redes sociales al sector del entretenimiento, especialmente en uno de los nichos de audiencia más esquivo: los jóvenes.

Saca la lengua

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Rubén Turienzo crea un nuevo modelo de influencia social para renovar la gestión empresarial y generar soluciones prácticas y efectivas.

Visual Marketing

Book Description

This comprehensive volume aims to further research and theory development in visual marketing. By bringing together leading researchers in the field, it strives to contribute to the establishment of visual marketing as a coherent discipline. The chapters represent an array of issues in visual marketing. They address three areas in theory: attention

Handbook of Brand Relationships

Book Description

Brand relationships are critical because they can enhance company profitability by lowering customer acquisition and retention costs. This is the first serious academic book to offer a psychological perspective on the meaning of and basis for brand relationships, as well as their effects. "The Handbook of Brand Relationships" includes chapters by well-known marketing and psychology scholars on topics related to the meaning, significance, and measurement of brand relationships; the critical connections between consumers and the brand; how brand relationships are formed through both thoughtful and non-thoughtful processes; and how they are built, repaired, and leveraged through brand extensions. An integrative framework introduces the book and summarizes the chapters' key ideas. The handbook also identifies several novel metrics for measuring various aspects of brand relationships, and it includes recommendations for further research.

Humor in Advertising

Book Description

Humor has long been one of the most common approaches used in advertising. Whether in a big televised event like the Super Bowl or in new forms of digital advertising, everyone is exposed to funny ads, some of which both entertain the audience and help sell a product. Yet, the use of humor in advertising is complex; clearly not all humorous ads are successful. This comprehensive volume both summarizes the cumulative state of knowledge on humor in advertising and provides new cutting-edge research on key topics such as humor’s use in conjunction with emotional and sexual appeals, its use in digital advertising, and issues related to gender and cross-cultural applicability. Special emphasis is placed on defining humorous advertising and types of humor used, as well as outlining what conditions work for advertisers. The chapters examine humor in advertising and add insights on several cutting-edge issues in this stream of research. An overview article summarizing the overall body of literature accumulated over 50 years of research on humorous advertising defines types of humorous appeals. The degree to which humor is effective and the boundary conditions associated with when and how it works best in advertising is discussed. New research articles further contribute to cumulative knowledge by exploring the interaction of humor with other issues and techniques such as whether it travels internationally, gender issues, its use in conjunction with emotional and sexual appeals, and its presence in the digital contexts. The book concludes with an in-depth look at the evolution of humorous appeals over the oldest traditional advertising medium—outdoor advertising. The chapters in this book were originally published in International Journal of Advertising.

Técnicas de marketing viral

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