
Book Description

En un mundo de extrema saturación, lo que salta a la primera página es algo más que la diferenciación, es la diferenciación radical que tiene que ver con encontrar un espacio de mercado totalmente nuevo del que puedas apropiarte y defenderlo, obteniendo beneficios durante años en lugar de meses. Hacer zag cuando todos hacen zig. Esa es la clave para sobrevivir en una época en la que proliferan los productos de imitación, hay un exceso de oferta y los consumidores y no las empresas son quienes deciden qué marcas sobreviven y cuáles no.

Publicidad 360º

Book Description

Esta publicación es fruto de la reflexión de, fundamentalmente, docentes del ámbito de la comunicación y de la publicidad basada en la necesidad de aunar fuerzas para ofrecer una obra de conjunto que intenta ver la publicidad como un hecho global y no solo aislado de la comunicación comercial. La presente obra profundiza en el valor de la publicidad y su importancia contemporánea, desde una perspectiva holística y con el objetivo de querer ser una publicación didáctica y de reflexión.

Ergonomics in Design

Book Description

Currently people deal with various entities (such as hardware, software, buildings, spaces, communities and other people), to meet specific goals while going about their everyday activities in work and leisure environments. These entities have become more and more complex and incorporate functions that hitherto had never been allocated such as automation, use in virtual environments, connectivity, personalization, mobility and friendliness. This book contributes to the analysis of human-system interactions from the perspective of ergonomics, regardless of how simple or complex they are, while incorporating the needs of users and workers in a healthy safe, efficient and enjoyable manner. This book provides a comprehensive review of the state of the art of current ergonomic in design methods and techniques that are being applied to products, machinery, equipment, workstations and systems while taking new technologies and their applications into consideration. Ergonomics in Design: Methods and Techniques is organized into four sections and 30 chapters covering topics such as conceptual aspects of ergonomics in design, the knowledge of human characteristics applied to design, and the methodological aspects of design. Examples are shown in several areas of design including, but not limited to, consumer products, games, transport, education, architecture, fashion, sustainability, biomechanics, intelligent systems, virtual reality, and neurodesign. This book will: Introduces the newest developments in social-cultural approaches Shows different ergonomics in design methodological approaches Divulges the ways that ergonomics can contribute to a successful design Applies different subjects to support the design including –ergonomics, engineering, architecture, urbanism, neuro, and product designs. Presents recent technologies in ergonomic design, as applied to product design. With the contributions from a team of 75 researchers from 11 countries, the book covers the state-of-the-art of ergonomics in a way to produce better design.

Global Search Engine Marketing

Book Description

Global Search Engine Marketing Use search to reach all your best customers--worldwide!Don't settle for U.S.-only, English-only search marketing: master global search marketing, and reach "all" your most profitable customers and prospects--"wherever they are!" Leading global search experts Anne Kennedy and Kristjan Mar Hauksson identify all the challenges associated with global search marketing, and offer proven solutions for every key issue, from culture and communication to technology and law. Discover surprising local differences in how people search, craft online marketing campaigns that reflect local cultures, and learn how to profit from tools and social platforms most North American marketers have never even heard of!

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition

Book Description

In recent years, our world has experienced a profound shift and progression in available computing and knowledge sharing innovations. These emerging advancements have developed at a rapid pace, disseminating into and affecting numerous aspects of contemporary society. This has created a pivotal need for an innovative compendium encompassing the latest trends, concepts, and issues surrounding this relevant discipline area. During the past 15 years, the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology has become recognized as one of the landmark sources of the latest knowledge and discoveries in this discipline. The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition is a 10-volume set which includes 705 original and previously unpublished research articles covering a full range of perspectives, applications, and techniques contributed by thousands of experts and researchers from around the globe. This authoritative encyclopedia is an all-encompassing, well-established reference source that is ideally designed to disseminate the most forward-thinking and diverse research findings. With critical perspectives on the impact of information science management and new technologies in modern settings, including but not limited to computer science, education, healthcare, government, engineering, business, and natural and physical sciences, it is a pivotal and relevant source of knowledge that will benefit every professional within the field of information science and technology and is an invaluable addition to every academic and corporate library.

Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Mosaic

Book Description

This authoritative reference book assembles the experience of an international faculty of authors, each of whom has performed several thousand facelifts, i.e. procedures to rejuvenate and harmonize the human face. The authors share their experience, including tips and tricks, as well as ways to avoid complications and pitfalls. All procedures in this regard are covered and the text is accompanied by extensive artwork and photographs. A kaleidoscope of 363 important aspects, tips and tricks in facial plastic surgery rounds up the presentation.

Publicidad contagiosa

Book Description

El marketing viral se inoculó en el panorama profesional publicitario como una vacuna eficazy económica contra la supuesta inmunidad de las audiencias a los mensajes comerciales. Conseguir que fueran los consumidores quienes transmitieran los anuncios espontáneamente entre sus redes sociales se consideró la panacea en un mercado comunicativo sobresaturado. Sin embargo, la publicidad boca a oreja, basada en recomendaciones, ya conseguía el mismo objetivo desde tiempos ancestrales. Fueron las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) las que posibilitaron el salto exponencial hacia la publicidad viral y, en consecuencia, un cambio de magnitudes sin precedentes: los contenidos comerciales pasaban a ser compartibles a escala planetaria, a la velocidad de un clic.Este libro se centra en detectar las claves creativas comunes que detonaron el contagio de 651 vídeos publicitarios entre los usuarios de las redes sociales digitales.A partir de un constructo analítico formado por drivers creativos, cepas virales y la variable ambigüedad, se propone la fórmula V = cc (d+c) + a, como base inspiradora para crear publicidad altamente contagiosa.

Marketing directo con sentido común

Book Description

Marketing cinematográfico

Book Description

Detrás del estreno de una película, existe una cuidada estrategia en la que se llevan a cabo distintas acciones con un objetivo común: conseguir un buen debut en cines y, por extensión, un recorrido comercial óptimo en el resto de las ventanas de explotación. Este libro aborda la promoción de una película de manera global. El lector descubrirá, de la mano de sus autores, las principales herramientas y estrategias que la empresa audiovisual tiene a su disposición durante toda la cadena de generación de valor de un título: desde la idea creativa hasta el día de su proyección en salas. Por un lado se exponen los procesos, estrategias, materiales y medios que forman parte de una campaña de marketing cinematográfico para explicar, posicionar y promocionar un título entre los espectadores potenciales. En segundo lugar se abordan las técnicas que proporciona la investigación de mercado para definir productos más afines, dimensionar la película y conocer mejor el público objetivo (target) al que nos dirigimos. Por último se explican las posibilidades de promoción que ofrecen las redes sociales al sector del entretenimiento, especialmente en uno de los nichos de audiencia más esquivo: los jóvenes.

Organizational Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies

Book Description

Diverse philosophies constitute the theoretical ground of the study of the aesthetic side of organization. In fact, there is not a single unique philosophy behind the organizational research of the aesthetic dimension of organizational life. Organizational Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies will illustrate and discuss this complex phenomenon, and it will be dedicated to highlight the philosophical basis of the study of aesthetics, art and design in organization. The book distinguishes three principal "philosophical sensibilities" amongst these philosophies: aesthetic, hermeneutic and performative philosophical sensibility. Each of them is described and critically assessed through the work of philosophers, art theorists, sociologists and social scientists who represent its main protagonists. In this way, the reader will be conducted through the variety of philosophies that constitute a reference for aesthetics and design in organization. The architecture of the book is articulated in two parts in order to provide student and scholars in philosophical aesthetics, in art, in design and in organization studies with an informative and agile instrument for academic research and study.