Female Quixote EasyRead Comfort Edition

Book Description

This 18th century novel revolves around the life of its female protagonist who lets her imagination rule the better part of her personality. The narrative is a slur on the romantic novels of the era and satirizes the genre for its fanciful approach. It is also a commentary on the delicate balance between the two sexes and their roles in society.

Behind A Mask EasyRead Comfort Edition

Book Description

A brilliant tale of deceit and treachery. It relates how Jean Muir, a lovely and modest governess, wrecks havoc in the lives of her employers. All the men covet her while the women are livid with jealousy. The surprise ending reveals Muir's ulterior motive behind her daring scheme. Outstanding book in which Alcott voices her feminist beliefs through a strong female protagonist. Compelling!

Marriage À la Mode

Book Description

Marriage À la Mode

Book Description