Mary Magdalene's Legacy

Book Description

Mary Magdalene was written out of history after the crucifixion. Now her story is being told, a story of what happened to her and what important work she did in those lost years: a story of murder, betrayal, love, faith and courage that rewrites biblical history. An Arab peasant called Muhammad Ali accidentally discovered ancient texts buried in a sealed jar in the mountains in Upper Egypt in 1945. He excitedly smashed the jar expecting to find gold, only to discover inside 13 worthless papyrus books bound in leather. These became known as the Nag Hammadi library, a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts, written in Greek and dating back to the 1st century AD. Dismissed as heresy by the Orthodox Church, in many of these gnostic texts, Mary Magdalene is portrayed as an enlightened spiritual leader privy to the secret teachings of Jesus. In The Gospel of the Saviour, Jesus calls Mary The Woman Who Knows the All. Set in 1st century Judea, Egypt and France, Mary Magdalene's Legacy follows her life after the crucifixion, carrying on the bloodline of Jesus and transmitting the original teachings of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene

Book Description

*Includes pictures *Includes Gospel passages and apocryphal passages *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading "After that, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Mary Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out-and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means." - Luke 8:1-3 Mary Magdalene is one of the most talked about figures in modern Christianity, a woman who mainstream media and modern sensibilities can hold with more conviction. The media, press, movie industry, and airport literature have been obsessed with this redhead for more than 100 years, a fascination that reached its climax in the first decade of this century, and does not seem likely to end any time soon. Mary Magdalene is frequently depicted as young and attractive, liberated and intelligent, a symbol of a freer spirituality, and not controlled by a male-dominated church. In the minds of many, she embodies opposition to a system dominated by old men in white cassocks, the "sacred feminine." As if that is not enough, she has the best bachelor in the world: Jesus Christ himself. The French-made, fair-haired Mary Magdalene who appears in innumerable works of medieval and modern art with a red robe, a symbol of rebellion and freedom (although in the Middle Ages the intention was to show her as a loose woman), is a creation of the Western Church and, more recently, the media. It is a depiction laden with centuries of intertextual struggles, patronizing homilies, medieval legends, novels looking for bestseller status, and documentaries for cable television. But there was a historical Mary Magdalene, a woman named Miriam (Hebrew for Mary) born in Galilee in the time of King Herod, and she died, most likely in present-day Turkey, when Christianity was only a variant of Judaism. Mary Magdalene would not recognize herself in modern portraits or the perception the average Christian of the last 1500 years has of her. If there has been a search for the historical Jesus since the 18th century, the real man who walked in the hills of Galilee and died on a cross in Jerusalem, a similar quest is necessary for the historical Mary Magdalene, but not out of mere curiosity, because she is important in the narrative of Jesus's life. If the early sources are accurate, Mary of Magdala was the first Christian in history, and the first to announce the fundamental kerygma of early Christianity: Jesus is risen! Despite the shortage of information, there are a few certain facts historians know about Mary Magdalene. For example, she was a respected and well-remembered follower of Jesus, one of the female disciples who supported the movement of the Galilean preacher. Some scholars studying the gospels believe that Mary Magdalene was an elderly woman and probably well-to-do, if not wealthy. "For all we know," opines E.P. Sanders in The Historical Figure of Jesus, "she was eighty-six, childless, and keen to mother unkempt young men." She not only remained by Jesus side in his darkest hour, the crucifixion, she also had a strange experience at Jesuss tomb on Easter morning. The gospels disagree on the details, but not in the fact that it happened to her. Mary Magdalene: The Life and Legacy of the Woman Who Witnessed the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus examines what is known and unknown about one of the Bible's most famous figures. Along with pictures depicting important people, places, and events, you will learn about Mary Magdalene like never before.

Magdalene's Lost Legacy

Book Description

Using New Testament "gematria, " symbolic number values encoded in the Greek phrases, the author reveals that the sacred couple was one of the essential pillars of early Christian teachings, before being denied by the architects of institutional Christianity and obscured by later Church doctrine.

Apostle to Mary Magdalene

Book Description

Alludes to the premise that Mary Magdalene was a former prostitute and had a child by Jesus. Ties in with a new blockbuster film of Mary Magdalene starring Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix. Released on the day after the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene on July 22 officially recognised by the Vatican since 2016! No woman in the history of Christianity has captured the imagination more since the publication of Dan Brown s novel the Da Vinci Code brought her back into our consciousness. Repentant sinner, bride of Jesus, mother, teacher, healer and priestess.... these are just some of the roles ascribed to her. De Vere Hunt started hearing an inner voice and several events led her to believe it was Mary Magdalene, urging her to write this book. In an easy-to-read A-Z format, de Vere Hunt provides an overview of what little we do know about her from religious scholars gleaned from both the New Testament Gospels and the Gnostic Gospels relatively recently. The author touches on quantum physics and discusses metaphysical phenomena such as the Akashic Records, Cellular Memory, Meditation and the Zero Point Field as an additional source to establish the truth. Through her inner voice and access to the Akashic Records de Vere Hunt draws her own conclusions about the myths and legends surrounding Mary Magdalene. The revelations will seem at best unbelievable and even heretical to some, but historically only what we don t understand is ascribed to magic/witchcraft. Many major discoveries have been met with violent opposition as they contravene our belief systems. De Vere Hunt is confident her theories will be borne out by quantum physics in the fullness of time. Controversy is preferable to lack of interest or apathy and brings Mary Magdalene back into our consciousness to enable her to fulfil her role in present day. Mary Magdalene is here in our midst now to help us make the transition into the Age of Aquarius where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will stand side by side in equal partnership and enable us to live in a better world. De Vere Hunt gives practical suggestions as to how we can all experience heaven on earth and give us hope for a better future.

The Magdalene Legacy

Book Description

This text explores controversial ideas in 'The Da Vinci Code' and the real and remarkable significance of Magdalene to our culture and to Christianity itself.

Beloved Disciple

Book Description

Here, Griffith-Jones (Master of the Temple Church, London; The Four Witnesses: The Rebel, the Rabbi, the Chronicler, and the Mystic) takes a trendy Da Vinci Code topic and provides the scriptural and historical background that gave writers like Dan Brown license to cast Mary Magadalene as Jesus's presumed wife. Following a Gospel survey paying special attention to John's treatment of Mary, Griffith-Jones turns his focus to Gnostic works of the second and third centuries, and herein lies the work's primary strength. Unlike Susan Haskin in the impressive cultural history Mary Magdalene: Truth and Myth, Griffith-Jones here situates Mary in the canonical Christian scripture and then demonstrates Gnosticism's imaginative use of Mary as a site of incarnational theology, sexual dimorphism, and Sophia/Wisdom in creation. In the last chapter, he considers her evolution in aesthetic and cultural terms, with illustrations charting her evolution from repentant prostitute into an eroticized sexual figure embodying physical intimacy with the risen Christ. In Mary, claims Griffith-Jones, we glimpse our fundamental striving to understand what it means to be an embodied human being. An accessible read whose greatest usefulness is its Gnostic analysis; recommended.--Sandra Collins, Byzantine Catholic Seminary Lib., Pittsburgh Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Saint Mary Magdalene

Book Description

Adoration is love, and eucharistic adoration is love of Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. In the Gospels there are few people who understand love for Jesus as well as Mary Magdalene, which is the reason she is a prophetess of eucharistic love. This work is an extended meditation on the life of Saint Mary Magdalene, known as the "Apostle to the Apostles" because the Risen Christ appeared to her first and then sent her to announce the Resurrection to the apostles. Based on the biblical texts traditionally associated with Mary Magdalene, this book helps readers to learn from her inspiring example and to enter more deeply into adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. In telling the story of Mary Magdalene's profound conversion after a life so steeped in sin that the Lord had to expel seven demons from her soul, this book shows how she is a shining witness to the transforming power of an encounter with Jesus Christ. Mary Magdalene is the perfect model for those who have experienced the redeeming love of Christ and who seek to deepen their devotion to him and to the Eucharist.

Mary Magdalene's Legacy

Book Description

Why has there been an attempt to hide the evidence that led to the almost complete termination of the "Cathars" or "Les Bons Homes" or the reason that later led to the dissolution of the Order of Knights of the Temple, whose members were persecuted and burned alive in the fire? What evidence was so serious for the Church that it would shake its foundations? The author of this book has managed to discover what could be the greatest evidence found so far, of what is possibly considered the most persecuted heresy in history. Much has been written and commented on the relationship between Jesus the Nazarene and Mary Magdalene, hundreds of hypotheses have made rivers of ink flow, but until now no one had managed to find evidence like the one shown in this book. A story that will not leave anyone indifferent. "The author describes how after receiving information from an enigmatic character about the figure of Mary Magdalene, he is involved in a series of investigations that will lead him to travel through almost everything the north of Spain and the south of France, until finding the proofs or physical pieces of evidence that will demonstrate the true relationship of Mary Magdalene with Jesus. The reader will enter the first century, will know first-hand what happened after the crucifixion of Jesus, You will know what happened then in Palestine to the relatives, friends, and disciples of Jesus, until ending in the trip that took Mary Magdalene, pregnant with Jesus, to Gaul (South of France). Through the mouth of Mary Magdalene, the reader, you will know all those words and messages of Jesus that the Church has hidden and likewise, you will know the true message and reason for the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The author combines the past and history has In our days, where after exhaustive investigations, he will finally be able to discover the much sought after and desired physical evidence that demonstrates the marital relationship and descent of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. A book in which the work on display will not leave anyone indifferent ".

Mary Magdalene Revealed

Book Description

--WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER-- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene reveals a very different love story from the one we've come to refer to as Christianity. Harvard-trained theologian Meggan Watterson leads us verse by verse through Mary's gospel to illuminate the powerful teachings it contains. A gospel, as ancient and authentic as any of the gospels that the Christian bible contains, was buried deep in the Egyptian desert after an edict was sent out in the 4th century to have all copies of it destroyed. Fortunately, some rebel monks were wise enough to refuse-and thanks to their disobedience and spiritual bravery, we have several manuscripts of the only gospel that was written in the name of a woman: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Mary's gospel reveals a radical love that sits at the heart of the Christian story. Her gospel says that we are not sinful; we are not to feel ashamed or unworthy for being human. In fact, our purpose is to be fully human, to be a "true human being"- that is, a person who has remembered that, yes, we are a messy, limited ego, and we are also a limitless soul. And all we need to do is to turn inward (again and again); to meditate, like Mary Magdalene, in the way her gospel directs us, so that we can see past the ego of our own little lives to what's more real, and lasting, and infinite, and already here, within. With searing clarity, Watterson explains how and why Mary Magdalene came to be portrayed as the penitent prostitute and relates a more historically and theologically accurate depiction of who Mary was within the early Christ movement. And she shares how this discovery of Mary's gospel has allowed her to practice, and to experience, a love that never ends, a love that transforms everything.

Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene

Book Description

From the Publisher: Bart Ehrman, author of the bestsellers Misquoting Jesus and Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code, here takes readers on another engaging tour of the early Christian church, illuminating the lives of three of Jesus' most intriguing followers: Simon Peter, Paul of Tarsus, and Mary Magdalene.