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Danisha Sarah terpaksa menjadi ibu ekspres apabila dia menjaga sepasang adik-beradik yang dia sendiri tidak tahu siapa bapa mereka. Yang dia tahu ibu mereka meninggal dunia. Semakin lama menjaga, dia semakin sayang mereka. Suatu hari, masalah melanda apabila dia mendapat surat daripada peguam. Ayah mereka datang untuk menuntut hak penjagaan. Apa lagi... mengamuklah Danisha. Namun, syarat diberikan iaitu Danisha harus mengahwini lelaki itu. Pada masa yang sama, dia dilamar oleh seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenalinya. Lelaki itu akan memberi mas kahwin sebanyak RM22.50. Pening kepala Danisha sama ada menerima atau tidak lamaran itu dan dia sendiri keliru lelaki yang mana berhak menjadi suaminya.

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Akhirnya Aku Kahwin!

Book Description

Didi - gadis comel yang periang. Dia tidak pernah kisah dengan pandangan orang lain yang sering memperlekehkannya. Baginya, dia tidak peduli semua itu asalkan tidak menyusahkan orang. Sebagai seorang insan, dia punya keinginan untuk mencinta dan dicintai. Dia tidak pernah jemu menanti cinta sejati walau hatinya sering dipermainkan. Kemunculan Syafizi, menghuru-harakan hidupnya. Katakata ibarat bom nuklear yang keluar daripada mulut lelaki itu menyebabkan darjah kebenciannya pada Syafizi di tahap takat didih. Sesuka hati saja memanggilnya Debab. Berhadapan dengan lelaki itu, dia tidak mahu kalah. Setiap ayat nuklear lelaki itu dibalas dengan ayat ala bom atom. Pesan orang tua, jangan terlalu membenci. Bimbang nanti benci bertukar menjadi sayang. Ya ke? Takkanlah Syafizi yang selalu cari pasal suka padanya. Mustahil! Daripada dia melayan lelaki mulut nuklear itu, lebih baik berchatting dengan Terhangat Di Pasaran. Walaupun mereka saling mengutuk, jejaka itu sudi berkongsi suka duka dengannya. Mungkin jodohnya dengan rakan chattingnya itu. Siapa tahu?

Tiada Lagi Mimpi

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Kemunculan semula Norseha memerangkap kembali Razif di dalam dilema. Kehadirannya sungguh menyeksa, sungguh mendera. Razif tidak mampu menanganinya sendirian. Mujurlah, Badrul tampil menawarkan pengorbanan demi menjaga maruah keluarga. Prasangka Norjinah terhadap kejujuran suami, tanda tanya dan teka-teki yang menyelubungi akhirnya terbongkar jua. Kenyataan itu juga membunuh seluruh kepercayaan dan cintanya kepada Razif. Dia berasa kebahagiaan yang dinikmati selama ini terbina dari kepalsuan dan pura-pura. Dunia Norjinah seakan berakhir di situ sahaja. Norseha... permulaan sebuah sengketa. Rumah tangga kakak sendiri goyah gara-gara kehadirannya. Bukan godaan dan tagihan cintanya yang membuatkan semua berprasangka. Tetapi, Razif dan Norjinah saling berahsia kerana dirinya. Persoalan hanya terjawab apabila realiti terbongkar di depan mata. Namun, siapakah yang harus dipersalahkan apabila rahsia bukan lagi menjadi rahsia?

Encik Abangku Romantik

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Kahwin? Minta maaflah! Widelia mahu jadi lawyer dan mak andam glamor terlebih dahulu. Berapa ramai pun lelaki yang mama mahu kenalkan, dia tetap tidak akan terima. Alasannya not my taste! Tapi… lelaki bernama Haikal tu lain daripada yang lain. Walau Wedia jawab tak suka, dia terus kejar dan paksa gadis itu jatuh cinta padanya. Agresif betul mamat tu! Muka temboklah katakan… Iqbal juga sukakan Widea. Tapi cuma simpan dalam hati saja. Tak berani konon! Helo, encik abang... Zaman sekarang kalau sudah tangkap cinta kenalah terus kata suka. Nanti melepas… gigit jari, padan muka! Masalahnya sekarang… Widea tetap kata, jangan buang masa. Buatlah apa pun, dia belum nak tukar status! Tapi Haikal, terus push, push, push! Iqbal pula… dalam hati ada taman bengong sorang-sorang.

Zubir Said

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Zubir Said is best known as the composer of Majulah Singapura, the national anthem of Singapore; Semoga Bahagia, the Singapore school anthem; and Melayu Raya. Born into a humble and religious family in Sumatra where music was considered haram, at 21 he set out to seek his fortune in Singapore, attracted initially by the glittering lights and the availability of butter and kopi susu, but soon by the opportunities it offered him to pursue his dreams. Armed with his first musical instrument, a bamboo flute he had carved himself, and a basic knowledge of music number notations, Zubir taught himsel.


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What Was I Thinking?

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If Phua Chu Kang’s yellow boots and permed hair are all you know about Gurmit Singh, then you need this book. The actor, host, singer and entrepreneur shares not just his funny moments in life but also bares his personal moments in What Was I Thinking? and proves that the funnyman image is just one of his many facets. Read about the first car he drove as a child, the neighbour with the EYE, the rat that almost ate his finger when he was a baby, how he dealt with the loss of his parents and many more stories. Caution: This is not a how-to book on being a better entertainer; rather, you will walk away with a better understanding of this man.

Economic Empowerment Of Women In The Islamic World: Theory And Practice

Book Description

The book, Economic Empowerment of Women in the Islamic World, discusses the economic, social, and political rights and status of women in Islam, which is theoretically given by the Islamic Jurisprudence (Shariah law). The chapters in this volume will address historical practices in comparison to the status of women in the contemporary Muslim world. Men and women in Islam, regardless of their age, social class, and education, are equal as citizens and individuals, but not identical in their rights and responsibilities. It can be observed from Islamic history that in the early age of Islam, women were given full confidence, trust, and high responsibilities in leadership, educational guidance, and decision-making.This volume will try to clarify the confusion in the status of the women in Islam that is presented by the media, as it is assumed that theoretical Islamic empowerment of women bears little relation to the real conditions of women in modern Muslim societies. It has been widely claimed in the media that Muslim women suffer more than men in Muslim societies and communities in terms of insecurity, domestic abuse, and low access to education and medical care. It is also stated in the press and media that absence of good governance also results in gender inequality and violation of the rights of Muslim women.This volume also aims to provide the solutions for the empowerment of women in the Islamic world. We assumed that without good governance, the status of women is not likely to improve. Muslim women have the potential to play a fundamental role in curbing corruption, social ills, violence, and crime in the Muslim world. This volume will make the case that in order to achieve stability and prosperity, the government must ensure a platform for women to participate in decision-making and hence benefit from the rights they are accorded in Islam.By covering a range of perspectives on the economic lives of Muslim women around the world, it hopes to shed light on the problems faced and to offer possible solutions to the empowerment of women in the Islamic world.

The Divine Bureaucracy and Disenchantment of Social Life

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This book traces the expansion of Islamisation within a modern and plural state such as Malaysia. It elaborates on how elements of theology, sacred space, resources, and their interactivity with secular instruments such as legislative, electoral, and new social technological platforms are all instrumentally employed to consolidate a divine bureaucracy. The book makes the point that religious social movements and political parties are only few of the important agents of Islamisation in society. The other is the modern and secular state structure itself. Weber’s legal rational bureaucracy or Hegel’s ethical bureaucracy predominantly characterises a modern feature of governmentality. In this instance an Islamic bureaucracy is advantageously situated not only within an ambit of modernity and therefore legality, but divinity and therefore sacrality as well. This positioning gives religious state agents more salience than any other form of bureaucracy leading to their unquestioned authority in the current contexts of societies with Muslim majority rule. One of the requisites of this condition is the homogenisation of Islam followed by ring-fencing of its constituents. The latter can involve contestations with women, other genders, ‘secular’ Muslims, non-Muslims as well as dissenting Muslims with their differing truthful ‘Islams’.