
Book Description

Exciting, fully documented on-site personal investigations of UFOs.

New England UFOs

Book Description

Centuries before the U.S. Air Force launched Project Blue Book or mysteries swirled around the enigmatic Area 51, the Puritans in 1639 witnessed a great light in the sky over Massachusetts. It was the first recorded sighting of an unidentified flying object. Now, sightings are so common they're not even front-page news, and the Air Force just released all the records from Project Bluebook.Despite all this, there remain sightings that cannot be easily explained. Are we being visited by another species? The Universe, it seems, is full of mystery. Tracing the strange history of UFO sightings in the region, Taryn Plumb presents the stories of sightings or events in each New England state. Many are unexplained sightings of strange objects or lights in the sky; and some tell the tales of alien encounters and even abductions. All will keep you glancing to the night sky, wondering what that was out of the corner of your eye.


Book Description

As evidence shows it, UFO events and reports hold a startling and unique connection to human medicine in a way never envisioned or expected until now. With soaring medical problems and costs in the United States, the connection between medical world and UFO incidents becomes evident when one looks at the body of evidence from a doctor's point of view. The medical applications arising from this connection and the factual data clearly indicate the need to research the endless possibilities, with great benefits to medicine and human needs in general. UFO reports and events such as the Gorman dogfight, Kecksburg Incident, and the Phoenix Lights clearly show the need for medical research in this area in a new light and with information that has only recently been uncovered, and point to an entire new medical field that has never been scrutinized until now. Dr. Clarington and Dr. Kent bring the otherwise unnoticeable connection to light in the clearest language, challenging other doctors, scientists, and people in general to consider the enormous benefits that UFO reports hold for the medical world and for countless patients who are in dire need of medical solutions.The book gives Massachusetts MUFON concepts to consider in active UFO research that can go a long way in shedding light on a subject that should interest both "believers" and "non-believers", by finding practical applications for all of us.