Matemáticas aplicadas a las ciencias sociales I. 1º Bachillerato

Book Description

El libro, una guía completa para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas según los objetivos planteados en el nuevo currículo de la LOMCE, se compone de quince capítulos, cada uno de ellos con el desarrollo teórico que fundamenta el cuerpo de doctrina, con ejemplos sencillos intercalados en la teoría para aclarar los conceptos, con numerosos ejercicios resueltos con detalle y una gran colección de actividades propuestas para que los alumnos disfruten con lo aprendido ejercitando sus conocimientos. El objetivo del libro es facilitar el trabajo de alumnos y profesores en la tarea diaria.;Las unidades están acompañadas de curiosidades para comprender la utilidad de la materia y despertar el interés, lecturas y vídeos con contenido matemático y con actividades guiadas para utilizar las nuevas tecnologías. Se incluyen actividades que involucran el desarrollo de otras competencias aparte de la matemática, como la lingüística, la digital, aprender a aprender, competencias sociales y cívicas, sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor y conciencia y expresiones culturales.

Training Readers and Writers for a Multimodal and Multimedia Society: Cognitive Aspects

Book Description

Contemporary societies have been advancing gradually towards the construction of a model of a literate population. Significant efforts have been made so that most citizens can access various sources today, using their reading and writing abilities, but are we really prepared to face the information age? Is information literacy being promoted from schools? Are individual capabilities being considered? Do we have a true critical literacy? This article collection aims to show an overview of the most recent research; ranging from the individual to the collective, from the subject's competencies and their beliefs, to the way to develop them from school. There is room in this Research Topic for investigations belonging to the linguistic, psychological, and didactic field. This Research Topic aims to address a pressing problem in contemporary world societies. It is proposed to offer various contributions related to critical literacy, in general, and reading and writing. In this sense, research that addresses analog and digital reading, writing processes, academic literacy, and the use of resources such as non-fiction illustrated books to develop critical thinking, will be welcome. But also, and in a very important way, the cognitive processes of the subject will be considered, not only to deal with access to information, but also in the construction of their mental lexicon, an issue that offers the vision of the world of those who are immersed in literacy and in the post-truth era.