Material Control in Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilities. Part I. Fuel Descriptions and Fabrication Processes, P.O. 1236909 Final Report

Book Description

The report presents information on foreign nuclear fuel fabrication facilities. Fuel descriptions and fuel fabrication information for three basic reactor types are presented: The information presented for LWRs assumes that Pu--U Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) will be used as fuel.

Material Control in Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilities. Part II. Accountability, Instrumntation, and Measurement Techniques in Fuel Fabrication Facilities, P.O. 1236909. Final Report

Book Description

This report describes the measurement techniques, the instrumentation, and the procedures used in accountability and control of nuclear materials, as they apply to fuel fabrication facilities. Some of the material included has appeared elswhere and it has been summarized. An extensive bibliography is included. A spcific example of application of the accountability methods to a model fuel fabrication facility which is based on the Westinghouse Anderson design.

Material Control in Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilities. Addendum to Part I

Book Description

The addendum contains additional information on existing and planned nuclear fuel fabrication facilities in the world, and descriptions of a selected number of facilities including a conceptual facility which replaces the one initially presented and has been used as a basis for the discussions of material accountability and control. 8 figures, 4 tables.

Producing Nuclear Fuel

Book Description

Material Control in Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilities. Part II. Accountability, Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques in Fuel Fabrication Facilities

Book Description

This report describes the measurement techniques, the instrumentation, and the procedures used in accountability and control of nuclear materials, as they apply to fuel fabrication facilities. A general discussion is given of instrumentation and measurement techniques which are presently used being considered for fuel fabrication facilities. Those aspects which are most significant from the point of view of satisfying regulatory constraints have been emphasized. Sensors and measurement devices have been discussed, together with their interfacing into a computerized system designed to permit real-time data collection and analysis. Estimates of accuracy and precision of measurement techniques have been given, and, where applicable, estimates of associated costs have been presented. A general description of material control and accounting is also included. In this section, the general principles of nuclear material accounting have been reviewed first (closure of material balance). After a discussion of the most current techniques used to calculate the limit of error on inventory difference, a number of advanced statistical techniques are reviewed. The rest of the section deals with some regulatory aspects of data collection and analysis, for accountability purposes, and with the overall effectiveness of accountability in detecting diversion attempts in fuel fabrication facilities. A specific example of application of the accountability methods to a model fuel fabrication facility is given. The effect of random and systematic errors on the total material uncertainty has been discussed, together with the effect on uncertainty of the length of the accounting period.

INIS Atomindex

Book Description