Semantics of Programming Languages

Book Description

Semantics of Programming Languages exposes the basic motivations and philosophy underlying the applications of semantic techniques in computer science. It introduces the mathematical theory of programming languages with an emphasis on higher-order functions and type systems. Designed as a text for upper-level and graduate-level students, the mathematically sophisticated approach will also prove useful to professionals who want an easily referenced description of fundamental results and calculi. Basic connections between computational behavior, denotational semantics, and the equational logic of functional programs are thoroughly and rigorously developed. Topics covered include models of types, operational semantics, category theory, domain theory, fixed point (denotational). semantics, full abstraction and other semantic correspondence criteria, types and evaluation, type checking and inference, parametric polymorphism, and subtyping. All topics are treated clearly and in depth, with complete proofs for the major results and numerous exercises.

Mathematical Aspects of Logic Programming Semantics

Book Description

Covering the authors' own state-of-the-art research results, this book presents a rigorous, modern account of the mathematical methods and tools required for the semantic analysis of logic programs. It significantly extends the tools and methods from traditional order theory to include nonconventional methods from mathematical analysis that depend on topology, domain theory, generalized distance functions, and associated fixed-point theory. The authors closely examine the interrelationships between various semantics as well as the integration of logic programming and connectionist systems/neural networks.

Mathematical Foundation of Programming Semantics

Book Description

Röntgenbefund und die sich in ihm widerspiegelnde pathologische Anatomie sind neben dem klinischen Bild die wichtigsten Säulen, auf denen die Diagnostik von Knochengeschwülsten und geschwulstähnlichen Läsionen beruht. Radiologen und Pathologen stellen in diesem Buch Klinik, Radiologie und Histolgie der verschiedenen Knochenläsionen am Gliedmaßen- und Achsenskelett umfassend und synoptisch dar. Das umfangreiche Material resultiert aus einer fünfzehnjährigen interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit. In einem einleitenden Kapitel werden die verschiedenen radiologischen (konventionelles Röntgenbild, CT, Kernspintomographie, Angiographie, transkutane Biopsie) und histologischen Untersuchungstechniken und ihre Wertigkeit beschrieben. Der radiologischen Befundungsmethodik von Knochengeschwülsten u.a. mit Hilfe der Lodwick-Graduierung und einem neueren Staging-System für Knochengeschwülste werden eigene Kapitel gewidmet. Im speziellen Teil des Buches erfolgt die Darstellung der einzelnen benignen und malignen Knochengeschwülste in einer systematischen Untergliederung in ihre Häufigkeit, Lokalisation, Alters- und Geschlechtsprädilektion, Klinik und Prognose, Histologie, Radiologie und Differentialdiagnose. Besonders die unter den Knochengeschwülsten und tumorähnlichen Läsionen häufig vorkommenenden Entitäten sind mit einem umfassenden Bildmaterial ausgestattet, um dem breiten Spektrum ihrer Morphologie gerecht zu werden. Durch das Verständnis klinischer, radiologischer und pathologisch-anatomischer Befunde werden Diagnostik und Therapie der Skelettläsionen sehr erleichtert. Die synoptische Art der Darstellung macht dieses Buch für alle Disziplinen, die sich mit Knochentumoren befassen, zu einem idealen Nachschlagewerk.

Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics

Book Description

This volume is the proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, held in New Orleans in April 1993. The focus of the conference series is the semantics of programming languages and the mathematics which supports the study of the semantics. The semantics is basically denotation. The mathematics may be classified as category theory, lattice theory, or logic. Recent conferences and workshops have increasingly emphasized applications of the semantics and mathematics. The study of the semantics develops with the mathematics and the mathematics is inspired by the applications in semantics. The volume presents current research in denotational semantics and applications of category theory, logic, and lattice theory to semantics.

Mathematical Foundations of Programming Language Semantics

Book Description

This volume is the proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Language Semantics held at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 8-10, 1987. The 1st Workshop was at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas in April, 1985 (see LNCS 239), and the 2nd Workshop with a limited number of participants was at Kansas State in April, 1986. It was the intention of the organizers that the 3rd Workshop survey as many areas of the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Language Semantics as reasonably possible. The Workshop attracted 49 submitted papers, from which 28 papers were chosen for presentation. The papers ranged in subject from category theory and Lambda-calculus to the structure theory of domains and power domains, to implementation issues surrounding semantics.

The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages

Book Description

The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages provides the basic mathematical techniques necessary for those who are beginning a study of the semantics and logics of programming languages. These techniques will allow students to invent, formalize, and justify rules with which to reason about a variety of programming languages. Although the treatment is elementary, several of the topics covered are drawn from recent research, including the vital area of concurency. The book contains many exercises ranging from simple to miniprojects.Starting with basic set theory, structural operational semantics is introduced as a way to define the meaning of programming languages along with associated proof techniques. Denotational and axiomatic semantics are illustrated on a simple language of while-programs, and fall proofs are given of the equivalence of the operational and denotational semantics and soundness and relative completeness of the axiomatic semantics. A proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem, which emphasizes the impossibility of achieving a fully complete axiomatic semantics, is included. It is supported by an appendix providing an introduction to the theory of computability based on while-programs. Following a presentation of domain theory, the semantics and methods of proof for several functional languages are treated. The simplest language is that of recursion equations with both call-by-value and call-by-name evaluation. This work is extended to lan guages with higher and recursive types, including a treatment of the eager and lazy lambda-calculi. Throughout, the relationship between denotational and operational semantics is stressed, and the proofs of the correspondence between the operation and denotational semantics are provided. The treatment of recursive types - one of the more advanced parts of the book - relies on the use of information systems to represent domains. The book concludes with a chapter on parallel programming languages, accompanied by a discussion of methods for specifying and verifying nondeterministic and parallel programs.

Foundations for Programming Languages

Book Description

"Programming languages embody the pragmatics of designing software systems, and also the mathematical concepts which underlie them. Anyone who wants to know how, for example, object-oriented programming rests upon a firm foundation in logic should read this book. It guides one surefootedly through the rich variety of basic programming concepts developed over the past forty years." -- Robin Milner, Professor of Computer Science, The Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University "Programming languages need not be designed in an intellectual vacuum; John Mitchell's book provides an extensive analysis of the fundamental notions underlying programming constructs. A basic grasp of this material is essential for the understanding, comparative analysis, and design of programming languages." -- Luca Cardelli, Digital Equipment Corporation Written for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, "Foundations for Programming Languages" uses a series of typed lambda calculi to study the axiomatic, operational, and denotational semantics of sequential programming languages. Later chapters are devoted to progressively more sophisticated type systems.

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science

Book Description

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Volume I is the first of two volumes presenting topics from mathematics (mostly discrete mathematics) which have proven relevant and useful to computer science. This volume treats basic topics, mostly of a set-theoretical nature (sets, functions and relations, partially ordered sets, induction, enumerability, and diagonalization) and illustrates the usefulness of mathematical ideas by presenting applications to computer science. Readers will find useful applications in algorithms, databases, semantics of programming languages, formal languages, theory of computation, and program verification. The material is treated in a straightforward, systematic, and rigorous manner. The volume is organized by mathematical area, making the material easily accessible to the upper-undergraduate students in mathematics as well as in computer science and each chapter contains a large number of exercises. The volume can be used as a textbook, but it will also be useful to researchers and professionals who want a thorough presentation of the mathematical tools they need in a single source. In addition, the book can be used effectively as supplementary reading material in computer science courses, particularly those courses which involve the semantics of programming languages, formal languages and automata, and logic programming.

Foundations of Object-oriented Languages

Book Description

A presentation of the formal underpinnings of object-oriented programming languages.

Computational Semantics with Functional Programming

Book Description

Computational semantics is the art and science of computing meaning in natural language. The meaning of a sentence is derived from the meanings of the individual words in it, and this process can be made so precise that it can be implemented on a computer. Designed for students of linguistics, computer science, logic and philosophy, this comprehensive text shows how to compute meaning using the functional programming language Haskell. It deals with both denotational meaning (where meaning comes from knowing the conditions of truth in situations), and operational meaning (where meaning is an instruction for performing cognitive action). Including a discussion of recent developments in logic, it will be invaluable to linguistics students wanting to apply logic to their studies, logic students wishing to learn how their subject can be applied to linguistics, and functional programmers interested in natural language processing as a new application area.