Mathematics Self-efficacy of Community College Students in Developmental Mathematics Courses

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Mathematics self-efficacy was defined as an individual's beliefs about how he or she would perform a specific math task or in a specific mathematics or related course. Mathematics self-efficacy was differentiated from self-esteem. Previous literature found self-efficacy in general and mathematics self-efficacy in particular to be significantly related to enrollment, retention, and completion. This study used the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Survey to investigate whether age, gender, developmental mathematics course, or developmental mathematics grade were significantly predictive of mathematics self-efficacy among developmental mathematics students course at a Kentucky community college. Multiple linear regression found that none of these variables were statistically significant predictors of mathematics self-efficacy among respondents. The study discussed the resulting implications and made recommendations for future research and practice.

A Quantitative Examination of Community College Students' Self-efficacy Inside Mathematics Pathways

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The purpose of this quantitative study was to measure the change in mathematics self-efficacy of students enrolled in a college mathematics course at a community college in Missouri. The change was measured over a single semester as a pre-test and post-test. The timing of this study is significant, given that it follows statewide changes in college mathematics curriculum. The changes made to Missouri college-level mathematics courses were done in an effort to increase student retention and completion of general education mathematics credit in the state, which had been a barrier for graduation. This study outlines how mathematics self-efficacy is one measure that may be used to assess how the new courses impact students. The data from a mathematics self-efficacy survey, administered to students during Fall 2019 and Spring 2021 semesters, were analyzed using descriptive statistics and tested for significance using t-tests and ANOVA. Changes in mathematics self-efficacy were examined based on whether or not the student was enrolled in an optimal mathematics course for their degree, gender, ethnicity, high school grade point average, and overall college mathematics course enrollment. Findings showed that there were significant differences in the change in mathematics self-efficacy based on gender, ethnicity, high school grade point average, developmental math course enrollment, and optimal mathematics pathway course enrollment. Students enrolled in a general education mathematics course for the fall of 2019 had an overall increase in mathematics self-efficacy. Male students showed greater overall mathematics self-efficacy at the start of the semester; gender was a significant factor in how much mathematics self-efficacy changed. White students had an overall significant increase in mathematics self-efficacy. Other groups with a significant increase were students with a high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher and students enrolled in a three credit-hour developmental mathematics course. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in obstacles that led to less robust data collection following the pandemic. Therefore, the Spring of 2021 data were not sufficient to aid in some of this research study. This research fills a gap in the literature on the mathematics self-efficacy of Missouri mathematics college students, but further research is needed.

Agency and Self-efficacy in Corequisite Math Courses

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Students identified as unprepared for college work face considerable barriers to performance and college completion. To improve underprepared student outcomes, community colleges where most underprepared students enroll are using different models of developmental education. A recently implemented model in mathematics is a corequisite course designed to increase students' chances of success by using different methods of instruction to decrease student time to completion. This corequisite course accelerates students placed in developmental math classes and offers students the opportunity to complete their developmental requirements while taking college-level work and earning college credit. As developmental mathematics poses the biggest barrier for underprepared students, this study examined the corequisite developmental education model of instruction at one community college and students' perception of their math abilities and influence in achieving success in math. Understanding student agency and academic self -efficacy in the learning process can enable students to enact the behaviors that can lead to desired outcomes and student success. Semi-structured interviews, focus groups, documents, and field notes comprised this qualitative methodology.

Students' Mathematics Self-efficacy, Anxiety, and Course Level at a Community College

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Research suggests that student success in mathematics is positively correlated to math self-efficacy and negatively correlated to math anxiety. At a Hispanic serving community college in the Midwest, developmental math students had a lower pass rate than did college-level math students, but the role of math self-efficacy and math anxiety on these students’ learning was unknown. This causal comparative, correlational study, guided by social cognitive theory and math anxiety research, hypothesized that students in developmental math would have lower levels of math self-efficacy and higher levels of math anxiety, and that significant correlations would exist between course level, selfefficacy, and anxiety. All math students at this setting (N = 1,019) were contacted to complete the self-report Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire; 32 developmental math and 103 college-level math students returned the survey. A random sample of 32 college-level students was selected to create equal group sizes for the data analyses. Independent samples t-tests revealed no significant differences in self-efficacy and anxiety between the groups. Significant correlations were found for course level, self-efficacy, and anxiety. Lower course level math students reported on average significantly lower levels of self-efficacy and significantly higher levels of anxiety than did upper course level students. A professional development program was created to educate faculty about math self-efficacy and math anxiety and to implement strategies that may increase math self-efficacy and decrease math anxiety over time. This doctoral study has the potential to create social change by offering educators new insight into the role of math self-efficacy and math anxiety in student learning.

Developmental Mathematics Classrooms: Learning Environment, Academic Self-efficacy, and Gender

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The state of developmental mathematics has been a growing issue for many developmental education programs at community colleges. Developmental mathematics has been viewed as a barrier to the success of students who fail to persist into required college-level mathematics courses. Variables such as students' perceptions of the learning environment and academic self-efficacy have been found to be strong predictors of student outcomes. Therefore, the researcher used quantitative methods to examine the relationships between community college students' perceptions of the learning environment in developmental mathematics classrooms and their ratings of their academic self-efficacy.

Effects on Students' Self-efficacy in a Mathematics Bridge Program

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Many beginning college students have historically struggled with both developmental and college-level mathematics. This study investigated whether students' self-efficacy for accomplishing mathematics tasks was increased after participating in a mathematics bridge program. The study also explored whether students gained more self-efficacy as a result of participating in an enhanced intervention designed to increase mathematics self-efficacy. Participants included 246 community college students placed into a developmental mathematics course and subsequently enrolled in the college's mathematics bridge program. The bridge program was designed to provide a one-week review session on high school mathematics topics with the goal of students placing into higher-level courses at the end of the session. A survey measuring mathematics self-efficacy was administered to participants both at the beginning and at the end of the bridge program in order to measure the change in math self-efficacy for each participant. The subsequent statistical analysis included a two-way mixed ANOVA focusing on effects of time, group (traditional intervention group or enhanced intervention group), and first-generation student status (first-generation, continuing-generation, or unknown) to examine if students experienced an increase in self-efficacy upon completion of the bridge program. Students provided open-ended responses to the question, "What did you find most helpful about the Math Refresher course?" A content analysis determined the themes that emerged from the data. Students had a significant increase in self-efficacy (p

The Impact of Preparedness, Self-efficacy, and Math Anxiety on the Success of African American Males in Developmental Mathematics at a Community College

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If African American Males hope to become viable and productive members of the global marketplace of the 21st century, they must find avenues to consistently improve their likelihood of achieving success within academia. For the past twenty years, reports from the United States Department of Education and research from scholars such as McCabe, Hampton, and Steele all reflect the widening achievement gap in education between ethnic and racial minorities and the White majority. When different ethnic and racial sub-groups were examined, African American Males were found to be the lowest achievers; furthermore, African American Males made up the largest percentage of students in developmental mathematics.

Post Hoc Discernment of Developmental Mathematics Noncognitive Factors and Concept Transfer

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One purpose of this study was to determine if students in a non-traditional developmental mathematics course improved on five developmental mathematics noncognitive factors—math equanimity, math mindset, math self-efficacy, math belongingness, and college belongingness—believed to be relevant to student success. I also examined if changes in these factors predicted course achievement. Another purpose was to explore whether or not Foundations students would transfer their knowledge to place value problems involving varied bases and contexts. A final purpose was to investigate the utility of then-surveys that retrospectively measure participants’ pre-intervention noncognitive factors. In response to policy pressures to increase completion rates, community colleges are experimenting with research-based strategies that create demand for learning, increase students’ competence valuation, and improve their productive persistence. The New Mathways Project’s Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning course is built around one such strategy. In this exploratory study (N = 597), I investigated the impact of using Foundations on the development of students’ noncognitive factors and on mathematical success. My student measures included: pre-post-then-surveys of noncognitive factors, math course grades, math final exam grades, percent attendance, a place value assessment of transfer, and one-on-one interviews. I used multilevel models to analyze my quantitative research questions and created evidence markers for qualitative analysis of the transfer assessment. I conducted interviews to provide additional insight. Students significantly improved their math equanimity, but had stable, mid-range scores on the other factors. Positive changes in math self-efficacy and low initial math equanimity were associated with higher grades. Pre-surveys of equanimity may be more accurate than then-surveys, but pre-surveys of math mindset, math self-efficacy, and math belongingness may be interchangeable with then-surveys. Contrary to popular findings, the then-surveys did not provide larger estimates of program effects than pre-surveys. Overall, students evidenced minimal transfer. Interviewees exhibited greater changes in noncognitive factors and evidenced more transfer than other students. This study provides valuable information for the potential users of the NMP materials. It contributes to, and points out complications with, transfer research. Lastly, it adds to research on retrospective measures, which are rarely used in mathematics education research.

Examining the Success of Students in Developmental Mathematic Courses in a Mostly Hispanic Border Town Community College

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A random sample of 200 Hispanic/Latino students from a predominately Hispanic/Latino South Texas community college was used to determine if the implementation of MyMathLab had a positive effect on students' academic grade performance. The purpose of this study was to explore whether a web-based technology, MyMathLab, made a difference in student success in both a developmental mathematics course and a subsequent college algebra course. Additionally, this study examined whether the effect differs by instructors' characteristics contributing to successes or failures of students in developmental mathematics courses. Student success in developmental mathematics courses was measured by pre and post MyMathLab tests in addition to grade distributions from 2001 and 2005 (before MyMathLab) across the two developmental courses and a college algebra course and the implementation of MyMathLab between 2008-2012 to determine if using MyMathLab had an impact on student success in two developmental courses and an early algebra course. Also, the instructors completed two surveys. The Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (MTEBI) and Instructors Educational Philosophies (IEP). The survey questions were compared to the results to determine if the instructors' characteristics had an impact on student's achievement in developmental courses enhanced by MyMathLab. The overall findings of the study suggests that with the implementation of MyMathLab taken on average the typical student was able to increase their academic performance in the developmental mathematic courses (Math0375, Math0376) and college algebra course (Math1314). The PTE overall findings suggest that mathematic instructors were uncertain if they had the ability to teach effectively in the classroom. The TOE represented mathematics instructors were uncertain if they effectively taught students to succeed in college and were uncertain if they had a positive effect on students learning. The IEP overall findings suggest that mathematics instructors' personal teaching efficacy was a more learner-center approach rather than a teacher-center approach. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

Experiences of Non-Traditional Students in a Self-Paced, Computer-Based Developmental Mathematics Course at a Community College

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Prior research has shown that adult learners who are non-traditional (NT) college students come to college with different needs, desires, and goals than traditional college students. The problem is that community college educators need to better understand the needs of the changing population of the student body to equitably and effectively serve them. One effect of the problem is that NT student retention and degree attainment rates are lower than those of traditional students. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to explore the experiences of NT community college students taking self-paced computer-based developmental mathematics classes. The following research questions guided the study: (1) What does it mean to NT students to be placed into the developmental mathematics population of community college students? (2) What are NT students' perceptions of their engagement with the developmental mathematics course learning software? (3) What are the NT students' perceptions of their engagement with their community college developmental mathematics instructors? The researcher analyzed data from 66 student survey responses and 10 semi-structured interviews with students and identified three themes: (a) NT identity; (b) the need for human support; and (c) software as tool. The researcher concluded that: (a) NT students are negatively affected by their time spent away from high school and mathematics content; (b) NT students perceived that timely access to their instructor was important to their success; and (c) NT students liked using the computer software and found it to be user-friendly. The researcher offered recommendations for instructional design, for community college administrators, and for developmental mathematics instructors. Keywords: non-traditional students, adult education, developmental mathematics, community college, student success, computer-based learning Abstract (Spanish) Investigaciones anteriores han demostrado que los estudiantes adultos que son estudiantes universitarios no tradicionales (NT) llegan a la universidad con necesidades, deseos y objetivos diferentes a los de los estudiantes universitarios tradicionales. El problema es que los educadores de los colegios comunitarios necesitan comprender mejor las necesidades de la población cambiante del cuerpo estudiantil para atenderlos de manera equitativa y eficaz. Un efecto del problema es que las tasas de retención y obtención de títulos de los estudiantes NT son más bajas que las de los estudiantes tradicionales. El propósito de este estudio de métodos mixtos fue explorar las experiencias de los estudiantes de colegios comunitarios de NT que toman clases de matemáticas de desarrollo basadas en computadora a su propio ritmo. Las siguientes preguntas de investigación guiaron el estudio: (1) ¿Qué significa para los estudiantes del NT ser colocados en la población de desarrollo matemático de estudiantes de colegios comunitarios? (2) ¿Cuáles son las percepciones de los estudiantes de NT sobre su compromiso con el software de aprendizaje del curso de matemáticas de desarrollo? (3) ¿Cuáles son las percepciones de los estudiantes de NT sobre su compromiso con los instructores de matemáticas del desarrollo de sus colegios comunitarios? El investigador analizó datos de 66 respuestas a encuestas de estudiantes y 10 entrevistas semiestructuradas con estudiantes e identificó tres temas: (a) identidad NT; (b) la necesidad de apoyo humano; y (c) software como herramienta. El investigador concluyó que: (a) los estudiantes NT se ven afectados negativamente por el tiempo que pasan fuera de la escuela secundaria y del contenido de matemáticas; (b) los estudiantes de NT percibieron que el acceso oportuno a su instructor era importante para su éxito; y (c) a los estudiantes de NT les gustó usar el software de computadora y lo encontraron fácil de usar. El investigador ofreció recomendaciones para el diseño instruccional, para administradores de colegios comunitarios y para instructores de matemáticas del desarrollo. Palabras clave: estudiantes no tradicionales, educación de adultos, matemáticas del desarrollo, colegio comunitario, éxito de los estudiantes, aprendizaje basado en computadoras