But in My Case

Book Description

This book tells the eighty-year story of the authors life in America and abroad. He attended local schools in Berkeley and, upon graduation from Berkeley High School in 1955, enrolled at the University of California, graduating with a degree in architecture in 1960. He then obtained a PhD in city and regional planning at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and returned to Berkeley in 1964 to join the faculty of its department of that name. After an academic career of some fifty years in departments of planning, engineering, and geography, he retired from teaching in 2008 at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and became a senior research scholar in the Population Program, which he directed for twenty years at the universitys Institute of Behavioral Science.

People on the Move

Book Description

Originally published in 1975, this volume examines conceptual and theoretical aspects of the study of internal migration, both in chapters dealing specifically with theory and data and in case studies. The book discusses the question of who migrates, and why and what are the patterns of flow and direction of movement. The consequences of migration are analysed. Migration is one of the most difficult components of population change to conceptualize and measure and this book considers a wide range of aspects of migration and the problems connected with it.

Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science

Book Description

Globalisation has not led to the ‘death of geography’. Intensified relations between communities in different parts of the world have only highlighted the need for understanding and managing phenomena on a variety of geographic scales. From global warming to credit crunch, and from epidemics to terrorism, causes and solutions are sought on local, regional, national as well as inter-continental levels. With the advent of Geospatial Technology, scholars, policymakers and entrepreneurs have valuable tools in hand to proceed. This book offers the first systematic account of the science behind this mental and technological revolution. Tracing the adoption and dissemination of Geospatial Technology in a range of disciplines, it examines the impact this technology has had, and is likely to have, on the explanation of spatial behaviour, phenomena and processes. At the same time, stressing innovative usage, it explores scientific contributions to technology advancement.

Population Growth and Urban Systems Development

Book Description

The study of the evolution of an urban system raises a number of practical questions, as to the operational definition of the components of the system as well as to the incorporation of the factor time in the analysis. In this chapter the fo cuss is on the urban centres, the nodes of the urban system. One of the first pro blems to be solved now is the definition of such a node. It has been argued above that population size can be used as an approximation of the complexity of the spatial economic structure of a region. The acceptation of this notion makes it possible to study the urban system as a population system. The analysis of the population system over the study period will be pursued from this perspective. The study period, 1840-1970, covers completely the industrialization and urbanization phase which occurred during the industrial revolution. Over this period the spatial organizational structure of society evolved from a rural-commercial to wards a modern urban-industrial state. One of the major events in this period of change is the spatial redistribution of the population and the population growth. This process will be examined below at three levels of aggregation: (I) the popu lation distribution as one frequency distribution, (2) the population distribution dis aggregated into a n~ber of size classes, and (3) the individual cities which make up the population distribution.

Advanced Techniques of Population Analysis

Book Description

Although I feel honored to write a foreword for this important book, it is a task that I approach with some trepidation. The topics covered in the book summarize the current state of the art in technical demography. However, my knowledge and expertise with respect to technical demography are limited to the most fundamental and intermediate-level methods; hence, critical commentary on the contents of this volume is beyond my scope in this fore word. Since I have some understanding of the logic and substantive aspects of the methods rather than the complicated mathematics used in describing them, my comments will necessarily be restricted to the book's general or ganization and content. To date, most texts published on technical demography have been limited to traditional demographic methods: sources and limitations of data, life table construction and applications, standardization techniques, various methods for preparing population estimates and forecasts, etc. However, population specialists have in recent years been developing and successfully applying a variety of sophisticated techniques not covered in the more standard intro ductory texts. In addition, many traditional methods that are unique to the demographic discipline have been improved and extended.

Developments in Demographic Forecasting

Book Description

This open access book presents new developments in the field of demographic forecasting, covering both mortality, fertility and migration. For each component emerging methods to forecast them are presented. Moreover, instruments for forecasting evaluation are provided. Bayesian models, nonparametric models, cohort approaches, elicitation of expert opinion, evaluation of probabilistic forecasts are some of the topics covered in the book. In addition, the book is accompanied by complementary material on the web allowing readers to practice with some of the ideas exposed in the book. Readers are encouraged to use this material to apply the new methods to their own data. The book is an important read for demographers, applied statisticians, as well as other social scientists interested or active in the field of population forecasting. Professional population forecasters in statistical agencies will find useful new ideas in various chapters.

Population Change and the Economy: Social Science Theories and Models

Book Description

Population change and population forecasts are receiving considerable attention from governmental planners and policy-makers, as well as from the private sector. Old patterns of population redistribution, industrial location, labor-force participation, household formation, and fertility are changing. The resulting uncertainty has increased interest in forecasting because mere extrapolations of past trends are proving inadequate. In the United States of America popUlation forecasts received even more attention after federal agencies began distributing funds for capital infrastructure to state and local governments on the basis of projected future populations. If the national government had based those funding decisions on locally prepared projections, the optimism of local officials would have resulted in billions of dollars worth of excess capacity in sewage treatment plants alone. Cabinet-level inquiries concluded that the U. S. Department of Commerce should (1) assume the responsibility for developing a single set of projections for use whenever future population was a consideration in federal spending decisions and (2) develop methods which incorporate both economic and demographic factors causing population change. Neither the projections prepared by economists at the Bureau of Economic Analysis nor those prepared by demographers at the Bureau of the Census were considered satisfactory because neither method adequately recognized the intertwined nature of demographic and economic change. Against this background, the American Statistical Association (ASA) and the U. S.