Matthew and the Mishnah

Book Description

Akiva Cohen investigates the general research question: how do the authors of religious texts reconstruct their community identity and ethos in the absence of their central cult? His particular socio-historical focus of this more general question is: how do the respective authors of the Gospel according to Matthew, and the editor(s) of the Mishnah redefine their group identities following the destruction of the Second Temple? Cohen further examines how, after the Destruction, both the Matthean and the Mishnaic communities found and articulated their renewed community bearings and a new sense of vision through each of their respective author/redactor's foundational texts. The context of this study is thus that of an inner-Jewish phenomenon; two Jewish groups seeking to (re-)establish their community identity and ethos without the physical temple that had been the cultic center of their cosmos.

Midrash and Lection in Matthew

Book Description

This challenging and original book questions the accepted conclusions of synoptic research. It argues, first, that Matthew is an adaptation and expansion of Mark by midrash - that is, by standard Jewish expository techniques - depending on no written source other than Mark, and only to a very small extent on oral tradition; and, secondly, that Matthew was written to be read in Christian worship round the year, as a cycle of lessons following the Jewish festal lectionary. Part I establishes the characteristics of the Matthaean manner - his vocabulary, his rhythms and images, the form and mode of his parables. With so much typical of Matthew as a gospel, sources other than Mark become progressively less plausible. Part II is a commentary on the gospel from this base. It finds a basic Marcan text for each new unit and a reason for its development, and works out in detail the correspondence between the five teaching sections of Matthew and the five Jewish festal seasons of Pentecost, New Year-Atonement, Tabernacles, Dedication, and Passover. A striking piece of corroborative evidence is found in the section numbers of the old Greek manuscript tradition. Michael Goulder believes that lectionary schemes also underlie Mark and Luke, and that at least one major part of the Old Testament, the work of the Chronicler, has a similar character. A gospel, in fact, is not a literary genre at all, but a liturgical one. Matthew himself comes into focus as a converted Jewish scribe who possessed the substance of the Pauline teaching, and who has been the dominant influence in forming the Church's image of Jesus in his adaptation of Mark by midrash and through lection.

The Torah in Matthew

Book Description

Jesus' relation to the Torah forms a significant motif in Matthew's Gospel. This relation is taken up as an important theme in the Sermon on the Mount with its strong Sinai typology, and disputes about the Torah are repeated throughout the Gospel. Jesus is depicted as the last and greatest expositor of the Torah. When reading this Gospel, the central role of the Torah must be seriously considered. This present study is furthermore relevant in the light of new insights that have developed in recent years on the diversity and dynamics within the Judaism that confronted Matthew. This diversity within Judaism is usually related to Judaist attitudes towards the Torah. To complicate this, oral traditions were strong and lively. Questions arose about the status of the written Scriptures and oral traditions and the authority ascribed to these. The Matthean community developed within this turmoil of developing Judaism.

The Gospel of Matthew and Judaic Traditions

Book Description

In The Gospel of Matthew and Judaic Traditions, Herbert W. Basser, with the editorial help of Marsha Cohen, utilizes his encyclopaedic knowledge of Judaism to navigate Matthew’s Gospel. This close, original reading explicates Matthew’s use of Jewish concepts and legal traditions that have not been fully understood in the past. Basser highlights Gospel sources that are congruent with a wide swath of extant Jewish writings from various provenances. Matthew affirms Jesus’ end-of-days—the coming of the Kingdom—salvation message: initially meant for Jews, it is the Gentiles who embraced his message and teachings that encouraged their faith and simple trust. Matthew’s literary art manages to preserve the Jewish details in his sources while disclosing an anti-Jewish and pro-Gentile bias.

Hidden Wisdom and the Easy Yoke

Book Description

Matthew Matters

Book Description

The Gospel of Matthew says some things about Jesus, and attributes words to Jesus, that are unique to this Gospel. If we pay careful attention to these passages, we may find Matthew both challenging some of our most treasured assumptions and providing new, exciting possibilities for the life of the church. Jesus as the teacher and embodiment of Divine Wisdom, calling to us to learn gentleness and humility from him, leads us into a path of discipleship that has profound implications for Christians' relationship with the world--but especially with Jews and Muslims.

Matthew: The Gospel of Identity

Book Description

In this third volume of the Biblical Imagination Series, Michael Card leads us to see the unique purpose of Matthew's Gospel both in the lives of the early Christians and for us today. Using the language of fulfillment, Matthew calls his readers to see their former identity confirmed even as it is recast in the dazzling image of Christ.

Jesus and the Nations

Book Description

Jesus's command to disciple all the nations in Matt 28:19 has provided a powerful catalyst for cross-cultural mission for the past two thousand years. But what does this command mean in the context of Matthew's narrative? Cedric E. W. Vine proposes an understanding of Matthean discipleship and mission that builds on Richard Bauckham's open-audience thesis in The Gospels for All Christians (1998) and his own The Audience of Matthew (2014). Vine argues from a biblical theology perspective that Matthew's pervasive and consistent application of the nation-directed identities of prophet, righteous person, student-teacher, wise man, and scribe to the followers of Jesus reveals a concern less with defining community boundaries or promoting "church growth" and more with casting a powerful vision of nations transformed through the acceptance of the sovereignty of the risen king. Matthew's missiological horizon stretches well beyond defending, as suggested by some commentators, an inferred first-century Matthean community in an acrimonious intramural dispute with other Jewish groups. Rather, Matthew prepares his readers, first century and later, through a multifaceted and nuanced theology of discipleship, for participation in a missiological movement that is national in its focus, breathtaking in its scope, eschatological in its significance, and open in its appeal.

According To Matthew. A Commentary

Book Description

This book represents an attempt to restore the Jewishness of Jesus to his biographical writings of the first century. Matthew's Gospel was written apparently with a Jewish audience in mind, hence Matthew is a Jew writing about a Jew for the Jews.Dr Bradford considers the Greek 'original' text, the historic and social context, behavioural and especially Jewish human psychology, with an eye for Matthew's (and Jesus') very Jewish sense of humour. The result reveals Jesus afresh as the Jewish man all of his contemporaries knew him to be.

The Gospel According To Matthew

Book Description

In the Christian Church the Gospel of Matthew has been considered the most important portrait of Jesus' life and message. Containing Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and a uniquely rich collection of parables, among many other things, Matthew has made a major contribution to the church throughout the centuries, and it still has much to say to the church today. This superb commentary in the Pillar series explores the meaning and relevance of Matthew in an eminently straightforward fashion. Leon Morris writes for readers who use commentaries to discover further what the Bible means. Throughout, he makes clear what he considers to be the meaning of the Greek text that Matthew has bequeathed to the church. A perceptive introduction precedes Morris's warmhearted verse-by-verse exposition of Matthew, an exposition based on his own literal translation of the text. Now a standard reference work on the Gospel of Matthew, this mature, evangelically oriented commentary will continue to meet the needs of students, pastor, and general readers alike.