May I Have Your Order, Please?

Book Description

Pastor Rickie G. Rush is one of the most cutting-edge pastors in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. His unique demonstrative style of preaching has allowed his ministry to grow from a faithful few to a flourishing flock of over 14,000. In his book, “May I Have Your Order, Please?” he uses six principles to help Christians go from prayer to possessing the promises of God. This very energetic book takes the believer on a step-by-step trip through the drive-through window of life. Using the common scenario of a fast-food restaurant drive-through window, Rush positions Christians at the ultimate place – the menu board, where God is waiting with one simple question; “May I have Your Order, Please?” “As Director of ALPS, Advanced Leadership and Pastoral School at Christ For The Nations Institute, I have sat in many of Dr. Rickie Rush’s classes here at the Bible School, and I marvel at the passion, the wonder, the awe that is inside this man for The Body of Christ, the Church. Pastor Rush is masterful at ‘object lessons’ which not only leave you with the Word but also a ‘picture’ which becomes engrained in your spirit.” Dr. Jack Hatcher Director of ALPS Christ For The Nations

Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts

Book Description

Anda ingin terdengar natural saat berbicara bahasa Inggris? Dan memahami secara utuh maksud yang ingin disampaikan oleh penutur asli berbahasa Inggris? Anda mungkin lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris bila dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan. Namun, ketika penutur asli berbahasa Inggris mengajak Anda berbicara, sering kali mereka menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang mungkin terdengar asing bagi kita atau belum pernah kita dengar sama sekali. Melalui kamus ini, Anda diharapkan akan lebih memahami maksud perkataan para penutur asli ketika Anda mendengarkan pembicaraan mengenai suatu topik. Anda juga diharapkan akan menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang terdapat di dalam kamus ini sehingga bahasa Inggris Anda tidak lagi terdengar kaku di telinga para penutur asli berbahasa Inggris. Tunggu apalagi? Mari bergaul ala Amerika!

May I Take Your Order?

Book Description

Documenting and celebrating America's lasting love affair with eating out, May I Take Your Order? presents 250 color reproductions of classic menus from the 1920s through the 1960s. In addition to their unique graphic appeal, restaurant menus reflect the styles and attitudes - not to mention eating habits and prices - of their times.

So I have this theory...

Book Description

Changes 1 Teacher's Book

Book Description

Changes is a three-level general English course for adult and young adult learners. Changes ensures that students have every opportunity to develop confident communicative ability as well as accuracy in English.

New Interchange Level 1 Student's Book 1

Book Description

New Interchange is a multi-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Level 1 Student's Book builds on the foundations established in the Intro for accurate and fluent communication, extending grammatical, lexical, and functional skills. Beautiful color photographs and illustrations facilitate the teaching of new vocabulary. The New Interchange series teaches students to use English for everyday situations and purposes related to school, work, social life, and leisure. As with the other levels of New Interchange, a complete set of ancillaries, including a video program, is available to make classes interesting and productive.

The Communication Playbook

Book Description

Designed for today’s active learners, The Communication Playbook moves students beyond the classroom by helping them develop a strong communication skillset that will benefit them throughout their lives. With a focus on effective communication skills and career success, bestselling authors Teri Kwal Gamble and Michael W. Gamble give students clear explanations of core concepts followed by practical learning activities—encouraging students to think critically about why good communication is important and how the concepts can be applied to today’s classroom, workplace, and community. Perfect for the hybrid communication course with coverage of public speaking, this concise text has been strategically separated into tabbed chapters—making it easier for readers to navigate, digest, revisit, and review the content. As good communication is the foundation of everyday life, The Communication Playbook primes students for success in both their courses and their careers. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package. Contact your SAGE representative to request a demo. Digital Option / Courseware SAGE Vantage is an intuitive digital platform that delivers this text’s content and course materials in a learning experience that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools, all carefully designed to ignite student engagement and drive critical thinking. Built with you and your students in mind, it offers simple course set-up and enables students to better prepare for class. Assignable Video with Assessment Assignable video (available with SAGE Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now. LMS Cartridge (formerly known as SAGE Coursepacks): Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site. Learn more. GoREACT Don’t just record–GoREACT! Offer your students an easy, interactive web video tool for recording, video sharing, and evaluating speeches within a secure online platform. Learn more.

Head Games

Book Description

This is the story of an Air Force war veteran in his late thirties wrestling as best he can with a misdiagnosed mental illness compounded by post dramatic war syndrome going untreated due to a self-destructive combination of arrogance and a sinful amount of pride. Not only can he not admit to himself he may need professional help of any sort, but he self-medicates and compounds his problems with alcohol. His growing paranoia causes him to leave a great career in a half-baked attempt at self-employment. His growing paranoia makes it evermore impossible for him to face his co-workers, who he feels despise him behind his back, but laugh with him as he puts on a glib facade. In the attempt to streamline his life, Steve resigns from the fire department in order to raise the capital necessary to go into business for himself, despite the protests of his wife, family and friends. A disastrous turn of events leaves him penniless. Disgraced before everyone he knows, a full bottle of sleeping pills seems to be the only solution to his problems, still refusing to seek help at the VA hospital because his bipolar state refuses to allow him to humble himself and his paranoia won't let him trust the government. After spending time in the hospital, he discovers the true sources of his problems and what he can do to overcome them. Fortunately, he has the love of his wife and daughter to give him emotional support and new found faith to give him guidance.

The National Black Drama Anthology

Book Description

Presents plays by African American playwrights, including Robert Johnson's "Trick the Devil", Marsha Jackson's "Sisters", and Nubia Kai's "Harvest the Frost"

考前16週統測總複習完全攻略 (2022編修版)

Book Description

#108課綱適用 @閱讀素養融入 #核心能力提升 適用對象:適合想增進英語能力的升科大、四技二專考生及一般讀者 一本搞定統測英文必考五大題型 掌握命題趨勢與6大得分關鍵! 1. 精選歷屆高頻單字片語,搭配考古題立即驗收學習成效 2. 歸納常考對話情境,強化應答理解力 3. 圖表整理文法重點,迅速熟悉句型並釐清觀念 4. 融合所學重點編撰克漏字+閱讀測驗,提升應試能力 5. 編寫符合大考趨勢的非選擇題,訓練寫作能力 6. 全書四回擬真模擬測驗,有效累積實戰作答經驗 16週的紮實模擬訓練 有效率地複習統測必考重點 本書內容收錄了四技二專統一入學測驗(簡稱「統測」)英文科的所有題型,希望能幫助考生以最有效率的方式複習統測高頻單字、片語、常考對話題材及重點文法。全書以「高頻字彙」與「重點文法」為核心結合各版教科書精華,四週為一個練習循環後,即附一回模擬試題複習前四週的學習重點,而最後一週(Week 16)則為全書總複習的模擬測驗。相信透過這樣的反覆練習,必能幫助考生熟悉統測各大題型的出題模式、增強應試能力。 本書各週主要架構: ① Part A字彙&片語 每週精選統測高頻單字30個、片語5個。各主要單字搭配例句,並補充衍生字、同義、反義及詞彙、片語等。所有單字皆詳列歷屆考古題出現的年分,重要單字亦增列例句以利學習。另附Exercise 提供統測字彙考古題,供學生測試學習成效。 ② Part B 對話 以情境或主題分類,統整日常生活的實用對話與表達用語,並提供相關主題之考古題或練習題,幫助考生熟悉對話題型的應考方式。 ③ Part C 文法重點 以易讀易懂的表格整理歸納必考文法重點,並提供統測考古題/練習題幫助學生掌握常考文法要點。 ④ Part D 克漏字 依據當週學到的重點詞彙與文法重點編寫克漏字測驗,幫助考生熟悉統測命題方向。 ⑤ Part E 閱讀測驗 依當週所學重點來編寫閱讀測驗練習題組,幫助學生隨即應用所學到的重點內容,同時提升英語理解與閱讀能力。 ⑥ Part F 非選擇題 依當週所學到的重點詞彙及文法要點,編寫「非選擇題」題型(包括填充、句子重組及中譯英),幫助考生熟悉出題方式並訓練寫作能力。 本書涵蓋統測近十五年的重要詞彙、對話及文法重點,相信透過本書針對統測五大題型的特訓與大量擬真練習題,必能讓考生全面戰勝統測英文! 目錄介紹 Week 1 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:常見電話用語 Part C 文法重點: 時態總整理:簡單式/進行式/完成式 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 2 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:訂位與點餐用語 Part C 文法重點:被動語態 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 3 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:購物常用句 Part C 文法重點: 1. 使役動詞 2. 感官動詞 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 4 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:邀約好用句 Part C 文法重點:主詞與動詞一致 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 5 Review Weeks 1-4 模擬測驗 Week 6 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:身體不適 Part C 文法重點:關係代名詞 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 7 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:關心與慰問 Part C 文法重點:分詞片語與分詞構句 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 8 Part A 字彙& 片語 Part B 對話:問路英語 Part C 文法重點:原級、比較級與最高級 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 9 Part A 字彙&片語 Part B 對話:協助篇 Part C 文法重點:對等連接詞 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 10 Review Weeks 6-9 模擬測驗 Week 11 Part A 字彙&片語 Part B 對話:搭機與旅遊 Part C 文法重點: 1. 從屬連接詞 2. 關係副詞 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 12 Part A 字彙&片語 Part B 對話:校園生活 Part C 文法重點: 1. 轉折語 2. it的用法 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 13 Part A 字彙&片語 Part B 對話:休閒娛樂 Part C 文法重點: 1. 名詞子句與名詞片語 2. 倒裝句 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 14 Part A 字彙&片語 Part B 對話:面試常見Q&A Part C 文法重點: 1. 不定代名詞 2. 易混淆的動詞 Part D 克漏字 Part E 閱讀測驗 Part F 非選擇題 Week 15 Review Weeks 11-14 模擬測驗 Week 16 Review Weeks 1-14 模擬測驗 Appendix 附錄:常用動詞三態表 Index 單字索引