Mean Field Games and Mean Field Type Control Theory

Book Description

​Mean field games and Mean field type control introduce new problems in Control Theory. The terminology “games” may be confusing. In fact they are control problems, in the sense that one is interested in a single decision maker, whom we can call the representative agent. However, these problems are not standard, since both the evolution of the state and the objective functional is influenced but terms which are not directly related to the state or the control of the decision maker. They are however, indirectly related to him, in the sense that they model a very large community of agents similar to the representative agent. All the agents behave similarly and impact the representative agent. However, because of the large number an aggregation effect takes place. The interesting consequence is that the impact of the community can be modeled by a mean field term, but when this is done, the problem is reduced to a control problem. ​

Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications I

Book Description

This two-volume book offers a comprehensive treatment of the probabilistic approach to mean field game models and their applications. The book is self-contained in nature and includes original material and applications with explicit examples throughout, including numerical solutions. Volume I of the book is entirely devoted to the theory of mean field games without a common noise. The first half of the volume provides a self-contained introduction to mean field games, starting from concrete illustrations of games with a finite number of players, and ending with ready-for-use solvability results. Readers are provided with the tools necessary for the solution of forward-backward stochastic differential equations of the McKean-Vlasov type at the core of the probabilistic approach. The second half of this volume focuses on the main principles of analysis on the Wasserstein space. It includes Lions' approach to the Wasserstein differential calculus, and the applications of its results to the analysis of stochastic mean field control problems. Together, both Volume I and Volume II will greatly benefit mathematical graduate students and researchers interested in mean field games. The authors provide a detailed road map through the book allowing different access points for different readers and building up the level of technical detail. The accessible approach and overview will allow interested researchers in the applied sciences to obtain a clear overview of the state of the art in mean field games.

Mean-Field-Type Games for Engineers

Book Description

The contents of this book comprise an appropriate background to start working and doing research on mean-field-type control and game theory. To make the exposition and explanation even easier, we first study the deterministic optimal control and differential linear-quadratic games. Then, we progressively add complexity step-by-step and little-by-little to the problem settings until we finally study and analyze mean-field-type control and game problems incorporating several stochastic processes, e.g., Brownian motions, Poisson jumps, and random coefficients. We go beyond the Nash equilibrium, which provides a solution for non- cooperative games, by analyzing other game-theoretical concepts such as the Berge, Stackelberg, adversarial/robust, and co-opetitive equilibria. For the mean-field-type game analysis, we provide several numerical examples using a Matlab-based user-friendly toolbox that is available for the free use to the readers of this book. We present several engineering applications in both continuous and discrete time. Among these applications we find the following: water distribution systems, micro-grid energy storage, stirred tank reactor, mechanism design for evolutionary dynamics, multi-level building evacuation problem, and the COVID-19 propagation control. Julian Barreiro-Gomez Hamidou Tembine With such a demand from engineering audiences, this book is very timely and provides a thorough study of mean-field-type game theory. The strenuous protagonist of this book is to bridge between the theoretical findings and engineering solutions. The book introduces the basics first, and then mathematical frameworks are elaborately explained. The engineering application examples are shown in detail, and the popular learning approaches are also investigated. Those advantageous characteristics will make this book a comprehensive handbook of many engineering fields for many years, and I will buy one when it gets published. Zhu Han

Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications II

Book Description

This two-volume book offers a comprehensive treatment of the probabilistic approach to mean field game models and their applications. The book is self-contained in nature and includes original material and applications with explicit examples throughout, including numerical solutions. Volume II tackles the analysis of mean field games in which the players are affected by a common source of noise. The first part of the volume introduces and studies the concepts of weak and strong equilibria, and establishes general solvability results. The second part is devoted to the study of the master equation, a partial differential equation satisfied by the value function of the game over the space of probability measures. Existence of viscosity and classical solutions are proven and used to study asymptotics of games with finitely many players. Together, both Volume I and Volume II will greatly benefit mathematical graduate students and researchers interested in mean field games. The authors provide a detailed road map through the book allowing different access points for different readers and building up the level of technical detail. The accessible approach and overview will allow interested researchers in the applied sciences to obtain a clear overview of the state of the art in mean field games.

Advances in Dynamic and Mean Field Games

Book Description

This contributed volume considers recent advances in dynamic games and their applications, based on presentations given at the 17th Symposium of the International Society of Dynamic Games, held July 12-15, 2016, in Urbino, Italy. Written by experts in their respective disciplines, these papers cover various aspects of dynamic game theory including mean-field games, stochastic and pursuit-evasion games, and computational methods for dynamic games. Topics covered include Pedestrian flow in crowded environments Models for climate change negotiations Nash Equilibria for dynamic games involving Volterra integral equations Differential games in healthcare markets Linear-quadratic Gaussian dynamic games Aircraft control in wind shear conditions Advances in Dynamic and Mean-Field Games presents state-of-the-art research in a wide spectrum of areas. As such, it serves as a testament to the continued vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. It will be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students.

Mean Field Games

Book Description

This volume provides an introduction to the theory of Mean Field Games, suggested by J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions in 2006 as a mean-field model for Nash equilibria in the strategic interaction of a large number of agents. Besides giving an accessible presentation of the main features of mean-field game theory, the volume offers an overview of recent developments which explore several important directions: from partial differential equations to stochastic analysis, from the calculus of variations to modeling and aspects related to numerical methods. Arising from the CIME Summer School "Mean Field Games" held in Cetraro in 2019, this book collects together lecture notes prepared by Y. Achdou (with M. Laurière), P. Cardaliaguet, F. Delarue, A. Porretta and F. Santambrogio. These notes will be valuable for researchers and advanced graduate students who wish to approach this theory and explore its connections with several different fields in mathematics.

Mean Field Games

Book Description

This volume is based on lectures delivered at the 2020 AMS Short Course “Mean Field Games: Agent Based Models to Nash Equilibria,” held January 13–14, 2020, in Denver, Colorado. Mean field game theory offers a robust methodology for studying large systems of interacting rational agents. It has been extraordinarily successful and has continued to develop since its inception. The six chapters that make up this volume provide an overview of the subject, from the foundations of the theory to applications in economics and finance, including computational aspects. The reader will find a pedagogical introduction to the main ingredients, from the forward-backward mean field game system to the master equation. Also included are two detailed chapters on the connection between finite games and mean field games, with a pedestrian description of the different methods available to solve the convergence problem. The volume concludes with two contributions on applications of mean field games and on existing numerical methods, with an opening to machine learning techniques.

The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games

Book Description

This book describes the latest advances in the theory of mean field games, which are optimal control problems with a continuum of players, each of them interacting with the whole statistical distribution of a population. While it originated in economics, this theory now has applications in areas as diverse as mathematical finance, crowd phenomena, epidemiology, and cybersecurity. Because mean field games concern the interactions of infinitely many players in an optimal control framework, one expects them to appear as the limit for Nash equilibria of differential games with finitely many players as the number of players tends to infinity. This book rigorously establishes this convergence, which has been an open problem until now. The limit of the system associated with differential games with finitely many players is described by the so-called master equation, a nonlocal transport equation in the space of measures. After defining a suitable notion of differentiability in the space of measures, the authors provide a complete self-contained analysis of the master equation. Their analysis includes the case of common noise problems in which all the players are affected by a common Brownian motion. They then go on to explain how to use the master equation to prove the mean field limit. This groundbreaking book presents two important new results in mean field games that contribute to a unified theoretical framework for this exciting and fast-developing area of mathematics.

Regularity Theory for Mean-Field Game Systems

Book Description

Beginning with a concise introduction to the theory of mean-field games (MFGs), this book presents the key elements of the regularity theory for MFGs. It then introduces a series of techniques for well-posedness in the context of mean-field problems, including stationary and time-dependent MFGs, subquadratic and superquadratic MFG formulations, and distinct classes of mean-field couplings. It also explores stationary and time-dependent MFGs through a series of a-priori estimates for solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi and Fokker-Planck equation. It shows sophisticated a-priori systems derived using a range of analytical techniques, and builds on previous results to explain classical solutions. The final chapter discusses the potential applications, models and natural extensions of MFGs. As MFGs connect common problems in pure mathematics, engineering, economics and data management, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students in these fields.

Mean Field Game and its Applications in Wireless Networks

Book Description

This book covers the basic theory of mean field game (MFG) and its applications in wireless networks. It starts with an overview of the current and future state-of-the-art in 5G and 6G wireless networks. Then, a tutorial is presented for MFG, mean-field-type game (MFTG), and prerequisite fields of study such as optimal control theory and differential games. This book also includes a literature survey of MFG-based research in wireless network technologies such as ultra-dense networks (UDNs), device-to-device (D2D) communications, internet-of-things (IoT), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and mobile edge networks (MENs). Several applications of MFG and MFTG in UDNs, social networks, and multi-access edge computing networks (MECNs) are introduced as well. Applications of MFG covered in this book are divided in three parts. The first part covers three single-population MFG research works or case studies in UDNs including ultra-dense D2D networks, ultra-dense UAV networks, and dense-user MECNs. The second part centers on a multiple-population MFG (MPMFG) modeling of belief and opinion evolution in social networks. It focuses on a recently developed MPMFG framework and its application in analyzing the behavior of users in a multiple-population social network. Finally, the last part concentrates on an MFTG approach to computation offloading in MECN. The computation offloading algorithms are designed for energy- and time-efficient offloading of computation-intensive tasks in an MECN. This book targets advanced-level students, professors, researchers, scientists, and engineers in the fields of communications and networks. Industry managers and government employees working in these same fields will also find this book useful.