Measurements of Dynamic Properties of Rock at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures

Book Description

Measurements of dynamic properties of rock at high temperatures and pressures have many applications to geology and solid earth geophysics. Elastic wave velocities are obtained from rock cylinders in which delay times are measured using a pulse transmission technique. The longitudinal and shear velocities and bulk densities allow the calculation of isotropic elastic moduli. Techniques and equipment used for measuring velocities as functions of confining pressure, pore pressure, and temperature are summarized.

Thermal Properties and Temperature-Related Behavior of Rock/Fluid Systems

Book Description

This book brings together for the first time the results of research on the thermal properties and temperature-related behavior of rocks with their contained fluids, under subsurface environmental conditions. These data are of increasing importance with increased application of underground processes involving high temperature and, in some cases, low temperature environments. Some of the important processes are described in which thermal data are needed. Chapters deal with thermal properties of rocks, including heat capacities, thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities under conditions simulating subsurface environments. Discussion about the difficulty in measuring thermal properties of rock/fluid systems is included along with newly-developed models for predicting thermal properties from more-easily measured properties. The effects of thermal reactions in rocks, differential thermal expansion, and thermal alterations are discussed in separate chapters. The effects of temperature on rock properties, as distinct from the irreversible effects of heating, are reviewed. Lastly the book deals with wellbore applications of thermal and high-temperature behavior of rocks and methods of deducing thermal properties from geophysical logs run in boreholes. Appendices include thermal units conversion factors and thermal properties of some typical reservoir rocks and fluids.