Measurements of X-Ray Capillary Optics for Digital Mammography

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Results of extensive mammography screenings have shown the need for detection of breast cancer at earlier and more curable stages to have any significant impact on the mortality rate. While new imaging technologies for breast cancer diagnosis like magnetic resonance imaging, breast ultrasound and breast specific positron emission tomography are being developed, x%ray imaging continues to function as a convenient and economical choice for early detection.

Computer Simulation of X-Ray Capillary Optics for Digital Mammography

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Polycapillary x-ray optics, arrays of hollow capillary tubes used to guide x-rays by total reflectance, are now being used in increasing numbers of applications, such as materials analysis, microelectronics manufacturing, x-ray astronomy and medical imaging. Because each optic contains hundreds of thousands of precisely shaped and located hollow channels, it is desirable to assess the feasibility of a variety of capillary geometries for a new application without physically constructing the optic. This assessment requires increasingly sophisticated modeling capability as new applications with more stringent requirements are developed. Previous analysis has shown that high-energy applications such as hard x-ray astronomy and medical imaging are particularly sensitive to optic profile errors such as channel waviness. A more physical model for surface waviness has been developed and included in optics simulations. The results are compared to measured data and to the results of other numerical simulation programs. Directed digital mammography can avail itself the advantages of digital processing, including tolerance to under- and over-exposure and image enhancement. In addition, a new technology, polycapillary optics, has been shown to produce clearer image by increasing contrast and resolution. Capillary optics, consisting a array of hollow glass tubes, is a relatively new technology for controlling x-ray beams. Thousands of individual capillary fiber can be strung together to form a multifiber optic. These arrays of curve polycapillary fiber can be used to focus, collimate, and filter x-ray radiation. A number of borrosilicate glass capillary fibers have been measured and simulated in the energy range 10-80 keV. The result shown potential for mammography applications, with transmission of 70% at 20 keV.

Measurements of X-Ray Capillary Optics for Digital Mammography

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X-ray capillary optics present great potential in designing a mammographic imaging system with high resolution, enhanced contrast, a high dynamic range and a low absorbed dose to the patient. Well engineered optics can collimate, focus and filter x-rays and can magnify images or demagnify images to mate them to a direct x-ray detector. Measurements on two collimating prototypes as pre-patient optics and two linearly tapered optics as post-patient "scatter-rejection" devices are reported here. Preliminary scatter fraction measurements demonstrate an excellent ability to reject Compton scattered photons, implying enhanced contrast in medical imaging systems.

Simulation, Measurements and Image Processing for Capillary Optical Digital Mammography

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Capillary optics which use total external reflections to transmit x rays have been shown to have significant advantages in scatter reduction and resolution improvement in mammographic applications. The purpose of the proposed work is to perform lens simulations and image artifact elimination as part of the work of capillary optical mammography research. During the first year of the task, a lens simulation extended from the previous single fiber simulation has been implemented, a lens for the protocol mammography system has been re-measured in an extended energy range and analyzed with the program. The simulation has been proved to he helpful in understanding the lens performance. To observe the effects of artifacts on resolution, the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) should be measured. MTF is the most fundamental measurement of spatial resolution used in radiology. Non-uniform transmission introduces difficulties in MTF measurement. A technique to measure MTF by taking an edge image and subtract the background has been developed. However, at the present time, the processed result was better than the expected ideal case for some unknown reasons. Further work is needed to find out the reason for this disagreement.

Direct Digital Mammography Using Capillary Optics

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The overall objective of this proposal is to develop a mammographic system with extremely high scatter rejection and dynamic range, good resolution and low patient dose. This will be accomplished by developing a direct x-ray detector interfaced with a capillary x-ray optic. Capillary x-ray optics, invented in the mid-eighties, provide an innovative new way to control x-ray beams. A number of promising geometries are being studied: collimating optics with long and short focal lengths, with and without antiscatter optics, monolithic linear magnifying tapers, and monolithic focusing, demagnifying optics. The collimating optics have transmissions in excess of 30% at their design energies, with collection angles ranging from 8 to 12 degrees. Scatter rejection is very high from all the optics. The linear tapers resulted in nearly ideal contrast enhancements and simultaneously increase in MTF at all spatial frequencies. The rapidly growing modeling capability is already leading to improvements in the manufacturing processes. Direct digital detectors owe their high efficiency and resolution to the direct detection of x-ray photons without requiring phosphors for the conversion to visible light. One dimensional "imaging" was demonstrated with the CZT linear array. CID two-dimensional arrays with small pixel sizes are another promising new technology for mammography

Simulation, Measurements and Image Processing for Capillary Optical Digital Mammorgraphy (96 Breast)

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Capillary optics, which use total external reflection to transmit x rays, have been proved to have great advantages in scatter reduction and resolution improvement in mammography application. The purpose of the proposed work is to perform lens simulation and image artifact elimination as part of the work of capillary optical mammography research. A lens simulation extended from the-previous single fiber simulation has been implemented, a lens for the protocol mammography system has been re-measured in an extended energy range and analyzed with the program. The simulation has been proved to be helpful in understanding the lens performance. Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is the most fundamental measurement of spatial resolution used in radiology. Non-uniform transmission introduces difficulties in MTF measurement. A method to measure MTF by taking an edge image and processed with background reduction technique has been developed. The modeling capability has been extended and has lead to a real development of understanding of the nature of polycapillary defects, which is already leading to improvements in the manufacturing processes. Further, the increased confidence in the modeling allows future lens geometries to be effectively "tested" in simulation so that design parameters can be rapidly optimized.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Study of X-Ray Optical Mammograph

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A number of feasibility measurements of the x-ray imaging properties of a capillary prototype optic for digital mammography were performed. The capillary prototype optic had input and output diameters of 4.15 mm and 7.5 mm, respectively. A mammographic scanning system was constructed to allow imaging of a larger field for some of the measurements. The optic showed good primary transmission (46%) at mammography energies. Images of a lucite contrast detail phantom, using a lead blocker, showed that the optic provides an increase in image contrast with a contrast improvement of 1.72 and a reduction of the scatter fraction to 0.018. The limiting resolution for the phosphor plate system (CR) was measured through the modulation transfer function (NTF). The 5% MTF for the stationary and scanned optic was 9 lp/mm and 8.4 lp/mm, respectively, compared with 5.4 lp/mm without the optics using a 0.3 mm focal spot and optimal magnification.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Study of X-Ray Optical Mammography

Book Description

A number of feasibility measurements were performed to assess the x-ray imaging properties of two capillary optics for digital mammography. Optic 1, used in year one, had input and output diameters of 4.15 mm and 7.5 mm, respectively, . Optic 2, used in year two had input and output diameters of 3.62 mm and 6.83 mm, respectively. A mammographic scanning system was constructed to allow imaging of a larger field for some of the measurements. Optic 1 showed good primary transmission, 46%. Optic 2 had better linearity at mammographic energies. Images of a Lucite contrast detail phantom, using a lead blocker, showed that both optics provide an increase in image contrast with a contrast improvement of approximately 1.7, and a reduction of scatter fraction to 0.02. The limiting resolution for the CR phosphor plate system was increased to about 8.5 1p/mm, with an improvement of the MTF at all spatial frequencies. Clinical training was received by the postdoctoral fellow.