Measuring Chaos In The Human Brain - Proceedings Of The Conference

Book Description

This conference brought together scientists from diverse disciplines such as biomedical and electrical engineering, mathematics, physics, neurology, neuroscience, psychophysiology and psychology to discuss the application of nonlinear dynamics in the study of brain function. This is a relatively new field which involves measuring the properties of chaotic strange attractors in the human EEG. Probably the earliest and still most exciting result in the field is that 'the more chaos the better' is the rule in many physiological areas. We have only the most speculative ideas about why the brain might be chaotic and what the implications are if it really is. The potential is unimaginably large. This volume will serve to inspire others to pursue research in this field and point the way in some promising directions.

Chaos In Brain? - Proceedings Of The Workshop

Book Description

There has been a heated debate about whether chaos theory can be applied to the dynamics of the human brain. While it is obvious that nonlinear mechanisms are crucial in neural systems, there has been strong criticism of attempts to identify at strange attractors in brain signals and to measure their fractal dimensions, Lyapunov exponents, etc. Conventional methods analyzing brain dynamics are largely based on linear models and on Fourier spectra. Regardless of the existence of strange attractors in brain activity, the neurosciences should benefit greatly from alternative methods that have been developed in recent years for the analysis of nonlinear and chaotic behavior.

Chaos in Human Brain Phase Transition

Book Description

From a theoretical equation, modeling the dynamic of the time-dependent coefficients of the first and the second Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) signal, chaotic phase transition has been studied in the human brain. Through numerical investigations, the bifurcation diagram and the dynamic of Lyapunov exponent have been plotted. These diagrams reveal that throughout the variation of the control parameter here the frequency of the acoustic stimulus, the brain bifurcates from chaotic states to periodic or to quasiperiodic one. Also a chaotic phase portrait of the KL modes and its corresponding Poincaré section have been plotted. The origin of chaos in the human brain could be due to the self-organizing processes of nonequilibrium phase transition occurring in the electrochemical physiological phenomena of the complex nerve cells and neural assembly. Besides, the occurrence of chaos in the absence of stimuli has been remarked and thought to be due to the fact that an intrinsic brain could be chaotic. Moreover it has been found that the range of frequency for which the brain is forced to behave periodically could be harmful to the thinking process.

Chaos Theory

Book Description

Chaos Theory – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications provides a comprehensive overview of chaos theory. It includes five chapters that discuss the history and development of chaos theory, the effectiveness of a chaos auto-associated model based on the Chebyshev-type activation function, neurite morphology, chemical self-replication, and the use of chaotic small particles to create materials with specific refractive index and magnetic permeability.

Proceedings Of The 2nd Experimental Chaos Conference

Book Description

The 2nd experimental chaos conference provided a multidisciplinary forum for the scientific and engineering communities to present recent developments of and techniques in nonlinear dynamics. Major themes included control, synchronization, signal detection/characterization and communication. Major fields of interest included lasers, fluids, magnetics, electronics, chemically reacting fluids, cardiology, neurobiology and environmental sciences.

Experimental Chaos - Proceedings Of The 3rd Conference

Book Description

This volume, the third in our unique series on experimental chaos, brings together from a broad range of disciplines, some of the exciting developments of the last two years concerned with the observations, measurements and applications of nonlinear dynamical behaviour. Included are chaos, spatio-temporal chaos and patterns, control of chaos, time series analysis and characterization, pattern recognitions and signal processing. The subjects covered include optics, fluids, condensed matter, astrophysics, biological, chemical and medical sciences, engineering, metreorology and oceanography.

Chaos theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences

Book Description

This book represents the best of the first three years of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology conferences. While chaos theory has been a topic of considerable interest in the physical and biological sciences, its applications in psychology and related fields have been obscured until recently by its complexity. Nevertheless, a small but rapidly growing community of psychologists, neurobiologists, sociologists, mathematicians, and philosophers have been coming together to discuss its implications and explore its research possibilities. Chaos theory has been termed the first authentic paradigm shift since the advent of quantum physics. Whether this is true or not, it unquestionably bears profound implications for many fields of thought. These include the cognitive analysis of the mind, the nature of personality, the dynamics of psychotherapy and counseling, understanding brain events and behavioral records, the dynamics of social organization, and the psychology of prediction. To each of these topics, chaos theory brings the perspective of dynamic self-organizing processes of exquisite complexity. Behavior, the nervous system, and social processes exhibit many of the classical characteristics of chaotic systems -- they are deterministic and globally predictable and yet do not submit to precise predictability. This volume is the first to explore ideas from chaos theory in a broad, psychological perspective. Its introduction, by the prominent neuroscientist Walter Freeman, sets the tone for diverse discussions of the role of chaos theory in behavioral research, the study of personality, psychotherapy and counseling, mathematical cognitive psychology, social organization, systems philosophy, and the understanding of the brain.

Nonlinear Brain Dynamics

Book Description

At the beginning of the 21st century, understanding the brain has become one of the final frontiers of science. Hailed as the 'most complex object in the universe' the brain still defies a complete understanding of its workings, in particular in relation to consciousness and higher brain functions. Despite enormous scientific efforts, the question how the 'mere matter' of 1011 interacting nerve cells can give rise to the inner world of our subjective feelings still remains an enigma. However, in contrast to a few decades ago, when respectable neuroscience was not expected to deal with such questions, the search for brain/mind relationships has now become the focus of intense research. The central idea of this book: to understand the brain, we need to understand its dynamics.