Dynamics of Nucleosome Remodeling by ATP-dependent Chromatin Remodelers

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Chromatin is highly regulated nucleoprotein complex facilitating the dynamic balance between genome packaging and accessibility. The central workhorses regulating the dynamic nature of chromatin are ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers- ISWI, SWI/SNF, INO80, and CHD/Mi2. All chromatin remodelers transduce the energy from ATP hydrolysis to translocate on DNA, break histone-DNA contacts, and mobilize nucleosomes. However, the final outcomes of nucleosome remodeling are diverse - nucleosome sliding, dimer exchange, nucleosome disassembly, and nucleosome conformation alteration. This study sheds light on how different chromatin remodelers catalyze various structural transformations. We provide novel insights into the nucleosome dynamics, the role of histone octamer dynamics on nucleosome remodeling by ISW2, mechanism of dimer exchange by INO80 and mechanism of nucleosome disassembly by the coordinated action of RSC and histone chaperone Nap1. We also provide insights on how aberrant SWI/SNF complexes affect fundamental enzymatic properties such as ATPase and processive nucleosome remodeling. ISW2 remodelers sense and respond to the length of linker DNA separating the nucleosome and centers nucleosome. Histone octamers are perceived as a mostly static structure whereas DNA deforms itself to fit nucleosome. We have found change in histone octamer conformation as a novel step in ISW2 mobilizing DNA through the nucleosome. We provide evidence for an induced fit mechanism where histone-histone and histone-DNA interactions change in respond to remodeler, and these changes promote DNA entry into the nucleosome. Our data supports a model in which DNA translocation causes the change in histone octamer conformation, followed by DNA entry into nucleosome and resetting of the histone octamer core. We also move a step ahead and show that SANT domain promotes the entry of DNA into nucleosome and resets the histone octamer core allowing processive nucleosome mobilization. INO80 nucleosome remodeling provides two outcomes- nucleosome centering and dimer exchange. INO80 exchanges H2A.Z-H2B dimer for H2A-H2B. We show that INO80 is incredibly slow at centering nucleosome compared to ISW2. We also provide evidence for a mechanism where INO80 persistently displaces DNA from the dimer interface, unlike ISW2, facilitating dimer exchange. In another instance, we show that kinetic step sizes are modulated by a combination of enzyme and DNA sequence properties, and are not hardwired into the enzyme. ISW2 has been previously shown to translocate DNA with a kinetic step sizes of ~7bp and ~3bp. We show that kinetic step sizes may vary depending on nucleosomal location where we monitor DNA movement. Next, we studied the mechanism of nucleosome disassembly by RSC in the presence of Nap1. We found that Nap1 promotes the disassembly of the distal nucleosome that RSC collides with rather than the proximal nucleosomes it mobilizes. SWI/SNF tops the list of the frequently mutated epigenetic factor in cancer with its subunits mutated in more than 20% of all cancers. Loss of hSnf5 is a driver mutation in pediatric rhabdoid tumors. Our lab has previously identified that the deletion of Snf5 causes yeast SWI/SNF to lose an entire module comprised of Snf5, Swp82, and Taf14. In this study, we establish the properties of aberrant SWI/SNF complex formed in the absence of Snf5 module. The deletion resulted in lower ATP hydrolysis and nucleosome mobilization activities of the mutant SWI/SNF. We found that Snf5 module is necessary to couple ATP hydrolysis with DNA translocation. We studied the role of accessory domain AT-hooks in the ATPase subunit of SWI/SNF and found similar results. Interestingly, AT hook and SnAC domains, and Snf5 subunit were found to communicate with the same region in ATPase domain physically. These studies provide valuable mechanistic insights into chromatin structure and function and highlight how different chromatin remodelers catalyze different chromatin remodeling outcomes. We also provide new insights on how the activity of the core ATPase motor is regulated either by accessory domains on the same subunit or by accessory subunits as a part of the larger complex.

ATP-dependent Nucleosome Mobilization in the Presence of Proteins Involved in Transcriptional Silencing

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Recruitment of the yeast Silencing Information Regulator complex (SIR complex) to regions of silenced heterochromatin is essential for maintaining a transcriptionally-repressed chromatin environment. Distinct boundaries exist to demarcate silenced heterochromatin from facultative heterochromatin and yet little is known regarding how this boundary is established or maintained. In this study, we observed linker DNA-independent binding of Sir3 to the nucleosome. We then examined the interactions of Sir3 with the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes ISW2, ISW1a, INO80, ISW1b, and SWI/SNF. In the cell, the interplay between these remodeling complexes, the SIR complex, and other chromatin associated proteins likely plays a regulatory function to maintain silencing throughout a particular region and restrict the spreading of this silenced state to adjacent chromatin regions. Investigations of the silent mating type locus in yeast may provide important clues toward understanding global transcriptional silencing mechanisms in higher eukaryotes. We demonstrate that Sir3 has no inhibitory effect upon remodeling by any of the complexes examined in this study and that Sir3 does not prevent ISW2 or SWI/SNF from binding the nucleosome.

Fundamentals of Chromatin

Book Description

​​​​​​​​​​​​​While there has been an increasing number of books on various aspects of epigenetics, there has been a gap over the years in books that provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of chromatin. ​Chromatin is the combination of DNA and proteins that make up the genetic material of chromosomes. Its primary function is to package DNA to fit into the cell, to strengthen the DNA to prevent damage, to allow mitosis and meiosis, and to control the expression of genes and DNA replication. The audience for this book is mainly newly established scientists ​and graduate students. Rather than going into the more specific areas of recent research on chromatin the chapters in this book give a strong, updated groundwork about the topic. Some the fundamentals that this book will cover include the structure of chromatin and biochemistry and the enzyme complexes that manage it.

Modes of Nucleosome Interaction and Mechanisms of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Chromatin Remodelers INO80 and ISW1a

Book Description

The dynamic nature of eukaryotic chromatin enables the packaging of large amounts of genetic material in a small space. At the same time, it provides controlled access to genomic DNA for a variety of nuclear processes for example, transcription and DNA repair. The transition between open and closed chromatin states is largely governed by ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, which operate on nucleosomes in concert, to modulate chromatin structure and composition. Exchange of the canonical and variant forms of histones in nucleosomes, and altering the spacing between consecutive nucleosomes, are two major ways which regulate chromatin-based processes and chromatin higher-order organization. The evolutionarily conserved INO80 and ISW1a complexes mediate these two aspects of nucleosome remodeling, respectively. Despite sharing conserved domain architecture of the core remodeling machinery, chromatin remodelers differ significantly in their modes of interaction with nucleosomes, and how they alter histone-DNA contacts. In this study, we have used a site-specific photocrosslinking approach coupled with peptide mapping to determine the interactions of subunits and domains of the S. cerevisiae INO80 and ISW1a complexes with nucleosomes. We find that specific interactions of remodelers with different regions of the nucleosome largely dictate their specialized functions and mechanisms. The ATP-dependent helicase-like (ATPase) domains of remodelers belonging to the ISWI and SWI/SNF families translocate along DNA close to the center of nucleosomes in order to mobilize, space or disassemble nucleosomes. In contrast, we observed that INO80 has a strikingly distinct mechanism, which is different even from its paralog SWR1. INO80 mobilizes nucleosomes as well as catalyzes the exchange of histone variant H2A.Z for the canonical histone H2A, while SWR1 mediates the reverse exchange of H2A for H2A.Z, without being able to mobilize nucleosomes. We have found that INO80, in order to promote H2A-H2B dimer exchange, translocates along DNA at the H2A-H2B interface close to the edge of nucleosomes and persistently displace DNA from H2A-H2B. Blocking either DNA translocation or the accumulation of DNA torsions close to the edge of the nucleosome interferes with this dimer exchange by INO80. SWR1 and other SWI/SNF and ISWI remodeling complexes translocate along DNA at the H3-H4 interface and do not persistently displace DNA from the histone octamer as does INO80. This study shows for the first time an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler that invades nucleosomes at the DNA entry site instead of the center—a more logical approach for the displacement of H2A-H2B. We also investigated nucleosomal DNA interactions of other INO80 subunits and domains to understand the architecture of INO80 bound to nucleosomes. We found that the HSA (helicase-SANT-associated) domain of Ino80 along with actin-related protein (Arp) subunits Arp8 and Arp4 bind to the extranucleosomal DNA and is potentially involved in a coupling mechanism with the ATPase domain to regulate its activity. We also mapped the DNA binding regions of Arp8 and Arp4, which might be involved in recruiting INO80 to genomic sites. The ISWI remodeler ISW1a regulates the distance (spacing) between nucleosomes in an array by simultaneously interacting with two nucleosomes and directionally remodels one of them. We mapped DNA interactions of ISW1a subunits in mono- and di-nucleosomes. Our results show that the catalytic Isw1 subunit specifically interacts with the region of DNA translocation and DNA entry site of the asymmetrically positioned nucleosome in a di-nucleosome, which is preferentially mobilized. In contrast, the Ioc3 subunit interacts extensively with the linker DNA as well as the extranucleosomal DNA of the un-remodeled nucleosome. This bias in nucleosomal DNA interactions of ISW1a enables directional remodeling, which reveals the molecular basis of nucleosome spacing. We have identified a novel domain within the non-catalytic Ioc3 subunit of ISW1a that regulates nucleosome spacing. We found that when this domain is deleted, the catalytic Isw1 subunit loses its specificity and interacts with both the nucleosomes of a di-nucleosome substrate. This is consistent with the domain-deleted ISW1a mobilizing both nucleosomes efficiently, leading to the loss of its nucleosome spacing activity. In summary, this dissertation explores how different remodeling complexes have customized and regulated modes of nucleosome interaction in order to accomplish specialized remodeling outcomes. INO80 places its ATPase domain for translocation at the H2A-H2B dimer interface and persistently displaces DNA from its surface to promote H2A.Z exchange. Nucleosome spacing by ISW1a requires the catalytic Isw1 subunit to engage with and reposition one out of two consecutive nucleosomes in an array, while the Ioc3 subunit likely monitors the distance between them.

Introduction to Epigenetics

Book Description

This open access textbook leads the reader from basic concepts of chromatin structure and function and RNA mechanisms to the understanding of epigenetics, imprinting, regeneration and reprogramming. The textbook treats epigenetic phenomena in animals, as well as plants. Written by four internationally known experts and senior lecturers in this field, it provides a valuable tool for Master- and PhD- students who need to comprehend the principles of epigenetics, or wish to gain a deeper knowledge in this field. After reading this book, the student will: Have an understanding of the basic toolbox of epigenetic regulation Know how genetic and epigenetic information layers are interconnected Be able to explain complex epigenetic phenomena by understanding the structures and principles of the underlying molecular mechanisms Understand how misregulated epigenetic mechanisms can lead to disease

Chromatin Regulation and Dynamics

Book Description

Chromatin Regulation and Dynamics integrates knowledge on the dynamic regulation of primary chromatin fiber with the 3D nuclear architecture, then connects related processes to circadian regulation of cellular metabolic states, representing a paradigm of adaptation to environmental changes. The final chapters discuss the many ways chromatin dynamics can synergize to fundamentally contribute to the development of complex diseases. Chromatin dynamics, which is strategically positioned at the gene-environment interface, is at the core of disease development. As such, Chromatin Regulation and Dynamics, part of the Translational Epigenetics series, facilitates the flow of information between research areas such as chromatin regulation, developmental biology, and epidemiology by focusing on recent findings of the fast-moving field of chromatin regulation. Presents and discusses novel principles of chromatin regulation and dynamics with a cross-disciplinary perspective Promotes crosstalk between basic sciences and their applications in medicine Provides a framework for future studies on complex diseases by integrating various aspects of chromatin biology with cellular metabolic states, with an emphasis on the dynamic nature of chromatin and stochastic principles Integrates knowledge on the dynamic regulation of primary chromatin fiber with 3D nuclear architecture, then connects related processes to circadian regulation of cellular metabolic states, representing a paradigm of adaptation to environmental changes

Chemical-induced Proximity of Chromatin Remodelers and Small-molecule Inhibitors Thereof

Book Description

Cellular fate is hierarchically controlled by the underlying genetic code, DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin remodeling, which when disrupted can lead to cancer. For this reason, chemical tools to modulate the epigenome contribute greatly to our understanding of both the fundamental mechanisms of gene regulation, and the druggability of a variety of epigenetically-disrupted diseases. This works seeks to develop and employ various chemical tools to modulate the epigenome on multiple levels— first through the temporal control, in vivo characterizations, and simulations of histone modifications and nucleosome exchange, and second through the development of inhibitors of chromatin remodeling complexes. Utilizing a combination of chemical-induced-dimerization, theoretical simulations, and epigenome meta-analysis, the unknown mechanisms governing the regulation of histone methylation through nucleosome turnover are explored. Utilizing chemical induced proximity, I selectively methylate Lysine 79 of Histone 3 (H3K79me) by recruiting the DOT1L complex to H3K79me-deficient genes in vivo, which provided a characterization of the complete system of reactions describing the transition from unmodified histones through mono-, di, and tri-methylation at distinct chromatin substrates. Despite the fact that members of the DOT1L complex are aberrantly fused with the MLL protein and result in > 80% of MLL-rearranged leukemias, the mechanisms of H3K79-mediated genetic regulation remain poorly understood. Utilizing kinetic first-principles I developed a model which predicts that nucleosome turnover can establish varied methylation states in the absence of demethylation, in agreement with my in vivo results. This model also successfully predicts the chromatin landscape in the presence of demethylation for both Histone 3 Lysine 27 methylation (regulated by polycomb repressive complexes) and the heterochromatin-inducing methylation of Histone 3 Lysine 9. I then utilized this model to successfully predict the H3K79me-addicted epigenetic landscape in Mixed Lineage Leukemias, along with genome-wide landscapes of both repressive and activating histone marks in worms, flies, and mice. In doing so, I propose a conserved general principle for the establishment of the epigenetic landscape through the concerted actions of methylation, demethylation, and nucleosome turnover. Beyond regulating histone modifications, nucleosome turnover is a critical component in maintaining a stable epigenetic-state and is mediated by chromatin remodeling complexes. A second major focus of this work is understanding the mechanisms of human SWI/SNF (BAF) complexes, which are a diverse family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers that exhibit combinatorial specificity to regulate specific genetic programs. Genomic studies have shown that subunits of the BAF complex are mutated in about 20% of human cancers and a large number of neurologic diseases, including autism. SWI/SNF complexes regulate transcription, replication and DNA repair through a variety of mechanisms including nucleosome mobilization, polycomb opposition, and Top2- mediated DNA decatenation. Despite the obvious need for the development of small-molecules targeting these large combinational complexes, no probes against SWI/SNF have demonstrated utility in cancer, and few exist. Through the development of a facile high-throughput drug-synergy screen, I demonstrated that a novel SWI/SNF inhibitor, BAFi-1, functions synergistically with inhibitors of the ATR/ATM kinase, which are under investigation for treatment of a broad group of human cancers. Despite the fact that this molecule was discovered in a chemical screen for the repressive function of the embryonic BAF complex, since BAFi-1is not detectably toxic, these studies suggest an avenue for therapeutic enhancement of ATR/ATM inhibition without additional toxicity. Further, this work presents a first-in-kind demonstration of chromatin remodeling inhibition as a therapeutic strategy in cancer.

Epigenetic Regulation of Skin Development and Regeneration

Book Description

This indispensable volume highlights recent studies identifying epigenetic mechanisms as essential regulators of skin development, stem cell activity and regeneration. Chapters are contributed by leading experts and promote the skin as an accessible model system for studying mechanisms that control organ development and regeneration. The timely discussions contained throughout are of broad relevance to other areas of biology and medicine and can help inform the development of novel therapeutics for skin disorders as well as new approaches to skin regeneration that target the epigenome. Part of the highly successful Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine series, Epigenetic Regulation of Skin Development and Regeneration uncovers the fundamental significance of epigenetic mechanisms in skin development and regeneration, and emphasizes the development of new therapies for a number of skin disorders, such as pathological conditions of epidermal differentiation, pigmentation and carcinogenesis. At least six categories of researchers will find this book essential, including stem cell, developmental, hair follicle or molecular biologists, and gerontologists or clinical dermatologists.