Mechanisms of Circadian Systems in Animals and Their Clinical Relevance

Book Description

Well known experts in the field of Chronobiology from around the world, provide an integrative view of the state of the art of circadian biology. At present, genetic and epigenetic interaction of regulatory pathways among circadian oscillators, metabolic networks, cellular differentiation and neuronal communication are subject of intense scrutiny. The book is organized in three sections: The first includes selected examples of the circadian systems of crustaceans, insects, fish, birds and mammals. The second is a detailed view of the physiological mechanisms underlying the circadian clocks in mammals. Finally, in the third section some examples of the relevance of circadian biology and circadian misalignment to health and disease are provided including nutrition and metabolism, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, Huntington and affective diseases. This section concludes with a brief review on gene therapy and its potential use as a therapeutic tool to correct “clock genes” pathologies. This book is aimed at all those interested in contemporary aspects of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology applied to the study and characterization of timing systems.. It could be used as an initial approach to this field, but it also provides updated information for those already familiar with the fascinating field of Chronobiology.

The Circadian Clock

Book Description

With the invitation to edit this volume, I wanted to take the opportunity to assemble reviews on different aspects of circadian clocks and rhythms. Although most c- tributions in this volume focus on mammalian circadian clocks, the historical int- duction and comparative clocks section illustrate the importance of various other organisms in deciphering the mechanisms and principles of circadian biology. Circadian rhythms have been studied for centuries, but only recently, a mole- lar understanding of this process has emerged. This has taken research on circadian clocks from mystic phenomenology to a mechanistic level; chains of molecular events can describe phenomena with remarkable accuracy. Nevertheless, current models of the functioning of circadian clocks are still rudimentary. This is not due to the faultiness of discovered mechanisms, but due to the lack of undiscovered processes involved in contributing to circadian rhythmicity. We know for example, that the general circadian mechanism is not regulated equally in all tissues of m- mals. Hence, a lot still needs to be discovered to get a full understanding of cir- dian rhythms at the systems level. In this respect, technology has advanced at high speed in the last years and provided us with data illustrating the sheer complexity of regulation of physiological processes in organisms. To handle this information, computer aided integration of the results is of utmost importance in order to d- cover novel concepts that ultimately need to be tested experimentally.

Circadian Clocks and Their Adjustment

Book Description

Prestigious contributors describe the genetic, molecular, anatomical and neurochemical mechanisms and pathways that operate to regulate and control circadian rhythmicity and functioning in organisms ranging from unicellular algae to human beings. Also considers the implications of the basic and clinical research for humans.

Human Circadian Physiology

Book Description

Molecular Biology of Circadian Rhythms

Book Description

This text begins with a general introduction to biochemical and biophysical aspects of circadian timing, then proceeds to its essential focus on collating the newest information on molecular mechanisms of circadian rhythms. It includes a chapter on the implications for clinical research on affective disorders, sleep disorders, and the relevance for therapeutic treatment, as well as coverage of multiple oscillators and hormonal rhythms. Sections include: Molecular Control of Circadian Rhythms: Animal Models Molecular Control of Circadian Rhythms: From Cyanobacteria to Plants Circadian Organization in Complex Organisms. Chapter topics include examinations of circadian rhythms in non-mammalian vertebrates, neurospora, and humans.

Comparative Aspects Of Circadian Rhythms

Book Description

Chronobiology is the study of adaptations evolved at all levels of organization by living organisms to cope with regular geophysical cycles in the environment. The Earth s rotation originates alternation of light and darkness with a 24-h period; this signal allowed primordial organisms to keep track of time, adjust their internal temporal order, and anticipate external time. This capability fostered the development in living matter of endogenous temporal organization of cellular process over an approximately 24-h period. The cellular machinery that generates this ability is known as the biological clock, and its outputs as circadian rhythms. Such clocks can be found in nearly all organisms, from simple bacteria to insects, mammals, and of course, humans. The selective advantage conferred to all organisms by the biological clock comprises coordination of molecular, physiological, and behavioral processes, so as to ensure its occurrence during the daily cycle s optimal time. When organisms are maintained in an environment with strong time signals (zeitgebers) such as the light-dark cycle, each of their circadian rhythms establishes a stable relationship with each other and with the external cycle, and becomes an entrained system. Different species and different individuals within each species are coupled with their own typical phases to the natural 24-h cycle. Thus, time is embedded in our genes, and circadian clocks have emerged several times during evolution as a result of convergence to meet a common need. And although key proteins are not conserved, all clocks known to date in eukaryotes involve transcriptional-translational feedback loops. Over the last decades, chronobiology has expanded enormously, is emerging independently in many fields, and it is one of the most interdisciplinary fields in biology. While it has not been easy to understand how a biological clock works in an organism, research with different models from single-cell organisms to complex multicellular plants and animals have provided us insight concerning the ticking of the clock. Identification of circadian rhythms in biochemical and behavioral parameters in different unicellular organisms, localization of different oscillators in combination with behavioral outputs markers by neurobiological techniques in insects and mammals, as well as molecular genetics that has led to identification and cloning of clock genes in several species including humans have rendered chronobiology a diverse and dynamic discipline, with not only biological relevance but also important social and medical implications. Our goal in editing this book was to provide a comparative view of our current knowledge regarding circadian rhythms and clocks at different phylogenetic levels. The authors contributing to this volume review both circadian molecules and mechanisms in representative groups ranging from simple organisms as unicells to complex ones such as invertebrates and non-mammal and mammal vertebrates. The book reflects and is a token of different approaches to the field, such as regulation molecules and their biochemical pathways involved in either circadian or exogenous aspects of the rhythmic process and its regulation in photoautotrophic unicells and the neurobiological and molecular bases of circadian oscillators in some invertebrates and vertebrates. A number of works are focused in the importance of environmental, social, and nutrient temporal signals as synchronizing agents in insects and in different vertebrate models. These reviews are not only centered on the adult organism at the integrative level, but also provide an ontogenetic view at behavioral, physiological, and molecular levels. Furthermore, they supply evidence on several organs as potential sources of circadian signaling for different vertebrate groups, which indicates multioscillatory circadian systems similar to those proposed for some invertebrates. In Chapter 1, Rüdiger Hardeland revises the importance of tryptophan metabolic pathways in two unicells, Euglena gracilis, and the dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedrum. Barbara-Ann Battelle, in Chapter 2, reviews and describes current knowledge of the circadian system of a Chelicerata, Limulus polyphemus, visual inputs into the central clock, and efferent pathways of the clock to the eyes, in addition to the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes. In Chapter 3, María Elena Durán-Lizárraga et al. review the role of different crustacean neuropeptides in the regulation of several physiological processes, such as those proposed as controlled by the circadian system of decapoda, particularly in crayfish. Claudio R. Lazzari and Teresita C. Insausti examine, in Chapter 4, the importance of circadian rhythms from insect s populations, closely associated with the history of chronobiology and the Pittendrigh pioneering work. Continuing on insects, the concept of the superorganism and the interaction of rhythms at different frequencies in different cohorts of individuals forming a colony is presented in Chapter 5 by Mirian David-Marques and Cintia Etsuko-Yamashita. In dealing with vertebrates, Raquel Carvalho and Luiz Menna-Barreto in Chapter 6 address fish from the phenomenology of circadian rhythms to the description of the underlying multioscillatory system, finally reviewing its ecological and evolutionary relevance of these species as a model. The following chapter (7) by Carolina Escobar et al. offers an integrative view of the so-called food-entrained oscillator in rodents. Then, in Chapter 8 Ivette Caldelas and colleagues provide us with an ontogenetic approach to non-visual entrainment of the circadian system, an alternative view of the food-entrained oscillator, using as a natural model the newborn rabbit. Still in the area of restricted food availability as an entraining signal, in Chapter 9 Adrián Báez-Ruíz et al. provide yet another perspective of this phenomenon, which stresses the role of liver physiology and biochemistry in the regulation of food ingestion and hepatic circadian rhythmicity. Finally, in Chapter 10 Raúl Aguilar-Roblero and colleagues review the role of the rodent suprachiasmatic nuclei as a biological clock for the mammalian circadian system, with emphasis on molecular and cellular aspects involved in the first steps of coding biological time into a signal readable by its neuronal targets. We have attempted to provide a panoramic perspective of the multiple approaches for addressing the study of the circadian system in different organisms. Selection of contributions included certain aspects of circadian rhythms not easily found in other reviews. We are indebted to the enthusiastic response of the entire group of contributors, all distinguished professors from universities from different countries, in achieving publication of this volume. We hope readers will find the text useful and that it will perhaps further promote their interest in this area of biology.

Vertebrate Circadian Systems

Book Description

By evolutionary adaptation to the perpetual day-night changes in envi­ ronmental conditions, eukaryotic organisms have acquired an endogen­ ous programme. This mechanism exhibits the characteristics of a self­ sustaining oscillation the period of which approximates that of the earth's rotation. For animals such a property was first clearly demon­ strated by Maynard S. Johnson (1939) who recorded, in constant conditions, free-running activity rhythms of white-footed mice (Peromyscus /eucopus). Johnson concluded from his observations that "this animal has an exceptionally substantial and durable self-winding and self-regulating clock, the mechanism of which remains to be worked out". Twenty years later, the formal properties of this "circadian" clock and its use by organisms as a time-keeping device were summa­ rized at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium in 1960 (Chovnick 1961). During the following two decades, investigations have turned towards an analysis of the physiological mechanisms involved in and the search for a central masterclock. These efforts led to the discovery that the pineal organ of submammalian vertebrates and the suprachiasmatic nuclei of birds and mammals are major candidates for a role as central circadian pacemakers. At the same time the neural pathways through which these structures are coupled to the light-dark cycle were identi­ fied. Furthermore, it was established that the pineal gland and the suprachiasmatic nuclei are closely related structures that integrate the functions of circadian timekeeping and photoperiodic time measure­ ment.

The Rhythms Of Life

Book Description

Popular science at its most exciting: the breaking new world of chronobiology - understanding the rhythm of life in humans and all plants and animals. The entire natural world is full of rhythms. The early bird catches the worm -and migrates to an internal calendar. Dormice hibernate away the winter. Plants open and close their flowers at the same hour each day. Bees search out nectar-rich flowers day after day. There are cicadas that can breed for only two weeks every 17 years. And in humans: why are people who work anti-social shifts more illness prone and die younger? What is jet-lag and can anything help? Why do teenagers refuse to get up in the morning, and are the rest of us really 'larks' or 'owls'? Why are most people born (and die) between 3am-5am? And should patients be given medicines (and operations) at set times of day, because the body reacts so differently in the morning, evening and at night? The answers lie in our biological clocks the mechanisms which give order to all living things. They impose a structure that enables us to change our behaviour in relation to the time of day, month or year. They are reset at sunrise and sunset each day to link astronomical time with an organism's internal time.

Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism

Book Description

One of the major breakthroughs of the last decade in the understanding of energy homeostasis is the identification of a reciprocal control between circadian rhythmicity and cellular metabolism. Circadian rhythmicity is a fundamental endogenous process of almost every organism living on Earth. For instance, the alternation of hunger and satiety is not continuous over 24 h, but is instead structured in time along the light/dark cycle. In mammals, the temporal organization of metabolism, physiology and behavior around 24 h is controlled by a network of multiple cellular clocks, synchronized via neuronal and hormonal signals by a master clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. This central circadian conductor in the brain is mainly reset by ambient light perceived by the retina, while secondary circadian clocks in other brain areas and peripheral organs can be reset by meal timing. Chronic disruption of circadian rhythms, as seen in human shift-workers (up to 20% of the active population), has been associated with the development of a number of adverse mental and metabolic conditions. Understanding of the functional links between circadian desynchronization and overall health in animal models and humans, however, is still scarce. Interactions between circadian clocks and metabolism can occur at different levels: the molecular clockwork, internal synchronization via neuro-hormonal signals, or external synchronization via photic or feeding cues. This Research Topic comprises a number of reviews as well as research and methods articles that feature recent advancements in the mechanisms linking circadian clocks with energy metabolism, and the pathophysiological implications of these interactions for metabolic health.

The Genetics of Circadian Rhythms

Book Description

This latest volume in Advances in Genetics covers the genetics of Circadian rhythms. With an international group of authors this volume is the latest offering in this widely praised series.