Media Accountability and Freedom of Publication

Book Description

What are the media's responsibilities? To whom are they accountable? Are they increasingly growing out of control? In the 21st century, our mass media are becoming more powerful and more difficult to hold to account, and attempts at control to prevent harm or make media more responsible are often viewed as infringements of market and media freedom. In this study, Denis McQuail identifies problematic trends and issues and outlines the principles underlying media regulation and accountability.

Journalists and Media Accountability

Book Description

Media accountability is back on the political agenda. This book advances research on media accountability and transparency, and also offers perspectives for newsrooms, media policy-makers, and journalism educators.

Media Freedom and Accountability

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How, when, and to what extent should people be able to talk back to the media; what works, what doesn't, what's possible? This volume, sponsored by the Gannett Center for Media Studies at Columbia University and the Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law at the University of Minnesota, examines these and other issues. With a deep concern for freedom from censorship and a strong awareness of our constitutional franchise of freedom of expression, the editors and contributors seek to define meaningful forums where citizens can air their views about media to a large enough audience to make a significant impact. The strong sense of urgency in forming these investigations results from the recognition of mass media's central and powerful role in both public and consumer life; the ability of mass media to help or harm is indisputable. The recognition of media impact by editors, broadcasting groups, corporate owners, and researchers in diverse fields, has made the public's view of the press a highly visible item on the public agenda. In spite of this, discussions of media accountability have remained conceptually muddled and formal means for public feedback have been few and feeble. The editors of Media Freedom and Accountability present and assess several forms of media accountability that function effectively within free speech parameters. They include the marketplace model, the self-regulatory model, the voluntary model, the fiduciary model, and the litigation model. Discussions of these models include evaluations of letters-to-the-editor columns, radio talk shows, ethical codes, ombudsmen, press councils, citizens groups such as Accuracy in Media, the FCC and FTC, and the court system of redress. Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper's; Alfred Balk, former editor of the Columbia Journalism Review and now with World Press Review; and Kenneth Morgan of the British Press Council, among other contributors, offer thoughtful and informative essays that approach the subject from various pragmatic and philosophical stances. Media Freedom and Accountability is made-to-order for courses in mass media, for all media practitioners, and for all those concerned with the scope of media in the United States and with methods of public response.

Media Freedom and Responsibility

Book Description

An overview of the media case laws and practice, their concepts, ethics and traditions in Sri Lanka.

Media Ethics and Accountability Systems

Book Description

Over the last few years, the O.J. Simpson case, then the Lewinsky-Clinton affair, and scores of minor scandals have dominated the US press, often taking precedence over important domestic and international issues. This tabloidization of the news media, both here and abroad, has proved that "the market" cannot insure media quality. In a democracy, for media to function well, they must be free of both political and economic muzzling. The only solution is to add self-regulation, or quality control, by professionals and public to the other two forces, the market and state regulation. In this controversial volume, Claude-Jean Bertrand sets out to define a set of accountability systems--democratic, efficient, and harmless--to insure true freedom and quality of media. This brief, highly literate volume focuses not on philosophical foundations of media ethics or case stories, but on what is now missing in the codes. Many books deal with media ethics but few deal with accountability. Media Ethics and Accountability Systems zeroes in on the many nongovernmental methods of enforcing "quality control," and on the difficulty of getting the media microcosm to accept such accountability. To remedy this lack, Bertrand proposes rethinking existing "media accountability systems," some 30 to 40 in number, and creation of new ones. He observes that existing systems are rooted in four basic approaches: training: the education of citizens in media use and the incorporation of ethics courses in journalistic education; evaluation: criticism (positive and negative) not only from politicians, consumerists, and intellectuals, but from media professionals themselves; monitoring: by independent, academic experts over extended periods of time into the long-term effects; and feedback: giving ear to the various segments of media users and their needs and tastes, rather than scrutinizing sales and ratings. Media Ethics will be of particular interest to academics in the fields of communication and journalism, as well as to the general reader with an interest in public issues and a civic concern for society.

The Global Handbook of Media Accountability

Book Description

The Global Handbook of Media Accountability brings together leading scholars to de-Westernize the academic debate on media accountability and discuss different models of media self-regulation and newsroom transparency around the globe. With examination of the status quo of media accountability in 43 countries worldwide, it offers a theoretically informed comparative analysis of accountability regimes of different varieties. As such, it constitutes the first interdisciplinary academic framework comparing structures of media accountability across all continents and creates an invaluable basis for further research and policymaking. It will therefore appeal to scholars and students of media studies and journalism, mass communication, sociology, and political science, as well as policymakers and practitioners.

The European Handbook of Media Accountability

Book Description

With contributions from leading scholars in the field of journalism and mass communication, this handbook brings together reports on the status quo of media accountability in all EU members states, as well as key countries close to Europe, such as Turkey and Israel. Each chapter provides an up-to-date overview of media accountability structures as well as a synopsis of relevant research, exploring the role of media accountability instruments in each national setting, including both media self-regulation (such as codes of ethics, press councils, ombudspersons) and new instruments that involve audiences and stakeholder groups (such as media blogs and user comment systems).

Media Freedom and Accountability

Book Description

Media and the Common Good

Book Description

On 30th December 2008, the President of Kenya, His Excellency Mwai Kibaki, assented to the controversial Kenya Communications (Amendment) Act 2008 which commenced on 2nd January 2009. This Presidential move had a deep impact on the long discussions, arguments and negotiations that were already in high gear by October 2006, when the Fourth Annual Ethics Conference on Media and the Common Good was held at Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya. The essays in this book make a case for media freedom as well as media responsibility. Let the media create a culture of truth. Let the media not forsake the citizens; let them seek and disseminate the truth; let them not destroy the education, virtues and faith for which so many have shed their blood in Kenya, Africa and elsewhere. May reason prevail, guided by wisdom towards Truth.