Book Description

Dynamic Learning Spaces in Education

Book Description

This volume discusses the need for a major paradigm shift in educational practice in the current digital and globalized world. It establishes a bridge between theory and praxis and revisits the objectives of learning and its modalities within the context of a rapidly evolving global world order. This volume includes perspectives from different countries on creating a dynamic and adaptive education system that encourages creativity, leadership, flexibility, and working in virtual as well as inclusive environments. The four sections include chapters that discuss creating meaningful learning environments, preparing teachers for new age classrooms, the digital learning space, fostering change in classrooms, and importantly also includes cases and experiments from schools. The authors are teacher educators, teachers and researchers, and each chapter, while being deeply rooted in theory, is juxtaposed with informed practice, making the suggestions easy to implement in different settings. This is an important resource for researchers and practitioners associated with education systems in creating engaging, meaningful and future-ready education practices.

Les mises en scène du patrimoine : savoir, fiction et médiation (Collection Communication, Médiation et Construits Sociaux)

Book Description

L'accès au passé, par l'archéologie, l'histoire ou l'exposition, se fonde sur des médiations. Parmi elles, les reconstitutions ou décors d'exposition sont des mises en scène du patrimoine qui font souvent l'objet de critiques. Par leurs aspects spectaculaire et théâtral, elles ne donneraient qu'une illusion de la présence du passé. Elles seraient superficielles, sinon fausses en regard des objets patrimoniaux qu'elles mettent en scène. La fiction n'est-elle pas antinomique du patrimoine et des savoirs garants de son authenticité ? Cet ouvrage montre que les mises en scène sont aussi un moyen de soutenir la force symbolique et l'authenticité du patrimoine. L'analyse d'expositions concrètes de patrimoine archéologique permet de comprendre comment elles construisent une expérience du temps pour le visiteur et un type de médiation original. La construction du discours spatial et l'articulation des éléments fictionnels et des éléments authentiques deviennent alors déterminantes.

The Action-oriented Approach

Book Description

This book presents the background to the current shift in language education towards action-oriented/action-based teaching, and provides a theorization of the Action-oriented Approach (AoA). It discusses the concepts and theories that paved the way for the AoA and explores their relevance for the way language education is conceived and implemented in the classroom. In the process, it revisits the concept of competence and discusses the dynamic notions of mediation and plurilingualism. The authors explain the way in which the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and its recent update, the CEFR Companion Volume, broaden the scope of language education, in particular in relation to the actional turn. The book provides scholars and practitioners with a research-informed description of the AoA, explains its implications for curriculum planning, teaching and assessment, and elaborates on its pedagogical implications.

Du musée conservateur au musée virtuel

Book Description

Les Musées de France ont pris une place de plus en plus importante au sein des pratiques culturelles et touristiques. De nouveaux modes d’accès à la culture – désormais mondialisée – encouragent une gouvernance patrimoniale qui tente de conjuguer convergence numérique et transformation des usages dans l’espace muséal. Le défi est désormais de concilier tradition et modernité, art et divertissement, délectation et consommation. Le musée physique (in situ) qui expose les œuvres se prolonge par des dispositifs numériques au sein même de ses murs (cartels, audioguides, interactivités, sons, vidéos…) et la multiplication de sites Internet en ligne, publics ou privés. Le « musée virtuel » en vient à rejoindre le « musée conservateur ». La numérisation du patrimoine modifie-t-elle l’institution ? Le musée conservateur des siècles passés privilégie aujourd’hui la fréquentation du public et la diversification des modes de financement pour accroître ses moyens. Le musée virtuel en devient une extension, mais aussi parfois un concurrent. Dès lors que la mission de service public est confrontée au marché, la relation de l’institution à son patrimoine s’en trouve affectée. Autrement dit, la capacité à transmettre un héritage culturel aux futures générations s’inscrit désormais au cœur des débats sur l’avenir des musées.

The Meaning of Otherness in Education

Book Description

The notion of otherness, often misused, requires important conceptualization work in order for it to be considered in all of its forms, and not simply reduced to the account of others. Although otherness certainly questions the link to the other (relation), it also questions the link to the self (reflexivity) and the link to knowledge (epistemology). Being tridimensional, the process of otherness is a paradox, the meaning of which can only be drawn thanks to ethics, psychoanalytical orientation and the history of philosophical ideas. This book, which relates to philosophy of education, seeks to explain the problematic notion of otherness, the desire for which is specific to humankind. It examines how otherness questions the limits of knowledge, transmission and language, and argues that it is in fact a value, a tool and practice for all the actors involved in the relationship between education, knowledge and care.

Health Research Practices in a Digital Context

Book Description

The current "generalized digitization" of society is influencing the health environment, healthcare organizations as well as actors. In this context, human and social sciences deconstruct, nuance and sometimes even challenge certain preconceived ideas and/or dominant discourses. In this book, researchers of four nationalities and three different disciplines have agreed to open the "black box" of their work. They display their scientific practices from the perspective of epistemology, ethics and methodology. They present and analyze their values and postulates but, also, what may have influenced the project, the definition of the object and objectives, as well as their approaches. In a contextual way, the first part presents some changes in environments and infocommunicational practices related to digital health. The second part opens space to reflect on ethics and deontology. Finally, postulating that scientific fact is not an essence but the result of a process, the last part discusses the methods implemented, which may be different from those initially envisaged. This book is dedicated to the researchers and postgraduate students in the human and social sciences as well as the health practitioners likely to collaborate with them.

Book Description

L'Ère électrique - The Electric Age

Book Description

La découverte scientifique et la maîtrise de l'électricité ont bouleversé notre société au même titre que l'invention de l'écriture alphabétique durant l'Antiquité et de l'imprimerie à caractères mobiles au XVe siècle. Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un phénomène naturel mis au service de l'homme par la science, mais d'un élément central de l'épistémè moderne : l'électricité a inspiré des écrivains et des artistes, a servi de force d'impulsion au monde de l'industrie et de l'innovation et a redéfini les comportements sociaux. En explorant l'incidence de l'électricité sur le savoir, les pratiques sociales, les médias, la vie sociale et les expériences personnelles, cet ouvrage tente d'en saisir les aspects techniques et culturels dans toute leur complexité. -- The scientific discovery and mastery of electricity created as many important changes in modern society as did the invention of alphabetical writing in antiquity and movable type in the fifteenth century. It is more than a natural phenomenon that science has harnessed for human use; it is a central feature of the modern episteme. It has inspired writers and artists, propelled industry and innovation, and reshaped human social behaviour. Looking at a variety of topics including film, politics, and contemporary art, this volume explores the impact of electricity on knowledge, social practices, media, community life, and subjective experience.