El medio ambiente en el nuevo universo audiovisual

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El nuevo ecosistema audiovisual, en el que las televisiones tratan de convivir con Internet, ofrece grandes posibilidades para informar, sensibilizar y educar al público sobre los retos ambientales a los que se enfrenta nuestra sociedad. Sin embargo, la investigación pone de manifiesto que los medios no han estado a la altura del envite, debido a la complejidad de las cuestiones ambientales, la siempre difícil relación de la ciencia con los medios de comunicación y la creciente tendencia hacia el infoentretenimiento. El medio ambiente en el nuevo universo audiovisual es el resultado tangible de un rico debate generado en la octava edición del foro «Transformar la televisión», reunido en La Casa Encendida, centro social y cultural de Fundación Montemadrid. En las páginas de este volumen, una decena de expertos en la materia analizan, con rigor y valentía, la representación audiovisual del medio ambiente en este nuevo paradigma comunicativo, en el que los formatos televisivos tradicionales han perdido peso y el vídeo en línea ha alcanzado un notable desarrollo, impulsado por las redes sociales.

Communicating Science and Technology Through Online Video

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Online video’s unique capacity to reach large audiences makes it a powerful tool to communicate science and technology to the general public. The outcome of the international research project "Videonline," this book provides a unique insight into the key elements of online science videos, such as narrative trends, production characteristics, and issues of scientific rigor. If offers various methodological approaches: a literature review, content analysis, and interviews and surveys of expert practitioners to provide information on how to maintain standards of rigour and technical quality in video production.

Transmedia Television

Book Description

The early years of the twenty-first century have seen dramatic changes within the television industry. The development of the internet and mobile phone as platforms for content directly linked to television programming has offered a challenge to the television set’s status as the sole domestic access point to audio-visual dramatic content. Viewers can engage with ‘television’ without ever turning a television set on. Whilst there has already been some exploration of these changes, little attention has been paid to the audience and the extent to which these technologies are being integrated into their daily lives. Focusing on a particular period of rapid change and using case studies including Spooks, 24 and Doctor Who, Transmedia Television considers how the television industry has exploited emergent technologies and the extent to which audiences have embraced them. How has television content been transformed by shifts towards multiplatform strategies? What is the appeal of using game formats to lose oneself within a narrative world? How can television, with its ever larger screens and association with domesticity, be reconciled with the small portable, public technology of the mobile phone? What does the shift from television schedules to online downloading mean for our understanding of ‘the television audience’? Transmedia Television will consider how the relationship between television and daily life has been altered as a result of the industry’s development of emerging new media technologies, and what ‘television’ now means for its audiences.

Ethnopharmacology of Wild Plants

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Wild plants signify a vital health and economic constituent of biodiversity. In recent years, research interest on wild plants has increased. This book contains valuable information on wild plants and their ethnopharmacological properties. It deliberates on traditional usage and ethnopharmacological properties of wild plants. It will be useful to policy makers, researchers working in the areas of biodiversity, ethnopharmacology, ethno-biology, conservation biology and biodiversity prospecting.

Game Cultures

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This book introduces the critical concepts and debates that are shaping the emerging field of game studies. Exploring games in the context of cultural studies and media studies, it analyses computer games as the most popular contemporary form of new media production and consumption. The book: Argues for the centrality of play in redefining reading, consuming and creating culture Offers detailed research into the political economy of games to generate a model of new media production Examines the dynamics of power in relation to both the production and consumption of computer games This is key reading for students, academics and industry practitioners in the fields of cultural studies, new media, media studies and game studies, as well as human-computer interaction and cyberculture.

The Platform Society

Book Description

Individuals all over the world can use Airbnb to rent an apartment in a foreign city, check Coursera to find a course on statistics, join PatientsLikeMe to exchange information about one's disease, hail a cab using Uber, or read the news through Facebook's Instant Articles. The promise of connective platforms is that they offer personalized services and contribute to innovation and economic growth, while bypassing cumbersome institutional or industrial overhead. In The Platform Society, Van Dijck, Poell and De Waal offer a comprehensive analysis of a connective world where platforms have penetrated the heart of societies-disrupting markets and labor relations, circumventing institutions, transforming social and civic practices and affecting democratic processes. This book questions what role online platforms play in the organization of Western societies. First, how do platform mechanisms work and to what effect are they deployed? Second, how can platforms incorporate public values and benefit the public good? The Platform Society analyzes intense struggles between competing ideological systems and contesting societal actors-market, government and civil society-raising the issue of who is or should be responsible for anchoring public values and the common good in a platform society. Public values include of course privacy, accuracy, safety, and security, but they also pertain to broader societal effects, such as fairness, accessibility, democratic control, and accountability. Such values are the very stakes in the struggle over the platformization of societies around the globe. The Platform Society highlights how this struggle plays out in four private and public sectors: news, urban transport, health, and education. Each struggle highlights local dimensions, for instance fights over regulation between individual platforms and city governments, but also addresses the level of the platform ecosystem as well as the geopolitical level where power clashes between global markets and (supra-)national governments take place.

Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies (ICAETT 2019), held in Quito, Ecuador, on 29–31 May 2019, jointly organized by Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Universidad Técnica del Norte, and Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui, and supported by SNOTRA. ICAETT 2019 brought together top researchers and practitioners working in different domains of computer science to share their expertise and to discuss future developments and potential collaborations. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: Technology Trends Electronics Intelligent Systems Machine Vision Communication Security e-Learning e-Business e-Government and e-Participation


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