Agroecología y sustentabilidad

Book Description

Este libro exhibe la idea de rescatar las prácticas agroalimentarias que se utilizaban antes de la invasión de los europeos en América Latina, las cuales eran prósperas y ecológicas, y aunque no se usaba el adjetivo sustentable, éste hace muy buena referencia a ello. Se muestran las ventajas de mantener la práctica de una agricultura libre de fertilizantes y agroquímicos industriales, mostrando el beneficio de utilizar compostajes para fertilizar de forma natural el suelo y para potenciar sus nutrientes para mejorar la cosecha, así como la práctica de policultivos seleccionados para cada región, para con ello obtener el aprovechamiento que proveé el suelo sin estresarlo, como lo hace la agroindustria. Con estas prácticas se hace énfasis en no dejar perder estas costumbres en la agricultura, pues la agroecología que proponemos rescatar es el principal camino hacia una agricultura y sociedad sustentables, es el espíritu de la sustentabilidad al que aspiramos todos. DOI:

Green Energy and Infrastructure

Book Description

C. S. Lewis rightly instructed, "The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts." This book aims to achieve this task by pushing the frontiers of scholarship for securing a sustainable future through green energy and infrastructure. This encompasses the notion that what we create is in harmony and integration with both the spatial and temporal domains. Through numerous practical examples and illustrations, this book examines a comprehensive review of the latest science on indoor environmental health, energy requirements for buildings, and the "greening" of infrastructure. Also, it provides a discussion on the underlying properties of biomass and its influence on furthering energy conversion technologies. Energy storage is essential for driving the integration of renewable energy, and different storage approaches are discussed in terms of power balancing, grid stability, and reliability. Features: Focuses on the importance of coupling green energy with green infrastructure Provides an unbiased update of the state-of-the-art of sustainability science Discusses utilizing sustainable building materials for simultaneous improvement in energy, economic, and environmental bottom lines for industry Illuminates practical steps that need to be undertaken to achieve a greener infrastructure Green Energy and Infrastructure: Securing a Sustainable Future is appropriate for researchers, students, and decision-makers seeking the latest, practical information on environmental sustainability.

The Cocaine War

Book Description

A multifaceted analysis of the geopolitical interests behind the drug war, the interplay between ecology, cocaine and politics, and the danger this war poses to the political stability of weak democracies, human rights and development.

Book Description

Psychology of Sustainable Development

Book Description

Human activity overuses the resources of the planet at a rate that will severely compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Changes toward sustainability need to begin within the next few years or environmental deterioration will become irreversible. Thus the need to develop a mindset of sustainable development - the ability of society to meet its needs without permanently compromising the earth's resources - is pressing. The Psychology of Sustainable Development clarifies the meaning of the term and describes the conditions necessary for it to occur. With contributions from an international team of policy shapers and makers, the book will be an important reference for environmental, developmental, social, and organizational psychologists, in addition to other social scientists concerned with the impact current human activity will have on the prospects of future generations.

La guerra contra las drogas en el mundo andino

Book Description

El conjunto de trabajos de este volumen revela el nivel alcanzado por el fenómeno de las drogas en el mundo andino, así como su significado en términos de las relaciones de Brasil, Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea con el área. Todos los ensayos indican la complejidad del fenómeno, los magros resultados de las políticas antidrogas y las frustraciones que ha producido la perpetuación de una estrategia antinarcóticos decididamente coactiva: “La guerra contra las drogas”. El presente libro comprueba que este paradigma prohibicionista debe reevaluarse.

Manual para el desarrollo de ferrocarriles urbanos

Book Description

A nivel global, ciudades buscan desarrollar soluciones de transporte asequibles, ecológicas y socialmente responsables que puedan satisfacer las necesidades de conectividad de las crecientes poblaciones metropolitanas y respaldar el futuro desarrollo económico y urbano. Cuando los sistemas ferroviarios urbanos se planifican e implementan adecuadamente como parte de una red de transporte público más amplia, éstis pueden brindar vías rápidas de movilidad y acceso vital a los centros urbanos desde la periferias. Los servicios ferroviarios urbanos de alto rendimiento, cuando se abordan cuidadosamente en el contexto de un proyecto de desarrollo, pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos brindándoles acceso a oportunidades laborales y servicios esenciales, tanto del entorno urbano inmediato como de comunidades vecinas. Este manual sintetiza y difunde conocimientos sobre planificación, implementación y operación de los proyectos ferroviarios urbanos para: i) destacar la necesidad de realizar estudios tempranos y planificar los proyectos, ii) contribuir a que los proyectos sean más sostenibles (desde el punto de vista económico, social y ambiental); iii) mejorar los beneficios socioeconómicos de los usuarios y el acceso de estos a distintas oportunidades; iv) maximizar el valor de la participación privada, cuando corresponda, y v) fortalecer la capacidad de las instituciones encargadas de la gestión e implementación de los proyectos. Se ofrece experiencia para lidiar con los desafíos técnicos, institucionales y financieros a los que se enfrentan los tomadores de decisiones de proyectos ferroviarios urbanos. Se reúnen los conocimientos especializados del personal del Banco Mundial y el aporte de numerosos especialistas para sintetizar buenas prácticas y recomendaciones basadas en experiencia global que no responden a intereses comerciales, financieros ni políticos, entre otros. El material presentado tiene como objetivo servir de guía imparcial para maximizar el impacto y afrontar los desafíos que conllevan los sistemas ferroviarios urbanos en las ciudades de países desarrollados y en desarrollo. No se brinda un enfoque único, sino que se reconocen las complejidades y los distintos contextos existentes cuando se aborda un proyecto de desarrollo ferroviario urbano; de ese modo, se apoya a las autoridades a prepararse para formular las preguntas adecuadas, analizar las cuestiones clave, llevar a cabo los estudios necesarios, aplicar las herramientas apropiadas y aprender de las buenas prácticas internacionales, todo ello en el oportuno momento del proceso de desarrollo del proyecto.

Handbook of Latin American Studies

Book Description

Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Stuides, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research underway in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Dolores Moyano Martin, of the Library of Congress Hispanic Division, has been the editor since 1977, and P. Sue Mundell has been assistant editor since 1994. The subject categories for Volume 55 are as follows: Anthropology (including Archaeology and Ethnology) Economics Electronic Resources for the Social Sciences Geography Government and Politics International Relations Sociology

Governance, Natural Resources and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

Book Description

When the guns are silenced, those who have survived armed conflict need food, water, shelter, the means to earn a living, and the promise of safety and a return to civil order. Meeting these needs while sustaining peace requires more than simply having governmental structures in place; it requires good governance. Natural resources are essential to sustaining people and peace in post-conflict countries, but governance failures often jeopardize such efforts. This book examines the theory, practice, and often surprising realities of post-conflict governance, natural resource management, and peacebuilding in fifty conflict-affected countries and territories. It includes thirty-nine chapters written by more than seventy researchers, diplomats, military personnel, and practitioners from governmental, intergovernmental, and nongovernmental organizations. The book highlights the mutually reinforcing relationship between natural resource management and good governance. Natural resource management is crucial to rebuilding governance and the rule of law, combating corruption, improving transparency and accountability, engaging disenfranchised populations, and building confidence after conflict. At the same time, good governance is essential for ensuring that natural resource management can meet immediate needs for post-conflict stability and development, while simultaneously laying the foundation for a sustainable peace. Drawing on analyses of the close relationship between governance and natural resource management, the book explores lessons from past conflicts and ongoing reconstruction efforts; illustrates how those lessons may be applied to the formulation and implementation of more effective governance initiatives; and presents an emerging theoretical and practical framework for policy makers, researchers, practitioners, and students. Governance, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding is part of a global initiative to identify and analyze lessons in post-conflict peacebuilding and natural resource management. The project has generated six books of case studies and analyses, with contributions from practitioners, policy makers, and researchers. Other books in this series address high-value resources, land, water, livelihoods, and assessing and restoring natural resources.