Mejorar el liderazgo escolar Herramientas de trabajo

Book Description

Está diseñado para ayudar a los responsables de política educativa, los maestros y los grupos interesados pertinentes a analizar sus políticas y prácticas de liderazgo escolar actuales y desarrollar una comprensión común de dónde y cuándo tomar ...

Improving School Leadership The Toolkit

Book Description

This Toolkit is a professional development tool for individuals or groups. It is designed to help policy makers, practitioners and relevant stakeholders to analyse their current school leadership policies and practices and develop a common ...

Education Policies and the Restructuring of the Educational Profession

Book Description

The book analyzes worldwide changes in school organization and the teaching profession, and how the profession has been impacted by education policies that promote assessments and accountability. It also identifies some shifts in professional positions, statuses and profiles, and characterizes the impact and contextualization of professional standards that shape teaching practices and the management of schools. Further, the book provides relevant comparative and empirical data on the restructuring of the teaching profession in an era of globalization through a critical perspective on and an overview of the main research and comparative findings across countries. As such, the book is not only directed to educational researchers but will also interest professionals and policymakers, addressing a broader education and policy community concerned by the new aspects shaping the teaching profession in the 21st century.

Mejorar el liderazgo escolar, Volumen 1 política y práctica

Book Description

A medida que los países se esfuerzan por reformar sus sistemas educativos y mejorar los resultados de los estudiantes, el liderazgo escolar se ha convertido en una prioridad de política educativa. Pero en muchos países, los hombres y mujeres que ...

Manual para la elaboraci¢n e implementaci¢n de un modelo de evaluaci¢n por competencias

Book Description

El presente libro denominado MANUAL PARA LA ELABORACIÓN E IMPLEMENTACION DE UN MODELO DE EVALUACIÓN POR COMPETENCIAS, es el resultado de once años de trabajo, asesoría y acompañamiento a tres grandes instituciones públicas, en donde he sido Rector y de las cuales me siento muy orgulloso. Este manual parte primero desde lo que es la fundamentación, es decir el manejo de conceptos claves como: competencias, evaluación enseñar y aprender desde la perspectiva de procesos. De modo que el lector tenga una clara concepción de lo que debe saber sobre el tema y así poder plantear un modelo y los pasos que se deben seguir para su implementación. Este manual le permite a los docentes crear un modelo práctico de evaluación que facilita la promoción y el éxito de los estudiantes. En la mayoría de países latinoamericanos se habla mucho de competencias, pero no se tiene bien claro que son y cómo aplicarlas en el contexto de la escuela y más complicado aún el cómo volverlas un elemento base para el proceso de evaluación. Este manual pretende ofrecer un enfoque o concepción básica de competencia en donde el docente en un lenguaje sencillo pueda entenderla en toda su esencia y aplicación. Otro aspecto importante de este manual está en ofrecer procedimientos que faciliten el proceso de evaluación en las instituciones educativas, acompañado de una serie de instrumentos que le permitan a las instituciones contar con herramientas que evidencien los avances de la evaluación en las instituciones, herramientas que le darán mayor forma al diseño curricular.

International Handbook of Educational Change

Book Description

The International Handbook of Educational Change is a state of the art collection of the most important ideas and evidence of educational change. The book brings together some of the most influential thinkers and writers on educational change. It deals with issues like educational innovation, reform, restructuring, culture-building, inspection, school-review, and change management. It asks why some people resist change and what their resistance means. It looks at how men and women, older teachers and younger teachers, experience change differently. It looks at the positive aspects of change but does not hesitate to raise uncomfortable questions about many aspects of educational change either. It looks critically and controversially at the social, economic, cultural and political forces that are driving educational change. School leaders, system administration, teacher leaders, consultants, facilitators, educational researchers, staff developers and change agents of all kinds will find this book an indispensable resource for guiding them to both classic and cutting-edge understandings of educational change, no other work provides as comprehensive coverage of the field of educational change.

Educación social y escuela

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Book Description

Teaching Tech Together

Book Description

Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming, web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so that people don't have to learn these things on their own, but ironically, their founders and instructors are often teaching themselves how to teach. There's a better way. This book presents evidence-based practices that will help you create and deliver lessons that work and build a teaching community around them. Topics include the differences between different kinds of learners, diagnosing and correcting misunderstandings, teaching as a performance art, what motivates and demotivates adult learners, how to be a good ally, fostering a healthy community, getting the word out, and building alliances with like-minded groups. The book includes over a hundred exercises that can be done individually or in groups, over 350 references, and a glossary to help you navigate educational jargon.