Mensch - Leben - Technik

Book Description

Science, Technology and the German Cultural Imagination

Book Description

This volume of conference papers highlights the connections between developments in technology and scientific thought since the 16th century on the one hand, and the ways in which the creative imagination of literary writers has responded to those developments on the other.

Mensch und Computer 2015 – Tagungsband

Book Description

These conference proceedings include the specialized academic lecture and brief contributions presented at the Humans and Computers 2015 conference in Stuttgart. It provides multiple perspectives from research that collectively provide a kaleidoscope of ideas, theories, and methodologies. The conference bridges the gap between theory and practical implementation with numerous application-oriented essays.

Die Technik und die Musen / Technology and the Muses

Book Description

The articles compiled in this volume address the manifold relationships between technology, art, culture, and science that have emerged throughout the 200 years of the history of the TU Wien. After reflecting in general on the interaction of art and technology, and their convergence at the “Vienna Chamber of Wonders 2015” exhibition, the connections between the members and graduates of the TU Wien and its predecessor institutions to the artistic, literary, and especially musical life of the time will be examined. Further articles are dedicated to the role of the Polytechnic Institute and the TH/TU Wien in the early development of photography and film, as well as to the efforts of the TH in spreading technical knowledge to the people during the first decades of the 20th century as part of "University Extension".

Exploring the Boundaries of Bodiliness

Book Description

Die technologischen Entwicklungen unserer Zeit erwecken den Eindruck, dass wir unseren Leib verbessern und seine Grenzen mit ihrer Hilfe überwinden können. Das hohe philosophische Interesse an der leiblichen Verfasstheit des Menschen ist möglicherweise eine Gegenreaktion auf diese Entwicklung. Dieser Band bietet theologische Perspektiven zu diesem Thema. Die Beiträge vertreten ein integratives Verständnis vom Menschen, zu dem Leiblichkeit als unabdingbare Charakteristik gehört. Sie zeigen, wie diese Leiblichkeit die Art und Weise bedingt, wie wir uns wahrnehmen und miteinander in Beziehung treten und wie sich diese Grundbedingung auch auf unsere Beziehung zu Gott auswirkt. Gegen eine einseitige Perspektive der Verbesserung des Körpers stellen die Autoren einen differenzierten Umgang mit dessen Verwundbarkeit. Die Beiträger stellen die Bedeutung der Leiblichkeit für den Vollzug der Liturgie und für ein zeitgemäßes Verständnis von christlicher Gemeinde und diakonischer Arbeit heraus.

The Ethics of Today's Science and Technology

Book Description

Beneath the discussion and clarification of problems, of which both sides agreed to have them in common and which are documented in this volume, one of the important insights on both sides had been disagreements depending on a different way in seeing, articulating and reflecting on these problems. So, the English term 'science', in differing from the German 'Wissenschaft' (which includes not only sciences of nature, but also humanities), is meant in the Western tradition as the 'uninterested' research for truth, especially for most general laws; but the Chinese understanding seems to be characterized by an immediate connection of science and its practical use.

Transcendental Idealism and Metaphysics

Book Description

The book offers a systematic reconstruction of the disagreement between Husserl and Heidegger from the former's point of view, but without falling into any form of Husserlian apologetics. The main thesis is that Husserl's critique of Heidegger's existential analytics as a form of philosophical anthropology entails a deeper fundamental thesis, namely, that Heidegger confuses the subject matter of first philosophy (the transcendental subject) with metaphysics (in the Husserlian sense of the expression). At stake in Husserl's critique of Heidegger's philosophy in Being and Time is the refusal to transcendentalize the irrational aspects of our human existence. This second volume focuses on the question of being, clarifying the distinction between ontology and metaphysics in Husserl's thought. In fact, contrary to a long-standing and established interpretive tradition, according to which Husserl's phenomenology is metaphysically neutral, the book shows to what extent Husserl always understood as the ultimate goal of his philosophizing the positive foundation of a metaphysics. This volume appeals to students and researchers.

Democracy and the Divine

Book Description

Advancing the thesis that a contract between the political members of a community must lead to the highest form of social inclusion, Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan (1651) has provided the groundwork for democracies around the world. Yet, Hobbes also states that this contract can only be upheld by a strong sovereign whose authority is derived from God. How can a democracy be defined, then, as truly inclusive when it essentially grows out of a theocracy that thinks about human beings in terms of “reduction”? In Democracy and the Divine: The Phenomenon of Political Romanticism Alexandra Aidler argues that despite modern democracy’s problematic heritage, one should not abandon its claims to religion. Articulating a democracy that is based on the religious principle of giving oneself to another, Aidler develops a political theology of democracy that is built upon two traditions in political thought that have rarely been examined thus far side by side for their contributions to this field: German Romanticism, as exemplified by Franz von Baader and Friedrich Schlegel, and the “theological turn” in French philosophy, as represented by Jacques Derrida and Jacques Rancière.